Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Virus ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Welcome to the next chapter! First, I'd like to apologize for sounding like an ungrateful goomba in yesterday's notes. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family and got lots of good stuff . Plus, I am blessed enough to be able to go out and buy my own Yugioh goodies.

No big slashy things here, but there is a sweet little Ryou/Bakura moment.

We're going to be getting pretty dark over the next few chapters, which is why I am dragging Bakura into this. (Shhh! - don't tell him, but he is here for comic relief. He thinks he is going to be the hero!)

I did not receive ownership of Yugioh for Christmas (darnit!) and there is still no money coming in. Please read and review.

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Virus - Part 10

The Forbidden Keep was a depressing pile of broken rocks and twisted metal. It was inhabited by only a few monsters, and those were sinister and cruel. They had been rejected by their fellow duel monsters and now huddled in the Keep with their new/old master. He had no millennium item, not anymore. But he had once wielded an awesome power: the Millennium Eye. His name: Maximilian Pegasus.

After his battle with Yugi, Pegasus despaired. He despaired of the lost opportunity to revive his beloved wife, Cecelia. Nothing mattered now. Nothing mattered without his innocent Cecelia. Nothing gave him pleasure anymore, not even torturing the lesser monsters.

The Keep was a legacy of the Millennium Eye. Pegasus vaguely remembered visiting many times before though he could not remember exactly when. He did know that there were no piles of rubble then; the Keep was well maintained under its powerful master. Duel monsters of every kind had roamed the vast halls. His defeat changed all that. Even before the Eye was ripped from him, it had crumbled to ruins. Now he was trapped in the Shadow Realm with no hope of escape.

People who had known him in the real world would be hard pressed to recognize him now. Silver hair had turned dark with dirt and grease. It lay in tangles and snarls and framed his grimy, emaciated face. His once strong body was nearly wasted away, and his tattered clothes hung off of his frame. But his mind was still keen. It kept him alive while it puzzled and puzzled over a certain question.

Why hadn't he been allowed to die?

That's what happened to those banished to the Shadow Realm. Their souls would be shattered, and they would be sent to the Graveyard. There, the Reaper of Cards would send them to their final resting place. He had not been granted that gift. Why?

One reason that occurred to him was Yami. Little Yugi's alter ego certainly despised him, and he had a millennium item equal in power to the Eye. Yugi was too kind to take this sort of vengeance against him, but he wouldn't put it past the dark spirit to keep him in torment.

Reason number two was…well he couldn't think of a reason number two. It must be Yami's doing. He wanted so much for Yami to suffer! The Pharaoh deserved any punishment Pegasus could think of, deserved any foul torture he could devise. Pegasus shuffled through the cold corridors of what was left of the Keep, muttering to himself the many ways he would make Yami pay. It never occurred to him how he knew the spirit's name, or how he knew that the spirit used to be a Pharaoh.

//He had no wish to hurt its host. It had been a good host, filled with hate and anger, ambition and desire. All the things that made existence as a yami bearable. But this obsession with the Pharaoh was beginning to get on his nerves. With no millennium item to give him power, he could not control the host; he couldn't even get the host to bathe, for Ra's sake! The yami fumed inside its bleak soul room. He had to get a millennium item. He had to escape the Shadow Realm!//

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The beast's bulbous snout quivered as it trailed the creature of light. Innocence gave off a distinct scent - it would be easy to find in this dark domain. It hadn't feasted upon such a powerful entity in eons. It would never stop until the light was found.

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Bakura took Ryou into the bathroom where he could say goodbye in private. //I trust no one with your life except myself. You must vow to remain safe while I am away.//

/I will, yami. Bakura, I want to tell you something. I lo-/

Bakura interrupted. //Words have their own magic, hikari. Do not give me such power until I am prepared to return the words to you.//

Bakura held Ryou close, their bodies pressed together. They swayed in unison for a moment, then separated. A tender kiss on the lips and the yami left to join the others. Ryou lowered himself to the floor and quietly wept.

Kaiba said goodbye to Mokuba and ensured Tea had everything necessary to care for the boy while he was gone. He hoped it wouldn't be long. He wanted Yugi back safe and sound so that Kaiba could begin wooing the young man. Yami had assured him that the trip to the Citadel would be but a moment in time. The hard part would be convincing the Dark Magician to release Yugi. Who knew how long that would take? The duel monsters tournament was scheduled to begin next week. God, why was he thinking about stuff like that? Yugi was in terrible danger! He had to focus.

Yami was afraid. He prayed to the gods that their journey would be swift and successful. Yugi could not remain in the Shadow Realm. There were things, terrible things, in the darkness. Things that lived to desecrate purity. This much he remembered. He prayed they would not be too late. Did Bakura have these memories as well? Yami didn't think so, or the thief would never have agreed to help under any circumstances. Should he warn his companions? Kaiba would never back down from a challenge issued by Yami, but Bakura… no, he couldn't take the chance. Much as he hated to admit it, he needed Kaiba and Bakura both. Besides, if they were fast enough, his traveling companions need never know about the Other. His light was too important. He would keep his silence.

They gathered in the center of the mansion's entryway. Kaiba clutched his deck even tighter and nodded to Bakura. Bakura focused on the Millennium Ring and a soft glow emanated from it. The glow enveloped Seto Kaiba, then faded. He was now under Bakura's protection.

Yami and Bakura then grasped their millennium items and concentrated their energies. There was a flash of light, and the three were gone.

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The beast neared the lair of the light. It's scent was nearly overpowering now, drowning the beast's senses in a wash of corrupt ecstasy. The light was heavily guarded. It could annihilate the defenders, but the light was fragile. It could be destroyed by a frontal assault. Another way must be found.

As the beast grunted and hunched its way through the shadows, it's senses detected another call. This was different than that of the light; it was the call of darkness. The beast used its malevolent power to track the evil back to its source. What it found was opportunity. An offer was made and accepted. The beast shuddered with barely suppressed excitement. Soon, the light would belong to it. And then the mortal world would fall.

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So? What do you think? Please review.