Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ Rules ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

1. No cursing. I cant curse so it doen't make sense to put it in a fic.

2. If you want to be in it you have to give me your name, age, characteristics and personality, plus you have to help me with this fic.

3. No hentai scenes.

4. If u want to have a yami and a mellinium item tell me in ur review or email me at divastarz63@hotmail.com

if u want anything else plz make sure u put it in ur review. Happy New Year from Hieilover135/divastarz63!

Oh please tell me if u want to have a date or something with one of the guys/girls. Don't forget to leave ur name!

Thanks for the review TAB. I'll need ur help with this though. Hope u dont mind. Also im gonna put ur name as Karin. Tell me if u dont like it and suggest a name if u dont.