Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ You Can't Have It All ❯ All I Need Is Love ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. I do not own Luna. My friend Luna does. Thanks, Luna!

This, like all the other chapters, has an original name. This one's original name was 'Yugi, Tristan, and Bakura find out.'

Again from Joey's point of veiw. You should be able to tell; I always write the pointt of views in their own way. So here it goes.

All I Need Is Love
(Yugi, Tristan, and Bakura Find Out)

Mai truly loves me

I couldn't believe it at first. But then it sunk in. I could tell. From her words, kisses, body gestures. Yes, this must be true love.

Mai truly loves me

Tristan found out. I was embarrassed, but he said, "Hey, it happens. But all you need is love.Look at me and Luna." He smiled at his girlfriend Luna, who blushed.

Mai truly loves me

I asked her why she gave up flocks of boys for me. She said, "I don't need them. All I need love. Only you give me that."

Mai truly loves me

Then Yugi found out. He said, "True love is true love. And all you need is love." He looked at Téa longingly.

Mai truly loves me

Bakura discovered us. He said, "All you need is love." He smiled at Serenity, who blushed and waved at him.

Mai truly loves me

And now I know why. Because true love is true love. You can't help that. It's your fate that was written before you're born. There's no way to avoid that.

Mai truly loves me because all you need is love.