Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Team YGO vs. Team Animasters ❯ Fire meets Water meets Fish meets the Undead ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except Kingdom Anime. Get that straight!!
Dear readers, I'm so sorry to announce that there's a strange happening with the review button… wwwaaaaaa!!! I can't get reviews!!!!!!!
Anyway, I'm going to update this despite of the terror raging the review button!!!!! Anyone who agrees to fight this and want to review e-mail me!!!!!
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=(fix the d*** review button!!!)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Both Seto and Jake got out of the room only to meet up with their little brothers.
“What were you two doing in there?” Evan asked.
“Just chatting…” Jake said airily, raising his hands up behind his head.
Mokuba raised an eyebrow. “Really?” he asked.
“Don't you trust me?” Seto asked.
The younger brothers shrugged. “Oh well, it's not that big a deal anyway.” They both said and ran off to the central lounge.
“Those two are really close.” Seto pointed out, casting a glance at Jake, who nodded in agreement.
“Well, now that the dragon's out of the egg, c'ya on the dueling arena!” Jake called and walked off.
Seto watched Jake until he disappeared from sight. “He's a strange kid.” Seto mused to himself.
“That's my partner, if you don't mind.” Said a voice behind him.
Seto turned around and there stood Drake. “You've got something on your mind, right?” He asked Seto.
“Don't tell me you've got mind-reading capabilities like that freak Pegasus.” Seto sighed, clapping a hand on his forehead.
“No, a fatherly instinct, actually.” Drake corrected. “What's bothering you? I know you're not someone usually who gets sick…” He asked sympathetically, patting Seto's back.
And there, to the surprise to many, including Seto himself, he told Drake about the dream and the headache he got everytime someone mentioned `priest', `Egypt' or `memory'.
“Strange indeed” Drake mused. “I'm going to investigate into this. Just stay calm and don't get malaria. Jake's itching to duel with you.
For the first time since the fever, Seto laughed. “Don't worry about me; I know how to deal with things.” He said and strode off, his trench flaring out behind him.
Drake shook his head. “Not like this, young one…not like this…” He whispered and disappeared.
Back at the central lounge, everyone was busy…well…hanging out. Damien and Joey were talking, Tristan, Ryou, and Duke were gawking at Jett, who was doing one handed push-ups with Serenity and Tea sitting on his back, Mai was watching Yugi and Erik play chess, Sonja, Kotako, and Midori were playing with an online `spot the difference' game on a gold laptop and tire screeches were heard from inside the game room.
“Well, everyone's having a good time…” Jake said jokingly as he walked into the room.
“Hey, Jake.” Sonja greeted, not looking up from the screen.
“Listen up everyone; I've got a proposition for you all.” Jake called out.
“Not…now…Jake…” Jett strained to say, Tea and Serenity still on his back. “I…need…10 more…for…a…record.”
“Whatever, how's about we speed up the battles and then have ourselves a console game contest? We can have another duel right now and then we could have a contest on whatever game in the game room you like. The winning team picks the 3 games we compete in.”
“Sounds good ta me!” Joey exclaimed.
“But here's the catch, the next one's a tag-team match.” Jake warned with a glint in his sapphire eyes.
“And we pick the opponents.” Sonja added with a snicker.
*In the dueling room*
Jake: Alright! Judging by the look of everyone's faces, I'll get started.
Team YGO: *looking tense*
Kotako: *whispers into Jake's ear and smiles*
Jake: Ryou Bakura and Mako Tsunami, you two are up against Jett Kenichi and Erik Ikari!
Said two people from team YGO: *gulp!*
*the four duelists go up on stage*
Ryou: Umm…good luck…
Erik: Same to you.
Ryou: *switches with Bakura* Oh I won't need it, but you will…
All four: DUEL! (LP: 8000)
Jett: I'll start. *draws* I place Blazing Impatchi (1850/0) in attack position and set a reverse card and end my turn.
Bakura: I set a reverse card and I summon Headless Knight (1400/1700) in attack mode.
Erik: Me now. *draws* I set one defense monster and activate a magic card, `Yellow Luster Shield'!
Mako: I summon Seven Colored Fish in attack position! (1800/1000) Attack the facedown card!
Erik: Flip summon Aqua Madoor! (1200/2000) increase defense by 300 and repel 500 points damage.
Mako: (LP: 7500) Set a reverse card and end my turn.
Jett: My turn again. *draws* I summon Darkfire Soldier #1 (1700/1150) (1700/1450) and I activate a magic card, Burning Spear! Increase Darkfire's attack by 400 and decrease its defense by 200! (1900/1250) Barbecue that fish!!
Mako: (LP: 7400) You Pyromaniac!
Bakura: *draws* I activate a magic card, `Gravekeeper's Servant' and I activate the Ritual Magic card, `Revival of Dokurorider'!
*Headless Knight disappears and Dokurorider (1900/1850) reappears in its place*
Bakura: Attack Blazing Impatchi!
Jett: Activate my Trap Card, `A Hero Emerges'! *looks to Erik* Pick for me.
*Erik covers his eyes and randomly picks a card from Jett's hand and shows it to him*
Jett: *Smirking* I special summon Little Chimera! (600/550) --> (600/850) Activate Field Element Monster Effect!
Mako: What's that?!?
Jett: There are 6 elements: fire, water, wind, earth, light and darkness. There is only one Field Element Monster per element. This one… *Points to Little Chimera*…Is the Field Element Monster for Fire. Meaning, as long as it's on the field, all fire Monsters gain 500 attack points!
*Blazing Impatchi (2350/300), Darkfire Soldier#1 (2400/1250), Little Chimera (1100,850)*
Jett: Dokurorider's attack continues and…*Dokurorider continues to attack Blazing Impatchi*…and since my Impatchi is higher in attack…*Dokurorider is destroyed* Repel 450 damage onto the attacker!
Bakura: (LP: 7550) Very sneaky, Pyro-boy.
Erik: *draws* the downside to Little Chimera's effect, all water monsters' attack decreases by 400…
*Aqua Madoor (800/2300)*
Erik: But I know a remedy to that…I activate a field Magic card, `A Legendary Ocean'! And, due to the card's effect, all water monsters are considered a level lower than they really are. So, I summon Giga Gagagigo (2450/1500) (2450/1800)!
Mako: But Giga's attack is decreased because of Little Chimera! (2050/1800)
Erik: But the field bonus is still in effect. (2250/2000) And Also, I activate a magic card, `Steel Shell'! Upgrade Giga's attack! (2650/1800) And I attack you directly!
Mako: (LP: 4750) Wait, you use an Aqua deck too!?
Erik: *nods*
Midori: He's the Lord of the Waves, Erik Ikari!
Erik: *-_-0* I don't think they wanted to know that, one-san (Pronounced o-ne-san, meaning sister)
Midori: *blushes* Oops.
Erik: Back to the game, I set a reverse card and end my turn.
Fear not, my readers! For it's almost my semestral break and I'm thinking like crazy!!!!! Review—ah wait, sorry, e-mail me please!!