Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh! A New Millenium, A New Horizon! ❯ A Whole New Team of Duelists! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yu-Gi-Oh! A New Millennium, A New Horizon!

I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon The Movie, or ABC Family! But I do own the Kids of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Group.

Hey everyone! Shobu here with a beyond good fic filled with Duels, Action, adventure, and…the Yu-Gi-Oh! gangs kids going on adventures just like their parents!

I would just like to take this time to thank the people that inspired me to write fics:

Lady D and Brittany, DJ Rodriguez, and Dan Man. These three writers inspired me to write fics, so without further delay, on with the fic!

Chapter One: A Whole New Team of Duelists!

Michael Moto- Yugi and Tea's Son. He is ten years old and he has Yugi's pure-of-heart attitude, hairstyle with some brown streaks mixed with the yellow, and share's Yugi's height and knowlage. His nickname is Mike and his best friend is Casey.

May Moto- Yugi and Tea's Daughter. She is twelve years old and she shares Tea's attitude , hairstyle and color with some yellow streaks mixed with it. She also has Tea's height and she always takes care of everyone, along with keeping the group's friendship strong.

Brittany Wheeler- Joey and Mai's Daughter. She is eleven years old. Her real Name is Brittany but, her nickname is D. she has Mai's hairstyle but a little shorter, has Joey's accent, and has a mix of Mai and Joey's attitudes.

Casey Wheeler- Joey and Mai's Son. He is ten years old and has a mix of Joey and Mai's attitudes, and Joey's accent, along with Joey's hairstyle but a little like Mai's hairstyle and color. His best friend is Mike.

Tyler Taylor- Tristan and Serenity's son. He is eleven years old and is like Tristan most of the time, but is like Serenity sometimes. He has Tristan's hairstyle with a mix of Serenity's haircolor with Tristan's. He takes care of the team most of the time, unless he's near a burger stand. He also has Joey's accent (Due to his uncle being Joey).

Serena Taylor- Tristan and Serenity's daughter. Serena is nine years old and acts a lot like Serenity, along with the hairstyle and Tristan's haircolor. She always tries to help everyone out when they are in trouble.

Brenden Ryou- Bakura (the good Bakura) and Chelsea's son. Brenden is ten years old. His hair coler and style matches that od Bakura's and has Bakura's attitude with sometimes gets mad when his friends are in danger.

David Devlin- Duke and Summer's son. He is eleven years old, and has Duke's hairstyle and haircolor with some blonde mixed in with it. He shares his father's interest in dice and Dungeon Dice Monsters (He will appear after Duelist Kingdom).

Chris Kaiba- Seto and Samantha's Son. He is twelve years old and at first is like a clone to Seto but read to find out what happens!

Author's Note: Okay are you familiar to the new kids? Now on with the story!

Ah Yeah baby! Here comes Rocket Warrior in attack mode! Yelled Casey

Not so fast Casey! Yelled Mike. I activate a trap card Trap Hole and destroy your Rocket Warrior!

Ah Man! I'm wide open for an attack!

Now I summon Neo The Magic Swordsman and I win again Casey!

Aw man! Why do I always lose?

Hey don't be so down you had me down to 100 lifepoints and almost won. Said Mike

A few seconds later none other than Chris Kaiba walked up…

Well, if it isn't the loser squad! Said a familiar voice…

Well, if it isn't the snob of the year! Yelled an angry Casey.

You know what. I don't have time for this today, my ride should be here soon. Said Chris

When he walked away the group talked about the night.

Let's not worry about him. Said Mike. So are you all still coming over tonight?

Don't worry Mike were all still coming. Said Serena

And the tournamant finals are on tonight right? Asked Tyler.

Yup, and the premire of "Digimon The Movie" is on ABC Family tonight! Said an exited May.

It is?!

I've been waiting for dat' to come on for weeks! Yelled Casey

Alright so we're all coming over at 6:00?

Narrator: Skip ahead to 6:00

At Mike and May's house…

Okay, so everyone is here except for Tyler and Serena?

Just as Casey and Mike set up the X-Box, GameCube, and Playstation 2, along with three Televisions, a knock was heard on the GameShop/House's door.

I'll get it! Yelled Mike hoping it was Tyler and Serena…

As he opened the door surprisingly it was Serena, Tyler, and CHRIS!

Hello Mike, son of Yugi Moto, I challenge you to a duel at my duel stadium right now! Or else you won't be seeing your geek friends anytime soon!

I accept your challenge Chris, Now let them go!

I knew you would accept due to your friends being in danger Moto!

After Chris left Mike told the group about Chris threatening Tyler and Serena.

What! Dat Kaiba's dead!

Wait Casey! He challenged me so I have to duel him.

But how are you going to beat his Blue-Eyes White Dragons? Said Bakura. He's bound to have them, His father is Seto Kaiba.

If your going to duel Seto Kaiba's son you will need this. Yugi said as he handed Mike a deck of cards.

But dad… these are your cards I can't accept them

Mike let's face it, I'm a retired duelist and you can make better use of these cards than I ever could.

And May you will need this. Tea stated as she handed May a deck of dueling cards.

I'll take care of them with honor mom!

Now lets go duel Kaiba! Yelled Mike

Back at Kaiba's Mansion…

Where is my dueling deck!?

I think your dad had it last. Said something about looking over it before your duel. Said Chris's Uncle Mokuba

Just then Seto Kaiba walked into the room with a dueling deck in his hand.

Here son… I have given you the strongest deck possible take it.

Thank you father, I will duel with honor and beat Moto!

At the duel coliseum…

Yup! Nobody threatens my friends and gets away with it!

LET'S DUEL! Yelled Both of them

(K: 2000 M:2000)

I'll start with Gaia the Fierce Knight in attack mode! (A:2300 D: 2100) Yelled Mike. Now I play a card facedown and end my turn!

My turn! I activate White Dragon Ritual sacrificing my Vorce Raider from my hand to do so! Therefore summoning Paladin of White Dragon! (A:1900 ?D:1600?) And I equip Malevolent Nuzzler to him (A: 2600)

Now Paladin Of White Dragon destroy Gaia!

(K:2000 M:1700)

Good move Chris but not good enough! I activate Monster Reborn bringing back Gaia the Fierce Knight! And I'll play Curse of Dragon, along with Polymerization fusing the two together to become Gaia The Dragon Champion! (A:2600 D:2100) now to use Dragon Treasure (A: 2900 D: 2100) to give him enough power to eliminate Paladin of White Dragon!

(K: 1700 M: 1700)

Very good Moto but now I summon my ultimate creature, The Blue-Eyes White Dragon! (A: 3000 D: 2500) now Blue Eyes destroy the Dragon Champion!

Not so fast Kaiba! I activate Spellbinding Circle immobilizing Blue Eyes and knocking off 700 attack points with it! (A: 2300 D: 2500)

Now my turn! I play Dark Magician in attack mode and equip Book of Secret Arts onto him (A: 2800 D:2400). And I attack Blue Eyes White Dragon with Dark Magician!

(K:1200 M:1700)

My turn! I play the second of my Dragons in attack mode and destroy the Dragon Champion!

(K: 1200 M: 1600)

My turn! I play Dark Magician Girl in defence mode! (A: 2000 D:1600)switching my magician in defence mode as well. Now I play the Dark Magic Ritual sacrificing Maha Vailo, and Jinzo to do so. Now come to the field Magician of Black Chaos! (A: 2800 D:2600) and I equip Sword of Deap Seated to him, (A:3300 D:3100) and he will obliterate Blue-Eyes with Chaos Scepter Blast! A dark wave poured out of the scepter and the dragon was obliterated.

(K: 900 M: 1600)

MY TURN MOTO! I summon the third Blue Eyes and equip Sword of deep Seated to him heightening his attack power! (A: 3500 D: 3000) Now Blue Eyes White Lightning!

A blue light of energy came out of the dragon's mouth and destroyed the Chaos Mage with a bang!

(K: 900 M: 1400)

My turn Chris! I play Fissure! It destroyes the weakest monster on your side of the field! namely your Blue Eyes! And now I activate Tremendus Fire taking 1000 lifepoints away from you and 500 from me! And I win the duel!

(K: 0000 M: 900)

What! How is that possible! Now my father will never like me…

That's not true Chris. Mike stated. If he didn't love you then why did he give you his Blue-Eyes White Dragons?

I never thought of that Mike thanks. Hey give me your phone number? We could talk sometime.

Mike wrote something on a piece of paper.

Here Chris my number is there so see you later?


So guys I guess we have a new member in our group. Said May.

As long as he dosen't call me a dog he okay in my book! Said Casey

Author's Note: Sorry if it seems rushed. It's Halloween at my house, and family is visiting all this week so sorry. Looks like the new group has been chosen and a Kaiba is a friend to it!? Looks like the story is heating up. Stay tuned to see what happens at Mike's house! Read & Review, no flames, and enjoy!

Oh, and before I forget if anyone has any ideas or wants to be in the story don't be afraid to speak up! I actually listen to my reviewers so give me lots of reviews, and see ya next time!