Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ Author's note. Plz read it's important! ( Chapter 12 )

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Author's Note


First off, i just wanted to say that i'm sorry that i wasnt able to update over the summer. I had started working on it but my cousins came over for their vacation,(4 or them) and it was quite hectic. I also wasnt able to update after they left because my mom told me to come off. I'm sorry to say this, but i don't think that i'll be able to update for a while. My mom doesn't want me to use the pc anymore. As a matter of fact, she doesn't want me watching tv anymore. She said that she won't let me come home early anymore, so by the time i get back, it would most likely be late and i would be too tired to update. I will, however, try to continue the story. I'm gonna ask my sister to update for me whenever she can. I'd like to say thank you to all of the reviewers who thought my story was good. Personally, i didn't particularly think it was all that, but i guess it was because i wrote it. Well, that's all i can say for now. Untill next time.

Jeanine Sam (divastarz63/hieilover135)

Ps: Did anybody see Yugioh the movie yet? If you did, was it good?