Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ To Complete My Soul ❯ The Puzzle of my spirit ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

To complete my soul

Disclaimer: Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, Don't own Yami..*pouts*, don't own anything! We have no christmas cookies made yet, so I can't own those. The only thing I own is my pride...and even that's running short lately.

Authors Notes:

All right! updated little post here.

The name's Ms. Prongs, but I go by Prongsy, or Sol-chan.

I'm new to mediaminer so be kind. I will accept something akin to flames, because I'm either extremely modest, or I just think my work sucks. Care to agree?

What do we have here?

It was my first story! At least...my first "Should be" one-shot. I've got people at Fanfiction.net asking for more (god forbid) but I don't know. What do you people think?

Give me some feedback. Love it/Hate it. Get it off the site. Anything. but be nice about it, don't just say "hey! your story sucks!" I do that enough for quite a few people to myself. No need to give me a lesson in humility. Lol.
So, anything you can say. Sorry but...this is Yugi's first person POV. Tell me how it is, my first story ever actually trying to get into little Yugi's head...Enjoy!

Oh! I also have to say, even though I didn't plan it, I've been told this turns out a little "Shounen-ai"ish, but that's ok. Yami and Yugi are so cute together, so if it did turn out that way. Kudos to me!

So's you know:

//Yami to Yugi//
/Yugi to Yami/


One can never tell these days, the difference between reality and illusion. Life could be reality, or it could be make-believe, like I pretend it is sometimes, to get away from what it really is.

Today was no different from the rest I suppose, go to school and feign the complete ignorance of a 15 year old vertically challenged boy who has no idea that people are talking about him behind his back. I pretend to ignore the odd stares that I get every now and then, or the threats I get from the older kids, the ones who, in the end, end up getting the better of me, and my money, for all it's worth.

There was a girl once, told me when I was 13 that I had the innocence of a child, and that I was so kind, I'd do fine in high school because of who I was. We were friends for a few months, till she turned 14 and became part of the `in-crowd', the first to shun me when it was convenient.

How's that for poetic justice?

There are times, though few and far apart, when the day will go well at school, people will steer clear of me and I won't hear too much of what I'm not supposed to. It's those days that either I decide I'm dreaming or insane, or maybe there is somebody out there looking out for me, if only for that day. It's a heartening thought, probably what keeps me going anymore.

I guess I never really started to think about any of this till I got the puzzle from my grandpa, this golden puzzle he apparently got on a trip to Egypt. He dared me a while back to finish it, and since then I've spent every moment I can to complete it, and it's just about done, just about twenty more pieces...

He told me this story about how the person to complete it, if they make a wish it'll come true, I think he knows I don't believe it, but it's fun to imagine, so when I finish it I'll just make that wish. After all if this really is the make-believe world I've created, it may just come true.

One can always hope right?

Pulling out the golden box with the hieroglyphics that I can't read I open it and pull out the partially completed mini pyramid and close my eyes for a moment in thought.

Tonight's the night I'll finish it. I don't care how long it takes.

Pulling out another piece I look it over and put into a place, with a hopeful expression I push slightly and am rewarded with a confirming click, it found it's proper place.

The first smile in a few days breaks onto my face and I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of all this, a childish obsession I've carried for 8 years, with each new discovery and piece fitting into place I feel a happiness spread through my body in tiny waves, like a pride. Finally it'll all come together, maybe finishing this project will help me complete another puzzle…

With another click my smile fades slightly and I remember exactly what brought this whole retrospective attitude on.

I look up from the assignment I'm working on over lunch when I see a few of my classmates talking softly to each other and casting glances in my direction. Averting my gaze I do my best to push out the voices that pop into my head by just thinking of what they say. In moving my glance away from the gossipers I catch sight of a group of people sitting not too far from me, gathered together near a bench, one person a boy was leaning against the bench and laughing as a girl sitting on the bench said something and that made the rest of the group laugh, all of them unaware of the teenager watching them from afar.

This hurt, it really did. To see them having such a good time together, again a complete let down. I see a kid with blonde hair walk up to the gossipers and whisper furiously to them, they cast one more look at me and disperse, leaving me dumbfounded.
"What that was that about?" I muttered to myself in shock, he looked over at me briefly, at least…I think he did, then turned and walked away shrugging his shoulders.

It was odd, was he the one watching out for me? Or was it just my imagination. I feel a tugging at my heart, a little hopefulness, but it disappeared with the ringing of the bell, signifying classes were to start soon. Indeed, lunch was another illusion in real life.

Something startled me from my thoughts but I wasn't quite sure, upon further inspection I realized that I had dropped one of the pieces, the clinking against my chair was what caught my attention. The last piece of the puzzle, but I still had a bit to go before I could use it.

Picking it up I smiled a little and set it to the side continuing with my little fixation. Which each click and piece fitting together the odd feeling in my stomach grew slightly.

The gentle beat of rainfall against my window lulled me into a little trance and my work faltered suddenly. I looked over the window and stood up for a moment glancing out to the world outside my room as the rain drenched it at the moment. A wave of melancholy swept over me when I saw two of the girls from my school running down the street sharing a jacket as an umbrella and laughing as they tried to escape to torrage of water, but really, upon closer inspection, they didn't actually care.

What I wouldn't give to be like that. Able to run down the sidewalk with a friend sharing a jacket to keep out of the rain, or even just idly walk down the street, ignoring the rain, so long as I had a friend. Oh sure, I have Anzu who talks to me now and then, but she's just not the same, besides she's got her friends and her life, I have...well whatever.

Probably why grandpa gave me the puzzle in the first place, keep me busy because I have no friends. I thought to myself sadly but gave up on pitying myself and continued the work on my puzzle, again slipping off into my own reverie.

Vacation was finally here, and Anzu even invited me to her house for a while! At least, that was the plan for today, she told me to meet her just outside the school.

Hopping down the stairs two at a time, clutching the golden box in my hands I looked around for a moment. A curious expression graced my face when I noticed she was no where to be found, then I heard a familiar laughter ring in my ears and I turned to the north court yard and my eyes widened.

"Anzu Hayaku kudasai! Let's get going, the movie starts in half an hour!" I heard one of the other girls call in an annoying soprano tone as she waved to Anzu who was walking slowly across the grounds, she waved back and then looked around, her gaze finally landing on me and my eyes widened in hope.

"Chotto minna!" she called and ran up to me, her brunette hair bouncing as she did so. Coming up to where I was, we both heard the annoyed sounds the group made.

"Ah, hi Yugi." she said nervously.

"Hey Anzu..." I said slowly, masking the pain I felt with indifference but placing a smile on my face all the same.

"O-onegai..Yugi...I'm so sorry, the guys invited me to see this new movie that's coming out today, I was so caught up in the excitement that I completely..forgot about inviting you over, you understand don't you? I mean we can meet up later on right? Like tomorrow or something. Right?" she asked her sapphire eyes glittering slightly.

I smiled wistfully and nodded. "Kitto, go on and have fun Anzu."

"Honto?" she asked shocked.

"Hai! Kitto, go on...eat some popcorn for me would you?" I asked jokingly and she smiled in relief.

"You got it kid." she said and turned to her friends who were looking our way impatiently, casting one more glance at me she tilted her head to the side and nodded. "Ja ne Yugi!"

"Matta ne Anzu." I replied simply and watched her bound over to her friends as they suddenly burst into excited chatter.

"Shigata ga nai..." I muttered to myself and looked down at the golden box in my hands and blinked furiously, barely managing to quell the tide of tears threatening to fall, so caught up in my reverie I managed to not notice the warmth eminating from the golden case, or the silent shattering of my soul that day.

Just four more pieces and this puzzle would be finished. And, with a glance at the clock on my desk I also noticed that it was half past midnight. I'd really lost track of time, which would explain why my eyes were sore.

"Just a few more..." I muttered to myself before picking up another piece and turning it over in my hand, a vague warmth traveled from the golden mystery to my body and my forehead creased in curiosity.

Just my imagination, that's all...I'm way past tired. I thought to myself as I placed the piece at the bottom of the puzzle and it went into place with a complying click giving me a thrill of excitement.

I could almost feel the air fill with electricity as I took one more piece and set it into place with another click. So close...so close...I chanted repeatedly, the mantra doing little to ebb the thoughts in my mind.

I repeatedly the step with the last small piece and with the confirming click, and a dip into my imagination, I felt closer to unravelling a mystery that had plagued me for years. The wish that I would make, with this final piece...maybe it would come true, then both puzzle's would be complete.

Picking up the odd piece that would complete the puzzle that sat atop my desk I ran my fingers over it, the eye of Ra, ancient Egyptian god. For a moment I felt an unworldly gaze boring into my own eyes as I stared at the eye, a glint of light flashing across it.

So entranced was I by this single piece that I let out a startled cry when a particularly loud clap of thunder and lightly exploded outside my window, causing me to drop the object of my attention.

"Murphy's law on nature really plays in here.." I muttered to myself in annoyance, bent over and picked up the piece then picked up the puzzle and moved to my bed.

"Well...here goes nothing." I breathed out and pulled the piece up and set it gently on the edge of the puzzle, pushing it in slowly, eyes narrowed in concentration and curiosity.

I knew my wish, and I knew it wouldn't come true, another fairy tale demystified by brutal reality.

"Just a friend.." I murmured to myself, heart pounding for some strange reason. "Just a friend, that's all I want..."

The click echoed through the room, but was rather anticlimatic as I lifted the finished puzzle off my lap and looked it over, staring again at the eye, but soon as I did I felt a gust of wind even with the closed window as another clap of thunder echoed outside my room. The eye flashed brightly and I nearly dropped it, till I realized something with a start, the eye was glowing now, and a multicolored ray of light shone from it.

I noticed suddenly, the beam was focused somewhere above me, no...not above me, on me! My fore...

With a cry there was a blinding flash of light and I felt a rush of energy through my body, and I recoiled backwards, hands still clutching the now glowing puzzle and I toppled off the bed with a crash.

Eyes clinched shut I felt a flurry of motion in front of me, and a flicker of light which caused me to shudder involuntarily. Something felt different...

Opening my eyes slowly I looked in front of me, and there, standing just next to my bed, was something...somebody...

My breath caught in my throat when I completely caught sight of who it was. A translucent figure, mimicking my school outfit, and standing about a head or so taller than me at full height was looking at his hands and arms in shock.

Standing up I examined him further. His hair was exactly like mine, raven black with the natural crimson hi-lights, and the blond bangs framing his face, only his were more defined. His eyes, filled with confusion and untapped emotion were startlingly similar to my own, only they bore a blood red tin to them, more defined and slanted.

I tilted my head to the side, staring at the tall look alike as he examined his surroundings and muttered in a foreign language.

His eyes landed on me, and widened in shock. "By Ra!" he exclaimed and looked at me before his forehead knitted in confusion. "Where...am I?" he asked suddenly, his voice an octave lower than mine, and smooth as silk, even when etched in completely cluelessness.

"You're in my room...in Domino City, Japan." I said softly, unsure of my voice.

"Japan?" he asked curiously then looked me over momentarily.

"Who are you?" there was that voice again...

"Mutou, Yugi..." I said slowly, looking up at him with an odd expression on my face.

"Yugi..." he tilted his head to the side and a smile graced his otherwise expressionless features.

"Who are you?" I asked in return and he blinked.

"Yami." he said uncertainly. "I believe so..."

Why would anybody be named dark? I thought to myself in confusion. "You believe so?" I asked.

"I do not know exactly who I am..." he admitted, but waved the issue aside. "You, however..." he stopped when his eyes fell on the puzzle clutched tightly in my hands, then at the eye of Ra still etched on my forehead, though I wasn't quite aware of that.

"You solved the puzzle!" he exclaimed in amazement. "You are the one then!" he settled slightly.


He moved forward a step or two and kneeled to my height, till we were staring each other in the eyes.

I flinched at the sudden close proximity between the two of us, but my eyes softened when I looked into his own, he was staring intently at me, till his raised a hand and brused it against my forehead. "You completed the puzzle, set me free.." he murmured, never once breaking the contact between us.

"I-I did?" I asked, the story grandpa told me, of the powers the puzzle held, could they be true, then if so...the wish...

"So pure," I heard suddenly and snapped back to reality when he moved his hands to the puzzle grasped in my own and brought it up so we were both holding it in our hands, his own covering mine as the puzzle almost hummed with energy untapped.

"Motomeru itsuha no...kouyuu.." I breathed out in shock and he looked at me curiously before the puzzle flashed suddenly causing the two of us to close our eyes.

"That's all." I sighed, dragged back to my own world, the transluscent one named Yami looking at me in curious concern.

"You, wish for friendship..."

"That's all." I repeated and looked up at the dark spirit.

A crash of thunder startled me and his eyes narrowed slightly. "Don't worry, it's just a storm." He said suddenly and I blinked.

"I..I know, I'm just not fond of them." I said, the heat rising to my face as I admitted that fear.

He nodded silently then let go of the puzzle and shook his head, without the contact of his hands, I felt surprisingly empty, as if a part of me had been dragged away with his touch.

"Yami-" I started then stopped when he looked at me with those intense eyes.

"Yes Hikari?" he querried throwing me off guard.

"Hikari?" Light..

As if sensing my question he smiled thoughtfully. "We are one, you and I."


"Light and dark. Hikari and Yami." he explained then thought for a moment. "Apart we are nothing, merely exsisting beings, but together, we complete the puzzle of our soul. No longer alone, Yugi, my little hikari." his voice surprisingly gentle.

"No longer alone..." I said thoughtfully.

"I am the dark spirit, bound to the millenium item, but also, to you and your soul. We are one little light." he finished looking at me.

"We are one." I repeated and after a moment smiled.

"I will always protect you, your light, your innocence." he said as a promise and began to fade.

"I have a friend?"

"Always little light." he said and disappeared completely, but the part that I felt had been pulled away from me, was suddenly replaced, I felt a warmth spread through my body and heart, and revealed in the unfamiliar feeling.

I have a friend...I thought to myself a wide smile spreading over my face and I looked at the puzzle in my hands.

//And I will never leave you little one // his voice echoed in my head, startling me at first.

/You're talking to me? Through my mind?/

Through the bond I heard his deep laugh and blushed slightly.

//Yes little one, through telepathy, through our bond.//

This was definitely a new area to explore.

After a moment I found a small robe and ran it through the hoop of the puzzle and tied it together, placing it on my neck, the weight very much welcome around my neck.

/Now we'll never be apart./

//So long as I draw breath, never// he replied and, with a startled smile felt him pull me into a hug, even without being there.

This too I reveled in, the warmth of a simple embrace, or smile. Truely was welcome.

"Thank you Yami, for helping me finish the puzzle." I said aloud and felt his confusion.

"I completed the puzzle, but you, Yami..." I said smiling almost shyly even as I spoke. "You completed my soul."


Japanese Words:

Motomeru itsuha no...kouyuu - Basically means "I wish for Friendship"
Shigata ga nai - That's basically, "Oh well, it couldn't be helped"

Kitto - "Absolutely/For sure!"
Honto? - Really?

Hayaku Kudasai! - Please Hurry!
Chotto Minna - wait a moment everyone

Matta ne - Later!

Well, that was about the most pathetic piece of work I've ever written in my life.
(Anybody notice, I'm a little bit of a pessimist when it comes to my work? But for good reason!)

It's amazing how much something can change in three weeks. That's how long it took me to write this. Of course...I lost part of it, and didn't feel like re-writing it..but then I found it again!

Probably the stupidest thing on the face of the earth. Cliché as they get.

I know Yugi didn't know Yami's name until a lot later....but there are only so many ways even a walking talking thesaurus can say "spirit" before it gets old.


Feel free to drop me a line.

Praise, criticism...flames?
(I could use a good few for the fireplace..since DAD won't start a fire..)

It's all up to you, I'll take all with equal enjoyment (because let me tell you. I'll be the first to flame this little piece of work..*shudders*)

This is what you get when you start on a song like Kawaita Sakebi, and end up with the Opening Theme song to Angel Sanctuary, as well as "Cries in the dark". Good song...

Anyways. Hope this wasn't a complete waste of time.

You get this far, please leave a review, any kind will do.

*jingles a little cup in front of her*
Be kind ne?