Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Gift ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

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The Gift

A/N Ok. Here is the fourth chapter that I promised you all. Wow! It seems like just moments after I posted I got reviews. Thanks to all that reviewed my story. Not much to say but here is the next chapter.

Don’t own anything. All for fun.

Chapter 4

It was now a month later, July. That put Ryou at four months. By his had small belly that seem to be growing with each new day. As the belly grew Ryou’s clothes became too small. Something that was greatly upsetting Ryou.
On top of his clothes not fitting, Ryou was also starting to have mood swings. It seems that every time Kaiba turned around Ryou was either mad or crying. It would seem that Kaiba could not do anything right.
It was getting to the point that Kaiba was going to his office and seeing as a safe heaven from Ryou. Now while Kaiba was happy that Ryou was pregnant and wanted to be there for Ryou, he didn’t and couldn’t did with all the tears that Ryou seem to have as of late. He wasn’t sure how to deal with them. That was until the day of the concert came around.

Kaiba happen to come home early that day. Around two in the afternoon. Way earlier then he normally would have. He came home to a very excite and bouncing Ryou.
Watching his love he shook his head as he saw the way he was bouncing over the place. “Are you sure you should be bouncing kitten? Is that ok for the baby?” He asked.
Ryou turned and looked at him as he smiled. “I’m sure its fine.” He said as he walked over to him, wrapped his arms around Kaiba’s neck and kissed him. “I’m glad you are home early. The gang will be here soon then we can leave.” He said.
“Leave?” Kaiba asked, having forgot about the concert. He wasn’t a big fan of concerts so it wasn’t something that was on his mind all the time.
“You forgot didn’t you? You forgot about Akifa’s concert?” Ryou asked, looking like he might cry again.
“No. I didn’t forget. I just….forgot about the time. That’s all. I thought it was much later.” He said, lying through his teeth.
Ryou smiled then chuckled. “The concert is but we are going to meet up with Akifa and Joey. Going to spend the day with them.” He said. His mood, once again, flipping on a dime.

The gang had showed up at the hotel around three in the afternoon and spent all day with Akifa and Joey. They did some catching up and laugh at the way Joey and Kaiba acted. Something would never chance.
When the band had to practice for the concert, the gang decided to get something to eat. Kaiba making fun of the way ‘the mutt’ pouted when he couldn’t come a well.
Once it was time for the concert the gang made it to their seats and waited, as did the rest of the fans, for the show to start. And what a show it was. It had all your normal light effects and smoke effect and the band was great. Ryou loved the way Akifa’s voice carried and was on his feet with the rest of the crowd as soon as it started and couldn’t sit.
At some point people started to bump into Ryou, knocking him over a few times but Ryou just smiled and got back up. At one point it got to the point that Kaiba pulled Ryou back and wrapped his arms around him.
“Are you ok?” Kaiba asked, having to shout in Ryou’s ear to be heard over the crowd and music.
“Ya. I’m fine.” Ryou shout back with a smile as he turned to watch his dark sing.
“Are you sure? You’ve been knocked around a bit. Is the baby ok?” He asked as he placed a hand on the small belly.
“Ya. The baby is fine.” Ryou said not letting on the last bump had hurt him. He was having to much fun to leave and didn’t want to leave the concert before it’s over.
Kaiba wasn’t as sure as he watched his love. Something told him that everything wasn’t alright but didn’t push it.

Once the concert was over, the gang went backstage were Ryou ran to his dark. Giving him a hug he smiled. “That was great Akifa! You have a very powerful voice. Joey’s playing was great as well!”
Akifa just smiled as he hugged his light. “Ya. We know.” He said as he gave Ryou a cocking smile.
Ryou just rolled his eyes at his dark as he punched him the arm, playfully. “Cocker then ever.” Ryou said playing a hand on his stomach. Something that both Kaiba and Akifa saw.
“You ok?” Akifa then asked, worried in his voice and in his eyes.
“Ya. I got bumped into a few times. That’s all.” Ryou said pushing the pain he felt to the side. It wasn’t too bad and figured it was from being bumped.
“Are you sure? I mean with you being pregnant and all.”
“I’m fine. You and Seto both need to stop worrying. I’m fine.”
“But baby brother….”“I’m find big brother. Really. If I wasn’t then I would let you and or Seto know.” Ryou said as he gave his dark a look that said to drop it. Something that Akifa did.

By the time they left, it was well after midnight. It was closer to five in the morning. The gang knew they would be sleeping at Kaiba’s place as most of them, including Ryou, fell a sleep as soon as the limo started to move.
Once Kaiba was sure that Ryou was sound to sleep, he called the doctor up. He didn’t care what time it was. He was worried for the child and wanted the doctor there, at his place, by the time he got home. That was why he paid him so much more extra, for times like these.

The doctor came down after giving the sleeping white-haired young man a check up as he smiled at Kaiba. “Both mother and baby are doing fine. He will have a few bruises and be soar but they are fine. Just let him sleep and rest and he’ll be as good as new.” The doctor said.
Kaiba just nodded before showing the doctor out. Once he got back to the group he just looked at them. “You know where your rooms are.” was all he said before walking away and heading upstairs. He had work the next day but was going to let himself sleep until at lest seven. To get a lest a few hours a sleep.

The group walked upstairs but stopped at a locked door as they all shook their heads.
“He’s had too many deaths in his life. He doesn’t need another one.” Yugi said as he felt Yami wrap an arm around his waist.
“I have to agree with shrimp on this one.” Came Marik’s voice. “Kaiba has had too many deaths.”
They all just went to there rooms to get some sleep, hoping that Kaiba and Ryou would soon have the baby they both wanted.

Kaiba was standing at the foot of the bed watching his kitten sleep as he then looked to were the belly was, being hidden by the covers. He let out a soft sigh before he shook his head. He was going to make sure they had a child. This one would live.
Kaiba slowly walked to the bathroom thinking about this. Thinking about were Ryou was. Ryou was now four month along. This was about the time he lost the others. If he could make it throw this month then they just might have a chance.
Coming out of the bathroom, in a pair a boxers and clean, he crawled into bed next to his love. Wrapping both arms around him, Kaiba pulled Ryou closer. “I’ll be damned if I let this child go. We will have this one kitten, I promise you.” Kaiba said as he kissed Ryou on the temple before letting sleep over take him. Dreaming of happier days and happier days might come.
A/N Ok there is chapter four. Chapter five will more or less be a side chapter. One that will explain were Mokuba is. Some of you might have noticed that I have put Mokuba in this story. That was really a mistake on my part but the next story will fix that. I hope you all like this one and I hope you all review it. I’ll see you all next chapter.