Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen *Yugioh Style* ❯ The Forming ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm only saying this once and only once I don't own yu-gi-oh or the league of Extraordinary Gentle men.


Set in World War II in 1942 the United States of America joins the allies. In a attempt to turn the tide of the war Britain, France, The USA and Russia form the league of Extraordinary gentlemen they include; Seto Kaiba Immortal, Serenity Wheeler a Vampire , Yuugi Moutou a spy with acute senses , Joey Wheeler a man who can change into the monster known as behemoth, Tristan Taylor the invisible man , Mai Valentine pirate , Tea Gardner a girl whom has the marksmanship of a sniper , Kevin Meyers a man with super speed, super strength and the ability to re-grow limbs and finally Cassandra Storm a Physic.

Chapter one: theForming

Seto Kaiba a well known and distinguished young man sat in a bar sipping sarsaparilla sodas in the corner. At the age of 15 he was too young to be in the army, if only just, several women eyed him up but he paid no attention at all, he just read on and on. Then a man entered the bar he asked the bar men "Where can I find Seto Kaiba?" the black haired fare skinned bar men nodded in Seto's direction ,Seto looked up to see a man in his mid 40's wearing a bowler hat and an expensive suit , He then said "Seto Kaiba I presume?"

"Yes" answered Kaiba flatly "What do you want?"

"Do you love your country Mr.Kaiba?"


"Do you love your country, Britain, England?"

"I suppose so"

"Would you go to war for it?"

"I'm not old enough, and even if I was I wouldn't join the army!"

"Not the army but the league"

"The what?"

"The league of extraordinary gentlemen"

"Some weirdo cult?"

"No an elite team highly talented individuals, we already have a monster, an invisible a vampire and a spy, and for the sake of this country we would like Seto Kaiba the untouchable the untouchable , the mighty immortal!"

"I don't enjoy flattery"

"Well what do you enjoy Mr.Kaiba?"

"Money, Government funding to be exact"

"That's impossible this country's money is for weapons of war to fight the axis!"

"No you thicko! After the war! I know you can't afford it know!"

"Then it's a deal Mr.Kaiba! You can have funding after the war" The man said happily "By the way my name is Briggs, Daniel Briggs. Follow me"


In The Leagues Underground Base

Kaiba entered an expensive and sophisticated room filled with expensive mahogany bookshelves, each filled with over one thousand books. "Humph, I can see were our tax money goes!" said Kaiba Humorously then his eyes met with something truly beautiful reddish haired maiden with a slightly tanned complexion and a face men would kill to kiss, Seto walked up to her and kissed her on the hand, she giggled indicating she enjoyed it he lifted his head up to speak to her and said "Hello, my name is Seto Kaiba" then a few moments after speaking he was greeted by an unknown American , Brooklyn accent "Get offa my sista!" said a blond young man nearly as tall as Seto and most likely the same age.

"Oh an American, so you sir are this beautiful lady's sister" said Seto

"Damn strait, anyhow I'm Joseph Anthony Wheeler or just Joey pleased to meet ya" said Joey

"And I'm Serenity Wheeler" she said in normal English accent

"So you don't have an American accent" said Kaiba

"Hello my teammate" said an unusual voice "I'm Yuugi Moutou spy of the British secret service"

"So what's your ability Joey?" asked Kaiba

"I can change into a huge monster!" answered Joey

"You can change back to a man now" said Seto

Serenity and an unseen voice laughed.

"Who's there" said Kaiba

Suddenly a Brunette wearing a brown coat appeared and said joyfully

"Tristan Taylor gentlemen thief or Invisible man" he answered in perfectly finessed English accent.

"I'm Mai Valentine and this is Tea Gardner" said a girl whom was sitting next to another girl. Mai had blond hair and purple eyes; Tea was a brunette and had green eyes.

"A pirate and a sniper" said Seto

"Pirate, that's degrading!" answered Mai

"So I guess that's everyone" said Yuugi

"Guess again" said a voice from the shadows.

"I am Jason Winter head of M15 Britain's elite spy agency, I was told to make a team of super solders of which I almost have two more people are needed! You will meet one at Ball in Berlin in twenty nine days you have until then to get to Brittany, northern France and get Kevin Meyers, last seen in Nazi custody!"

"Meyers!" shouted Seto upping his head

"Yes!" said Jason

"I went to school with him" answered Seto "He has super strength, super speed and can strangely re-grow limbs!"

Everyone Gasped