Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of Noah II - The Great Revenge ❯ Save Ren! ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Nine - Save Ren!
Seto entered the virtual world with no problems and soon found himself in a grassy area with flowers and trees.

Seto looked around to see if he saw Ren. He began walking forwards, but suddenly heard a noise behind him. He turned around, but was immediately struck by a knight wearing dark armor. Seto tumbled to the ground, receiving no wounds or pain. Suddenly he realized a large axe in his hands. It hadn’t been there from before. But who cared. He took the axe, headed towards the knight, and cut him in half.

“This isn’t a very interesting game,” Seto said as he stood and looked at the millions of tiny monster particles from his battle. “The least he could of done was –

Several columns of cards suddenly began forming around Seto.

“You have ranked a level four, please select your character monster.” Said the computer voice.

“A four! Noah, I’ll remember this when I’m out of here and president of Kaiba Corp again.” Seto said as he selected a monster known as Lord of Dragons. “Oh well, I’ll just have to be really careful so I don’t get killed in my first battle.”

A dragon plated armor began to form around Seto and on his back he wore a cape. Now all he needed was a dragon.

“Hmm, If I take the normal route there’s a chance I may run into a strong monster. I’ll have to fool the system so that I can bypass all the monsters and head straight for where ever Ren is.” Seto said to himself as he headed through a forest.

It wasn’t very long, on Seto’s journey, that he began to hear noises. He turned around and for the second time in Noah’s world, Seto found himself face to face with an ugly monster.

“Vorse Raider!” Seto yelled. He took a few steps back. “Oh no. How am I suppose to defeat him? He has 700 more attack points then I do.”

Vorse Raiser charged towards Seto, but missed as Seto dodged to the right.
“How am I going to get out of this battle?”

Ren stood up from her nap and stretched for a while, she had been asleep for not to long, but decided it was best to move on since she needed to get out as soon as possible.

“The sun reflects so beautifully on the water, even if it is virtual.” Ren looked out at the horizon and sighed with pleasure of the sight. But her happy moment was short lived as a large beast rose up from the ocean in all it’s aquatic glory. “Ahh! Levia-Dragon!”

Another monster appeared out of the water and came up in a huge tidal wave. The large whale monster, having several guns on it’s back, was none other then the monster known as Orca Mega.

“Oh no! How am I suppose to defeat two high level monster?”

Back in the deep forest, Seto had his own monster to deal with.

“I don’t think I have a way around him,” Seto said to himself as he looked at the monster.

Vorse Raider roared loudly and began charging towards Seto, hitting him with his weapon. Seto was doomed as particles of him began to vanish into the air.

Or at least he would have been, except....

“I know,” Ren began. “I’ll use my monster reborn, maybe it’ll let me summon a monster to help me.”

She pulled out her monster reborn card and began to activate it. Suddenly a brilliant light came from the card as it began to project an image of a monster on the beach. The monster suddenly came into good view, but was laying on the beach, almost as if it were unconscious.

The duel monster stirred slowly and Ren made her way towards her new ally.

“Seto!?” Ren yelled in disbelief at the sight of her friend. “Seto, is that you?”

“Huh? Ren?” Seto said as he got up. He looked at her and widened his eyes. “It is you!”

“Seto!” Ren said as she ran to embrace him. Her eyes filled with tears at the sight of him. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“I’m glad I found you.” Seto said softly. “Mokuba told me that Noah had put you in this virtual world so I set out to rescue you, no matter what the cost.”

“Mokuba? So he got to you okay? That’s good. But I wonder how he knew about me being trapped in this virtual world?” Ren said as she looked up at Seto. She thought he had been mad at her. But if he had come all this way and risked anything just to save her he must have some feelings towards her.

“I’m glad I found you, but we have to get out of here as soon as possible.”

“Easier said then done.” Ren said as she directed Seto’s attention to the two water beasts in front of them. “We still have to defeat these monsters.”

“Oh great! As you can see, my monster isn’t exactly the best to be battling other monsters.” Seto said. Ren looked him over.

“No, your perfect.” Ren said as she took out her flute card. She handed it to Seto. “Here, trying activating this card. Just say activate and it should work. Of course, it won’t work with me, but it will with you. You’re a Lord of Dragons and you can summon two dragons now.”

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Seto said as he activated the card. The card immediately activated and gave Seto a list of hundreds of dragons to choose from. “I thinks it’s best we stick with two Blue-eyes.” He pressed the Blue-eyes card and then attempted to press it a second time, but was stop by Ren as her hand grabbed his shoulder.

“Please Seto,” She said hesitantly. “Could I have a Kiryu instead.”

“What?” Seto looked at her in confusion. “Why do you want a – oh, I see.”

Seto redirected his hands position and tapped a Kiryu card lightly. Suddenly, both Blue-eyes and Kiryu appeared before Ren and Seto. Seto spared now time and hopped onto his dragon.

“Come on! He don’t have a moment to loose, so hurry!”

Ren obeyed and quickly boarded her dragon’s red scaley back.

“Alright, let’s do this! We’ll defeat these sea creatures and head further into the game until we defeat it and get out of here.”

Both dragons rose into the sky and Ren and Seto, holding tightly onto their dragons, were now ready for battle.

“Sir, it seems we have a problem.” Said a goon in Noah’s presence.

“What is it now, Mike?”

“It appears Seto Kaiba has rerouted his pod so he was able to enter your virtual world.”

“Mike, you know how I hate it when you use my last name behind Seto’s.”
“Sorry sir. But still, what should we do about him. Should we unplug his pod?”

“No! Leave Seto how he is.” Noah said as he sat in his chair at his office in Kaiba Corp. “I’ve got more interesting plans in store for Seto.”

“Very well sir,” Said Mike, and added just before he left. “Will that be all sir?”

“No, actually there is one more thing you can go for me.” Noah commanded. “Upload the virtual Nile virus into the virtual world. I think that ought to keep them running with the locusts. And I have a very special surprise for Ren in locked in that file. I just hope she likes it” Noah finished with a sinister laugh. His revenge was working better then expected.

"Alright then!” Ren yelled. “Let’s tear these beasts to shreds!”

Both of them charged directly for the sea creatures, hitting each one with everything them and their dragons had. They were unstoppable as they slashed through every blubbery piece of the monsters. Then, finally they had succeeded in victory and found two prizes before them.

“Hmm, United We Stand.”

“And Mirror Force. Both equally good cards.” Ren said after Seto.

“Looks like we have a pretty good defense and offense against anything that comes our way.” Seto said as he looked at Ren from his Blue-eyes. “Now all we need to do is find a door.”

“A door?”

“Yeah, Noah’s last virtual world consisted of several doors that led to several places,” Seto said aloud. “Maybe if we travel far enough we’ll find one.”

“Ok then!”

So they began their quest to search for the door, flying on their dragons as they searched. Later on, only a few minutes later, they came across a tree bordered path, but were unaware of where it would lead.

“I think it’s probably a safe bet to go along this path,” Ren said as she guided her dragon to fly lower. “I think it could possibly lead us to the real world.”

“Yeah right, that’s probably what Noah wants us to think.” Seto said in disbelief. Ren sighed and guided her dragon, once more, to fly together with Seto’s as they flew slowly above the path.

“Did Mokuba tell you about Noah, and why I...well you know?” Ren said softly. Seto let loose the stress he had and breathed out.

“Yeah.” Ren looked at him with wondering eyes as he paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. “He says you were only doing it to protect me.”

“It’s true Seto. I was doing it for you, and for Mokuba as well. I don’t want to see you two get hurt.” Ren said in a caring way.

“Thank you.” Seto said quietly. But Ren could hear him anyways. And it made her feel a lot better about herself now that she knew Seto trusted her.

“Look!” Ren yelled as she pointed in front of her. A tall building stood before them, most likely resembling an ancient Egyptian temple. “Wow, I’ve never seen anything like it!”

“I think this may be a trap Ren,” Seto said cautiously. “We should go before something happens.”

“Oh come on Seto,” Ren said annoyed by his superstition. “This may be the way out.”

“No, Ren this is a bad idea!” Seto yelled back to her. But suddenly a loud raspy roar interrupted there conversation.

“What is that!” Ren said as she pointed to a large bug creature. “It looks like a locust.”

“What!? What kind of duel monster is that?” Seto asked in fear as several others appeared out of thin air. “Oh no, now there’s four of them. See, I told you this was a bad place to go.”

“Hurry!” Ren yelled as she got off her dragon and ran into the temple. “Something tells me we should go in here!”

“What!?” Seto yelled. “Come back here Ren!!!” But Ren was already inside the temple. Seto hopped off his Blue-eyes and ran inside as well, the giant locust running after him.

“Seto!” Ren yelled as she looked back to see him behind her. He quickly caught up and the both of them ran as fast as they could to the top of the temple where hopefully they’d be safe.

“Their still following us!” Seto yelled to Ren.

“Not for long!” Ren pulled out the mirror force and activated it quickly. The locust monsters began disintegrating and dissolving by their own attacks as the mirror force reflected them and soon they were all gone.

“Good.” Ren said as her and Seto rested at a balcony in the temple. “It’s a good thing we had that card.”

Seto was just about to respond, but was interrupted by the raspy roar of a forgotten locust bug.
“Oh no! Looks like you killed all but one of them.” Seto said aloud.

The monster headed for Seto and tried to attack him.

“Seto! Stray Lambs activate!” Ren said as two lambs came out from her magic card. “Hurry!” Ren said as she took a hold of Seto’s hand. “We have to jump.”

“What? Are you crazy!?”

“No, I have wings, I can fly us down and bring us both to safety.” Ren said with a smile. Seto nodded and they both jumped off the balcony. Ren spread her white wings and glided down, allowing her and Seto to have a soft landing.

“Thank you Ren,” Seto said graciously. Ren looked at him strangely. All she had done was fly him down. “I might have been destroyed if it had not been for your quick thinking with that lamb card.”

“Oh, well I uh...Your welcome.” Ren said sweetly as she smiled at him. Seto smiled back as well, and for a brief moment they were in their own world. “OWW!” Ren yelled as she looked down at her leg. A red cobra had just bit her.

“What’s wrong?” Seto asked concerned as Ren held her leg.

“I think I was bit.” Ren said weakly.

“By what?”

“That cobra,” Ren pointed to it, but mysteriously it had vanished.

“Do you think you can stand?” Seto asked as he looked at her with sympathy in his eyes.

“Yeah, I think so.” Ren said as her voice became normal again. “Whoa! That was weird. I feel fine now.”

“Good, then we should get a move on, you still have that flute card?”

“Yeah,” Ren handed him the card and Seto summoned back their dragons so they could once again and search the virtual world of doors that would lead them to the true world.

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