Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Still A Child ❯ an angel ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!...there would be ten entire chapters devoted to torturing Anzu if I did!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY FOR TORTURING ANZU!!! ::does her happy dance::

When I first wrote this story, I told myself, and the readers, I would not include any duel scenes, or go into details of the Battle City tournament. I ended up delving into it a bit anyway ^^;; I know that I have disappointed loyal watchers of the show already, by screwing up the timing of Shizuka taking off her bandages, the events leading up to the Finals, and all that Malik related stuff. I became tired of the horrid dubs, so I stopped watching the show. ::sighs:: Please enjoy the new chapter...

"A-ano..." Shizuka stammered when she heard the clunk of glass in front of her. "M-Mai-san..."

"Eh?" The blonde replied, half-absorbed in her own cup of liquor. "Nani? Haven't you ever had sake before?"

"No..." Awkwardly, the brunette groped around, fingers encircling the glass and lifting it to her hesitant lips, before lowering it. "I'm not sure I should..."

Mai sighed, curly blonde hair dancing with her every movement. "Then don't have it," she said boredly. "Once the dueling is over, Jou will take you somewhere." She paused, taking another sip of hers. "I dunno...I could use some..."

"Are you...nervous...?" Shizuka picked up on the subject.

Mai hit herself mentally for even bringing it up. If Shizuka had been another duelist, she might have laughed.

"Yeah...I guess...but I'm NOT afraid," she was quick to add. "It's just...this is a big tournament...and...I just really want to win..." She piped up, "I want to be the best. I'll beat every duelist alive if I have to."

"Oh...well...good luck, Mai-san.." Shizuka took a temptive sip, trying unsuccessfully to ignore the sensations the sake sent through her. I just don't understand...how can people be so passionate about a game...?


"Are you giving up?" Ishtar Malik almost whispered; speaking in a tone he knew only Jonouchi could hear.

(A/N: The duel between Jou and Rishid!! I don't know much about it, except how it ended! Don't hurt me for wrong information!!! For clueless ones like meh, Rishid looks like Malik now!)

"...No..." Jou declared through his teeth, hesitantly taking hold of his deck and pulling free another card. He held it away from him in the air...like he was afraid to look, to see what his luck had brought him...
I ... have to win...I must win...gods...Yugi...Honda...Anzu...Mai...Shizuka...I really need you right now...I need your support... If possible, his closed eyes clenched even harder... Shizuka...you were always my inspiration...please....I need you to win...!

"Sh-Shizuka...!" he nearly gasped, brown eyes widening and falling desperately on the crowd of duelists below.

"Come on, Jou! You can win!" Yugi cried, worry, fear and determination for his friend mixed in his expression.

"You can do it, Jonouchi!" was Anzu's cry.

"Don't back down," Honda all but yelled.


You're not there...

The brunette wasn't there, lovely blue eyes free from the bandages, cheering him on, inspiring him with just a smile...

Did she...?

"Hurry up and make your move..." Malik spat, faded white hair rustling.

"Hunh..." Jou was in pieces...




"What time is it?" Shizuka slurred, alcohol coursing through her. "I mean..."

"Damn!" the blonde woman stood, shooting a glance to the outside, where darkness met her stare. "How could I lose track of time?! I've gotta get there!!" Her pale hand met with Shizuka's, grasping it firmly. "Come on, Shizuka-san!"

"Ah!" the said brunette gasped, nearly falling over as she was tugged through the crowded bar, and out into the street. "Mai-san...! Ano..!"


Shizuka barely comprehended her feet trudging awkwardly across the pavement as a car door opened before her, and she was shoved in. "M-Mai!! Na-"

"Quiet!" the blonde woman snapped, graceful fingers trailing along the keys, snapping them into the ignition. She had to make it...everything depended upon making it to the arena...

Her dreams depended upon it...!

"Mai-san!! Slow down!!" Shizuka shrieked, small, pale hands in a death-grip on her seat. Her voice was beyond fear...

Mai couldn't hear her anymore. She couldn't hear the relentless roar of the automobile anymore....

All that mattered was getting to the tournament...

Shizuka hung on for her life, heart beating erratically in her chest. Mai-san...Duel Monsters is only a game...

Why is this so important to you...?!

"Kyaa!" Shizuka gasped when the car came to a short stop, sending her forward heavily. "M-M-Mai-san...! Matte you...help..."

"Come ON!!" Mai shouted, grasping Shizuka's hand thickly, showing almost no regard for Shizuka. Shizuka felt her feet again stumbling awkwardly across the hard pavement. She fumbled in her steps several times, shrieking lightly each time, though the blonde woman paid her no mind. Shizuka had never been so scared in her life...

Never felt so disregarded...

"Mai-san...! Slow down...you...you'll..." Shizuka stammered. She spoke, but no words filtered over Mai. She was nothing...nothing compared to this game Mai loved.... "It's...it's just...."

"NANI?!" Mai snapped, slowing in the slightest to turn and face the smaller girl, though it went unnoticed by Shizuka.


"It's just a game, Mai-san!!"

Mai could not sense any more...she stared harshly at the oblivious young girl, before ripping her hand out of Shizuka's grasp... Shizuka gasped lightly in response...

"It's more than a game...!" Shizuka fell to the ground painfully from that one action, scraping her knees freshly and spilling blood over the wound and pavement.

"Mai...san...!" The duelist stormed away in response, leaving the blinded Shizuka to grope about her surroundings.

"It's more than a game...!" she repeated, more firmly than ever. She could not sense any more...she could not feel any more...

All she could feel was the boiling rage, bubbling within her... all for Shizuka, all for this insolent child...

"It's..more.... it's...my life...it's Jou's life....Yugi's life...it's all I can do....to prove myself...to be strong ..." Mai couldn't speak anymore...as she gazed up into the moonlit sky, darkness pinned back by the bright pinpricks that were stars...and in that sky...hung heavily a far-off balloon...



Mai fell to the ground as well, pounding her slender fists against the cold pavement.

"Mai-san...." Shizuka whimpered, swaying dizzily about as she attempted to crawl across the unfamiliar ground she had been left upon. Every step was dangerous, awkward...unfamiliar... Her knees singed with each contact they made with the ground, and she felt fearful tears staining her bandages... "Mai-san...! Mai-san, onegai..."

Mai-san, I can't see anything....

Slender fingers grasped at her bandages, at her bindings... She felt them rip, tear, and fall from her wide, blue eyes... Niichan would be so disappointed, but...

...but she was trapped...in a dark world by herself...

Light spilled in...and everything was so blurred.... but...

Shizuka was seeing again....

Her breath hitched in her chest.

A woman stood ahead of her...in a halo of moonlight... the light even seemed to create faerie wings about her... this woman...was she...

Was this an angel.....?

Her vision cleared, slowly... as each curl of the woman's pale, moonlit blonde hair made itself known to Shizuka. She couldn't breathe...all she could do was watch...watch in breathlessness....

"Gomen...ne..." Mai murmured softly, snapping Shizuka back into focus. She turned slowly to face the younger girl.

"Mai...san...?" Shizuka couldn't even speak now. This angel..this was Mai? She watched in awe as the woman turned...revealed her pale features....her violet eyes....

Her beautiful face....

"Gomen..." Mai repeated, face forming a rueful smile. "I was really harsh there, Shizuka. Gomen." She reached a hand to the fallen girl, never losing her gentle expression. Shizuka merely stared at the extended hand, and Mai's face....

Her intoxicating features...

"Mai...san," Shizuka began, only to be pulled up by Mai. She couldn't take her eyes off her... "A...ano..." she bowed quickly. "M-moshi wake arimasen! (1) I...I was cruel, Mai-san, I shouldn't have said something so rude about your interests..."

"You're right," Mai replied, and Shizuka's head craned up to see her, eyes caught in confusion. Mai merely continued. "Duel Monsters...is a game, I should know that, as a duelist myself... it's just that..."


Mai shook herself. "Nothing," she pulled Shizuka into an embrace, a forgiving one. Shizuka froze in her grasp, awe controlling her senses expertly. She lost in herself in the brief warmth Mai gave her...in the feel of her arms entangled through Shizuka's hair, wrapped nicely around her neck and shoulders....

This wasn't like Mai...

Even Shizuka could tell. "Mai...you're upset...?"

"Iie," she replied thickly. "Come on Shizuka. The Duelist Finals won't be back for a while...you can stay at my house." Keeping an arm around Shizuka, she led her back to the convertible.

Shizuka couldn't think. She could only feel.

Mai surrounding her...Mai's breath lighting grazing her neck...

The beautiful creature Mai was standing in the moonlight...

The two stayed silent as they reached her house. Shizuka collapsed onto the guest bed, eyes wide and wondering. She could only see her... No clear thought crossed her head, no registered sense showed itself...only one thing remained firm in her mind:

Mai-san is an angel....

TBC ==========================================
Wow...I finally wrote this chapter. I never even finished this chapter when I first started the story a while back on ff.net, before my account was deleted. I hope the fic turns out alright from this point on. Review please!!!

) Moshi wake arimasen -- The most polite way to apologize. It's used mostly for superiors, elders, or customers, but Shizuka is intensely sorry when she says it here, so..yeah.