Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Return of Noah ❯ To Much Work and No Play ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Chapter Five - To Much Work and No Play
morning sunlight shown through the window like gold strands and fell upon Ren's bed. Ren had been very tired from the night before and was fast asleep as she lay in the big comfy bed. Between the tournament, the dinner, dueling with Seto, and staying up late Ren was all but ready to get up.

"Hey Seto, where you think Ren is?" Mokuba asked as they both sat at the large table in the breakfast room. "I hope she didn't sleep in."

"Hmm, probably did." Seto said getting up from his seat. "I wouldn't want her to miss out on all the fun. It's best she gets up as soon as possible."

"I'll wake her up." Mokuba said as he started to get up from his chair.

"No, that's okay Mokuba. She's working for me today so it'll be my responsibility to wake her up."

"Okay then." Mokuba said meekly, and continued eating his cereal.
walked up the staircase and into the hall that lead to Ren's room. It hadn't really occurred to him that having Mokuba wake up Ren might not have been a bad idea, but on the other hand she was his responsibility since she was in his house and he was temporarily her boss.
walked into Ren's room and slowly crept up to her bed. How exactly would he wake her up? And why was she sleeping in anyways?
looked at the sleeping Ren and stared long and hard, thinking of some way he could wake her up.

"Hmm, why would it matter any ways how I woke her up," Seto thought to himself. "It's simple. Just do it!"
a slight yawn from Ren broke the silence as she rolled over to face him. Seto looked at her and then turned away. Then turning, seeing she was now rolled with her face to the ceiling Seto decided, at last, to wake her up.

"Ren. Ren! Wake up." Seto said in a low, but soft whisper.
's eyes suddenly opened and imagine her surprise to see Seto looking down at her.

"Ahh, Seto what are you doing in here?!" Ren questioned as she sat up straight in the bed. Seto shot back a little but soon straightened up as he prepared to give Ren his lecture.

"If you haven't notice it's seven twenty-five and I very sure you promise to have breakfast with Mokuba this morning, not to mention work for me at Eight. So if you're going to keep your promise I'd suggest you get up right now and show a little more responsibility."

"Of course I have responsibility." Ren said aloud.

"Good." Seto said exiting the room. "I'll expect to see you in the breakfast room in five minutes."
soon as Ren was sure Seto had gone she closed the door of her room then quickly rushed over to get the emergency clothes she had packed just incase when she had left to go to the tournament. They'd be good for one day at least, but she'd need to by some new clothes at the store that day so she'd have some to where the rest of the weekend.

"Hey Mokuba, hi Seto." Ren said with a smile as she enter the breakfast room wearing a skirt and a blue shirt. She sat down next to Mokuba and told the maid what exactly she wanted then turned back to the Kaiba brothers. "So Mokuba, how about we head to the arcade this afternoon, then we can head to the mall for some smoothies, and of course I'll also need to pick up a few things to wear for tomorrow as well, if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, of course." Mokuba said then turned to Seto. "Is that alright with you Seto."

"Of course Mokuba. Just make sure you guys aren't out to late." Seto finished his drink and then continued. "I'll call you cell phone Mokuba so you'll know when exactly to come home."

"Cool then that's settled." Ren smiled and then turned to Seto. "So where am I going to be working exactly?"
got up from he chair and began walking out of the room.

"You're question will be answered if you follow me." Seto said aloud. Ren quickly got up from her seat and immediately followed Seto to his limo where they'd head off to Kaiba Corp, leaving Mokuba to stay at the Kaiba mansion and play video games until Ren came back.
Seto and Ren entered the limo and it immediately began moving. All was quiet for a while and even though it had only been a minute it seemed more like an hour to Ren.
suddenly clearing of the throat broke the silence as Seto attempt to say something.

"I'm very impressed by your fathers work, his company power is exceptionably good." Seto eyed Ren with a slight grin. "It's kind of a shame though that his company will not be taken over by one of his heirs. Stop me if I'm wrong, but I'm not even sure if your boyfriend is even business material."

"Hmm, first of all he's not really my boyfriend and secondly your wrong about him. He has a good heart and I know that with my dad's training he'll be able to make the right decisions in business."

"Huh, what do you mean he's not your boyfriend?" Seto looked confused. "Your father said you were getting married, weren't you two at least boyfriend and girlfriend at one time?"

"It maybe true that we are getting married, but I'm not marrying him because-well you see-never mind it's to long a story." Ren leaned back in the seat and turned to face the window.
's thoughts were only that maybe Ren had been forced to marry Noah. But Ren's father didn't seem like the type who'd force his only daughter to marry, even if she didn't want to take control of the company.
rest of the ride was pretty much quiet and as the limo drew closer to the Kaiba Corp building Ren began to feel a happy feeling inside of her.
limo stopped just in front of the building and a door was opened. Seto immediately walked out and Ren followed just behind.

"Stay close." Seto said as they both entered Kaiba Corp. The inside looked just like any other building she had been to of a large company. The walls white, the carpet grey. Not much to see. A receptionist at the front greeted both Seto and Ren as they passed on their way to the elevator. "We'll take this elevator up to the fifteenth floor. I have a few things you can work on, but most of it's paper work I need enveloped." Seto and Ren both walked through the elevator doors and Seto pushed the fifteenth button just as the elevator doors closed.

"So what exactly do you do in your office?" Ren asked curiously. Seto stared long and hard outside the elevator window where he could see the town of domino.
"I check up on my business, make investments and such, and other things you probably wouldn't like doing as I take it since you decided to give up your company."

"Would you stop with that already, I did what I did and I'm fine with it."
elevator doors suddenly opened and they walked out and headed towards two sets of doors which were opened by Seto.
office was a very clean up to date office with all the essential need for a president. A tv at the right built into the wall. A couch in the center of the room. A desk near the back center with a computer on it and a telephone. And to the end of the room a large window over looking all of domino city.

"I have a few things you can work on in this cabinet," Seto said as he pointed to a cabinet with many drawers. He looked up but only to find that Ren had been staring outside for those few minutes he was talking. Seto felt like he need to yell at her for ignoring him, but then stopped himself and walked to where Ren was staring out at the city and stood beside her.

"Do you ever just get frustrated in your work and get stressed and then look out at the city?" Ren asked as she looked up at Seto. Seto gazed into her blue eyes for a few seconds, and then turned to his desk.

"Of course not." He said menacingly. "That's one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard of."

"Well I don't think it is. I think it would be very relaxing. Especially if I were cooped up in this office all day."
sat in his chair and then turned his computer on. He had looked out that window countless times, sometimes he wasn't even looking at anything, but he did know of all things it did relieve the stress he had often.
moved over to the cabinet and pulled out a box filled with letters that needed to be enveloped. She then sat on the couch and began her work folding the letters, stuffing them in the envelopes, licking the envelopes, and then stamping them.
room was quiet for a while, then Seto got a phone call and after a brief conversation hung up.

"Your father called." Seto said breaking the silence. "He asked if it would be alright for you to stay the whole week. As long as your alright with it."

"Of course." Ren smiled then continued her work, but she couldn't just leave it at that, she had to ask why. "Did my father say why?"
took a deep breath before turning his attention from his computer towards Ren and looked directly into her eyes. "He says he has a lot more then he thought that he needs to teach you boy- I mean Noah so he hoped you wouldn't staying here since Mokuba enjoyed having you here."
nodded her head and then turned to work. "Thank you Seto, for you know not say that Noah was my boyfriend."

"If you don't me asking," Seto began as he kept his eyes on his computer screen. "How is it you two decided to get married?"
folded a letter and set it neatly inside an envelope, licking it then sealing it with the finally addition of a stamp.

"If it's to hard a question to ask then I suppose you-

"No that's alright." Ren looked up at Seto from her sitting position on the couch. "You see Noah was well, how should I put this." Ren thought for a moment of how she'd say it. She didn't to tell Seto everything, what would he thing? "He was unconscious. Somehow through some weird file how ever he was able to talk to me on my computer and that is how I got to know him. I wanted to bring him out of his coma, but my father wouldn't allow it. He said the only was he would resurrect would be if he were to take over the company since I wouldn't, but the only way he could that would be if he married me. So I did what I could, made a promise and with that promise I gave Noah's life back to him."

"But in one way he stole yours from you." Seto said still staring at the screen. "I don't see how a guy you barely knew could mean so much to you."

"Hmm, I may not know what it's like to have a sibling like you do Seto, but Noah's a lot like having one." Ren said softly. "So I know I can trust him, I know he'll always be there for me."

"That still isn't that good of a reason."

"It may not seem like a good reason to you Seto, but wouldn't you be thankful if you were in a coma and someone did whatever they could to help you out of it, even if it meant giving up the things they loved most. Someone given that special chance of receiving life again are some of the best friends you can make."

"Hmm, now I see. You're a lot like your father." Seto smiled. "But friendship isn't the only thing in a success story. You need to have brains and skill and in doing so you'll be able to get through life a lot easier."

"Oh Seto. Despite your helpful words someday you will indeed see the error of your description of friendship." Ren finished her box of letters and set them on a near by table. But before going back to the cabinet to get more letters to seal into envelopes Ren turned to the window at the back of Seto's office. Such a big window it was. And so much activity going on outside. "Hard to believe two of the top duelists in the world live in this very same city."kept at his work never once turning around to look out the window.

"Ren, why is it you have friends?"

"Huh? What do you mean Seto?"

"I mean what are friends good for?"

"Seto there's only one thing friends are good for and that's to do stuff that you like with them. When two people like the same things they converse and then soon become friends. I'm sure if you were to look hard enough you'd find a person or more you have as a friend."

"That still doesn't answer my question. Why would I need a friend, they don't things for me."

"It's like I said before. You find people who share your interests. People need people because they get lonely. And if you haven't notice many friends sometimes fall in love if they are male and female because they like each others personality and they get along well with that person."
minute of silence spread through out the office as Seto still stared into his computer screen. Suddenly a loud beep was heard.

"Mr. Kaiba," Said a male voice. "You brother has come to see you."

"Send him up right away." Seto said pushing a button on the speaker where the voice had come from.

"Well if your time here is nearly over. It is almost twelve o' clock and my brother probably want's you guys to go to the go get some lunch. You can meet him at the door."
began to head for the door and then turned around to face Seto. "Hey Seto, how would you like to come with us?"
stared at her for a moment, but had no time to say anything as Mokuba opened the office door at that very moment.

"Come on Ren," Mokuba said as he smiled at Ren. "Hey Seto."

"Hey Mokuba, would it be alright if your brother came with us?" Ren asked winking to Mokuba.

"Huh, yeah sure." Mokuba walked up to Seto's desk. "Seto do you wanna come."

"Not really," Seto said getting up his chair at his desk. He then walked towards Mokuba. "I have a business to run and I'm not really up to-

"Oh come on Seto." Ren blurted out. "Don't be such a stiff. Can't you have a just a little bit of fun? You've been working since eight anyways and I'm sure you don't have that much to take care of."

"Yes, I do. You may not realize it Ren because you rejected your family business, but there's more to keeping a business then you think."

"Again with the family business thing." Ren looked up at Seto with pleading eyes. "If you have so much then why don't you have some one else do it for you. One day of fun won't kill you."

"And how do you know it won't?" Seto grinned. But Ren was more determined then, he thought, to get Seto to come with them and after a sigh she walked up to Seto and began pulling him towards the door as she held on to his arm. "What are you doing?" Seto pulled away. "Don't you know when I say no I mean no."

"But you never said no Seto." Ren said aloud. "Come on Seto, I promise will have fun. Just trust me. And afterwards we'll go get smoothies and then after that we'll go shopping and then go out to eat." Seto only looked at her, not saying a word. "Please Seto, I may never get to see you guys for a long time."

"Arg." Seto looked at Mokuba and then to Ren again. "Alright, I'll go with you, but this is the only day I'll be spending with you guys." Seto said as they left the room. "Remember that."

"Awesome," Mokuba whispered to Ren as they rode the elevator down. "I can't believe you actually got my brother to come with us, but why did you want him to come? Just curious."
elevator door opened and they all walked out into the front where the receptionist once again said hi.

"I did it for you Mokuba." Ren said as headed towards the limo parked outside the building.

"Oh, thanks." Mokuba and Ren both hopped into the limo and it drove off to their next destination.

"Now where should we head first?" Ren asked as she looked at both Kaiba brothers. "How about you Seto, you have any suggestions?"
only half laughed and receded his silence.

"I know!" Mokuba held up his hand. "The arcade. You should see the one in Domino, it's huge."

"Alright then, to the arcade." Ren pointed ahead.