Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadowy Links to the Past ❯ A Familiar Essence ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Yugioh or any of its characters. I did create Dwenny though. But whatever…on with the story!

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Chapter 1: A Familiar Essence

Tonight was the big dance, held by Yugi's school. It was the first year that freshmen were being allowed to attend. Yugi was very excited- he had never been to a school dance before. He was also a bit nervous. What if some girl asked him to dance? What if Tea asked him to dance? Yugi had a big crush on her, but thought that she only thought of him as a friend. So he never mentioned his feelings for her. Still, he kept some hope that things would change for the better between them…

Yugi turned to Yami, who was sitting on his bed, deep in thought. He knew that he was thinking about why he was here in this world, what his purpose was. Yugi had already set Yami up on a "date" with Tea, hoping that she could help him some how. But he had come back looking more disheartened and confused than ever. Yugi wanted to help him. But he had no idea how to. He finally spoke to Yami, keeping his voice as cheery as possible. "Well, I'm just about ready. Tonight's going to be so much fun! I can hardly wait!"

Yami looked up at his little friend. "Yes, you should have fun tonight. You deserve some relaxation." He gave a small smile of encouragement. Since Yugi would be having fun at this dance tonight, Yami figured that he wouldn't be needed. So he planned on staying in his soul room and thinking.

Yugi glanced at the clock. "Whoa! I better get going, or I'm gonna be late!" He dashed out of his room and down the stairs, yelling "Bye Grandpa! I'm going to the school dance now!"

"Ok Yugi, have fun now. And be careful!"

"I will!"

Yugi ran out the door. His best friends, Joey, Tristan, and Tea were waiting for him at the corner. Joey and Tristan were both looking sharp in their dark slacks and sports coats (Joey's was his signature green and Tristan's his signature brown). Tea was dressed in a sparkly pink jacket with a long, dark blue skirt. She looked absolutely beautiful to Yugi.

"Hey Yuge, `bout time you showed up. We were gonna leave without you pretty soon." Joey grinned.

"Sorry I'm a bit late." Yugi looked at Tea. "Tea, you look really nice tonight," he said shyly.

"Aww, thank you Yugi. You look nice too."

Yugi glanced down at his dark blue slacks and jacket. He wasn't really sure what to wear, but Joey had said "nice, but casual and cool-looking". He hoped he looked cool.

Tristan started walking towards the school. "Well, come on people! Let's get going. Girls and fun await us!" He thought for a second. "And guys for Tea…"

Joey let out a yell. "Yeah! Girls, girls, girls and more girls! I can't wait to find me a hot babe!"

Both Yugi and Tea shook their heads as they followed Joey and Tristan. They quickly arrived at the dance. The music was loud, and there were lots of decorations and flashing lights. There was even a disco ball hanging form the ceiling, in the middle of the dance floor.

"Come on!" Tea cried. "Let's dance!" She grabbed Yugi's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Since she was studying to be a dancer, of course Tea was really good at dancing. Yugi felt a bit awkward dancing with her, and hoped that he wouldn't make a fool of himself in front of her. But he was enjoying himself.

After several songs, Tea and Yugi sat down at a table to rest and catch their breath. Joey and Tristan also came up to their table and say down. They looked sullen and dejected, for all of the girls that they had asked to dance with them had turned them down. They were all laughing and joking around, mostly poking at the fact that Joey and Tristan couldn't find anyone to dance with, when suddenly the door burst open, and a girl walked in. She wore tight leather pants, low heeled black boots, a fiery rid top, and one of those leather jackets that went down to the knees. Her hair was very dark black, with dark purple streaks in it. She wore it in a long braid that flowed nearly down to the end of her jacket, with wild bangs that framed her face, some of it held back by something encircling her head. Yugi couldn't quite tell what the pendant on her forehead looked like. For some odd reason, she looked strangely familiar to him, but he couldn't place where he had, if ever, seen her before.

Joey's and Tristan's mouths were both hanging wide open. "Whoa! Now she's hot!" they both said in unison. Then they looked at one another. "She's mine! I saw her first!" "No, she's mine!" Then proceeded to argue who had spotted her first.

Meanwhile, in his soul room, Yami was wondering around, thinking about reasons why he was sent to Yugi. He had already helped him free his grandpa from that evil Pegasus, so what else was there? It probably had something to do with whoever was after the Millennium Puzzle, but Yami couldn't make any connections. If only he had his memories of who he was! Not knowing his identity was staring to drive him mad…or at least more depressed. Suddenly, Yami stopped his pacing and looked towards the door of his soul room. He had sensed something strange from Yugi's world. He quickly walked out of his soul room and into the hallway that joined his and Yugi's minds. He immediately became his transparent form in Yugi's world, and stood next to Yugi's table.

Yugi noticed him and spoke. "Yami, what brings you out here?"

"I'm not sure, Yugi. I sensed something strange while in my soul room, and came out to investigate." He looked around at the people dancing, then finally towards the door. His eyes stopped at the dark-haired girl in leather. There! He thought. But how is it that I somehow know her?

"Her essence…it seems so…familiar to me," Yami mumbled. "Like from another life…" He continued to stare at the girl, his eyes a bit wide from wonder. Suddenly, she turned towards him, and her dark emerald eyes locked onto his crimson ones. She gave a small smile. Yami's eyes widened even more, and his mouth dropped open a bit as well. She's…she's looking right at me! But how can she see me? Only Yugi is supposed to be able to see me…

Yugi was also confused. He looked from Yami to the girl and back to Yami again. "Yami, she's staring right at you! Like she can actually see you!" Then she noticed that the girl had started walking towards their table. He also noticed that she was closely followed by a little Doberman puppy. She stopped at their table, standing right next to the still-stunned Yami. Joey and Tristan stopped arguing, and looked at the girl, their mouths gaping.

"Hello there." Her voice was powerful, yet melodious. "My name is Cerridwen, but most people call me Dwenny." She looked at Yugi. "You're Yugi Muto, the Duelist Kingdom champion, aren't you?" Her intense eyes gazed down at Yugi.

"Uhh…yeah. I am. And these are my friends, Tea Gardner, Joey Wheeler, and Tristan Taylor."

Dwenny nodded to them. "Pleasure meeting you all." She looked back at Yugi. "Would you like to dance?"

A slow song had started up. Yugi gulped," S…sure."

Dwenny smiled. "Alright then, let's go." She took his hand and gently led him to the dance floor. She was a couple of inches taller than him (most people were), so Yugi felt rather awkward. But she didn't seem to mind at all. She just guided his hands to her waist and let her own hands rest lightly on his shoulders. They both kinda swayed to the music. Since they were dancing so close, Yugi got a good look at the pendent on her forehead. It was of a winged unicorn rearing up on its hind legs. He wondered if it meant anything. Yugi looked back at his friends. Joey and Tristan's mouths were still hanging wide open in shock. And Tea…Yugi wasn't sure what to make of Tea's expression. She was just staring straight at them, her eyes narrowed and her mouth set. She didn't look too happy. I wonder what's wrong with her? Yugi looked at Yami, who had seemed to recover from his shock. He just stared back at Yugi and Dwenny, unable to take his eyes off of them. But Yugi didn't feel any resentment, jealousy or anger coming from Yami. Just…wonder and curiosity.

"So who's your…other friend?"

Dwenny's voice jolted Yugi back to reality. He looked up at her. "Uhh…what other friend?" he answered, trying to hide his surprise.

"The one standing next to your table. He's not exactly there, now is he? But I can sense his presence strongly. Is he a…spirit of some sort?" She gave Yugi a questioning look.

Yugi was still amazed that she knew about Yami. "You can sense his presence? But how?"

"Powerful magick is often able to sense other powerful magick." Dwenny glanced down at the Millennium puzzle in between them, and then back up at Yugi's face. "I'm guessing he has something to do with your Millennium item?"

Yugi didn't know what to say. Not many people knew about the connection between Yami and the Millennium puzzle. This girl seemed nice, but who was she really? And what was she doing here at their school dance? She looked to be maybe a few years older than him and his friends, but he had never seen her before around school.

Luckily for Yugi, Yami had gone back into their joined minds. Yugi could quickly talk to him there.

Yami, what should I do? She knows about the Millennium puzzle, and she can sense you! But we know so little about her! Do you think we can trust her?

I think we can, Yugi. I cannot explain it, but somehow I know her from somewhere… Her very essence seems so familiar to me, like form another lifetime almost. Perhaps I should talk with her, if it's alright with you.

Ok, sounds good to me then. You take over. I'll stay here so I can listen to what she has to say.

Dwenny was still waiting for a response to Yugi. He had kinda a far away look in his eyes, like his mind was somewhere else. She had also noticed that his "friend" had disappeared somewhere as well. She could no longer sense his presence. Suddenly, she sensed strong magick coming form the Millennium puzzle. She glanced down at it, intrigued, they back up at Yugi's face. She gasped and her eyes went wide with shock, and she nearly fell over, losing her balance. But strong arms had caught and steadied her. She again looked at Yugi's face, but it was no longer Yugi. It was actually his "friend" that was dancing with her now, except that now she could actually feel him, whereas before she could only sense his presence. Taking deep breath, she looked at his face, hoping for an explanation.

"Well, that was quite a switch that you pulled. Care to tell me what's going on here?"

Yami wasn't quite sure where to start. Should he tell her his feelings for her as well?

Maybe you should try to find some more about her first? Yugi suggested.

Good idea Yugi. But before he could say anything, the slow song ended, and a loud, fast one started up.

"We can talk outside," Dwenny said loudly, over the music. She started toward the exit, turned around and gave a low whistle. The Doberman puppy that was following her earlier got up from his resting spot and trotted along after her. Yami followed her out as well. Tristan, Joey, and Tea, noticing something was up, also followed.

Dwenny stopped several feet away from the entrance door and turned around. She was surprised to see that Yugi's friends had followed her out as well, but didn't show it.

Joey was the first to speak. "So…what are we all doing outside? What's going on?" He was suspicious about this new girl, now that he had gotten over her looks (well, almost over anyways). He had learned in the past that great looks usually came with deadliness as well. This caused concern for his buddy.

"I was hoping that he," Dwenny nodded towards Yami "would explain his little switch with Yugi."

Tea's eyes widened. "What? You could tell that they had switched?"

"Yes, and I'm curious to know how they did it."

"Why?" Tristan was suspicious as well. "What's it to you? Were you sent here by somebody to go after Yugi? `Cuz if you were, well, I got new for you girly. You got us to deal with as well. And there's no was we're gonna let you harm our buddy."

Joey nodded in agreement.

Dwenny gave a small laugh. It was quite obvious that Yugi's friends didn't trust her at all. Except for perhaps the one who had switched with Yugi. He was still a mystery to her. It was as if they were two different people, but shared the same body. Oh, she certainly noticed the physical differences: he was taller than Yugi, a bit more than herself as well, he had a slightly different hairstyle than Yugi, and his eyes were more…serious that Yugi's, as well as crimson to Yugi's violet. But ever since the switch had occurred, he hadn't said a word to her. Dwenny wondered what was going on that mind of his. And where had Yugi gone.

"I'm not here to harm your friend. I'm quite intrigued by him, actually. There's much more than meets the eye with him."

Joey huffed a bit. "Well, it's really none of your business, so why don't you just-"

"It's ok Joey," Yami cut him off. "I think she can be trusted." He looked at Dwenny, directly staring into her eyes. He took a deep breath. "My name is Yami. I am a spirit that resides within the Millennium puzzle, and through its powers, can merge minds with Yugi Muto."

So that explains the two people in one body! Dwenny thought. A spirit huh? Hmm…I sense goodness within him, but also something hidden, perhaps even from himself. Very intriguing. I sense uncertainty from his as well. But of what?

"It's a pleasure meeting you Yami. And don't worry, I won't reveal your secret to anyone."

"Thank you. But who are you? We still don't know anything about you. How are you able to sense me, let alone see in the first place when I haven't merged minds with Yugi?"

Dwenny smiled. "Like I told Yugi, powerful magick senses other powerful magick. They are drawn to each other. And you…well, you are quite powerful."

"What…what sort of magick do you have?" Tea asked. Like Joey and Tristan, she wondered if she was in any a way a threat to Yugi.

"Wiccan magick. More commonly known as witchcraft." Dwenny noticed their shocked stares. She expected as much, and rolled her eyes, trying to explain. "It's not evil or dark magick as most people have come to believe. I practice only white magick."

"Well, I don't care what kinda magick you claim to have. Stay away from our pal!" Joey glared at her, raising his fist slightly.

"Yeah, that goes double for me!" Tristan edged forward, fists ready as well.

Yami didn't know how to handle this, so he let Yugi take over. Yugi stepped forward. "You guys wait. We should give her a chance at least. Yami and I both think that she can be trusted." He looked at Dwenny. "Although it would be nice if we knew a bit more about you."

Dwenny gave a small smile. "All in due time, Yugi. All in due time. Till we meet again." With that, she walked off into the night, her Doberman following close behind.

Well, there's chapter one. Sorry if it's a bit long. Any good though? If I get good reviews, then I'll continue on. But if not then I'll probably just drop it and start a new one (hopefully better). But it does get more interesting in the next few chapters, when Yugi and friends find out more about Dwenny (hint: she's connected somehow to Pegasus). The next chapter or two will show Dwenny using some of her magick! Thanks for reading (and reviewing hopefully?)!