Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted ❯ Tainted ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]

Fear the darkness tainting me

Taunting me with pain and cruelty

All I want is freedom...

But he'll never give that to me

Blood is dripping downward...

Staining my pure soul...

What has he done to me?

Why can't I turn him away?

He's mine...

I'm his...

We're all that holds us together

Without me he wouldn't be here...

And I'm weak without him...

Is it wrong for me to want this?

To want to be stronger than I am?

Is it wrong to fear what I'm becoming?

So like him... yet not.

I feel his arms around me

But it's only illusions of shadow

Is it wrong to want someone with me?

To know that I'm not alone?

He's mine...

I'm his...

We're all that holds us together...

Without me he would fail...

And without him... I'm alone.