Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh! Murder Mystery ❯ The Murders Begin! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Destiny: *blinks* wow. . . . O.o People actually like this fic…*cries* They actually think I'm funny!! ^_^

Well, I'd like to thank my reviewers for last chappie!:

Sunrise and Sunset: I'm glad you like my story so far, and of course I don't hate you! I read you story, "Crying in the Rain," which I liked very much, and hope to read more of in the future. I think you did a great job on chapter 1 and 2 of that particular story, I noticed your vocabulary and writing has improved vastly since your previous fics. ^_^

Lightning Sage: I'm not even gonna respond to that one…

DKD: I definitely hope to finish this story, although it may not be very soon….*hugs computer protectively* Please don't hurt my compie!! Lol. I didn't know they sold BEWD key chains. . .must go buy one!

The Slyver Kitsune: *grins* Wow! I already made someone almost fall off their chair! ^_^ I'm actually not too sure who I'm gonna kill yet, but I doubt Ryou will be at the beginning. But I may eventually have to kill him off…. I'm happy to see you so enthusiastic about my story! Thanks!

Light Spirit Sage: Thanks; I wasn't sure if my points were coming across as I'd intended them to. Thank you for your support!

Destiny: Okay, on w/ the story!

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^^Yu-Gi-Oh! Murder Mystery^^

Seto: -_- I can't believe this many people are sleeping over our house, Mokuba. . . . .

Mokuba: Don't worry, Seto. It'll be fun!

Seto: Yeah. . . . .sure. . . .

Rebecca: I'm sure you could accommodate MY presence, seeing that you have such a VERY BIG mansion, Mr. Kaiba! *huggles Teddy* I'm sure Teddy and I would be a HUGE asset to your party! ^_^

Teddy: RAAWRR!! I agree, Rebecca! RAWRR!!

*Big 5 enter*

Seto: How did you five get back into the real world?!

Lecter: *in his funny southwestern(?) accent* I told you I'd be back, Mr. Kaiba!

Ganzley: Oh, Lecter! Just stop with the stupid accent! We all know that you're a fraud!

Krump: Yeah, Lecter! What's the big idea, drawing all the attention to YOUR voice?

Johnson: I have an even more intelligible proposal to clear up this dispute: Lecter, cease yourself from using that appalling accent during your speech; and Krump, STOP FLAILING YOUR RA-DAMNED ARMS LIKE A PENGUIN AND ACT NORMAL FOR ONCE!!!

Krump: There is a Zero Percent chance that I will ever betray my penguin friends! They were my only family throughout my childhood!

Mako: You like penguins, Krump? I like penguins, too!! ^_^ I like all water-related organisms!! ^_^

*Mako and Krump get into a heated discussion about penguins*

Seto: I demand an explanation! How did you five goons get back to the real world?

Noah: Still barking orders, Seto??


Nezbit: Because I was able to dismantle the computer holding our minds hostage, I allowed our minds to transfer back to our bodies in the real world.

Noah: You won't get away with sabotaging my computers, Nezbit!


Mokuba: *hands Nezbit a piece of paper with chicken-scrawl on it* Here, Nezbit. This will cheer you up. You can talk to the people *cough* shrinks *cough* there about your. . . erm. . .*cough* issues

Nezbit: *reads off of paper* 1-800-GET-A-LIFE. . . .Thank you, Mokuba! ^_^ I'm sure this will help me deal with my emotional trauma. . . .*mutters* This is why computers are superior to humans. . .they don't have emotions. . . .

Seto: He had better pay for that phone bill. . . .I have a feeling he's going to use up a LOT of time. . . . -_-

Rex: Rex Raptor has officially StoMpEd iN! I'm gonna shake this partayy!! *roars*

*everyone edges away from Rex*

Mai: Hey, Rex; do you wear the clothes that you do because they were popular during the time of the dinosaurs--way back during the Devonian time period?

Rex: >.< NO! My clothes are way in-style today! Everyone who's cool wears them. . .you're just jealous that you can't wear them cuz you're not cool.

Mai: I know I'm not cool.

Rex: Haha, now everyone knows that. YOU ADMIT IT!! *giggles*

Mai: I'm not cool; I'm hot--98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. *smirks*

Malik: Heehee. . . .*rolling on the floor laughing his ass off* You really ran into that one, Raptor!

Ryou: You know, Mai. . . .the dinosaurs weren't present during the Devonian time period.

Mai: What?

Ryou: They actually existed during the Cretaceous, Triassic, and Jurassic period.

Mai: I thought they were alive during the Devonian period because they were devious. . .

All but Mai: -_-

Weevil: I can't believe you didn't catch that, Rex! And you call yourself an expert dino duelist?

Rex: Well. . .at least I'm not a dumb blonde like Harpy Girl is. . .she thought dinosaurs rampaged across the Earth during the Devonian period because they were devious. . . .

Pegasus: *suddenly realizes his Millennium Eye is missing* AHHHHH!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY OTHER EYE??!!! T.T

Bakura: *snickering*

Ryou: Bakura, what in the name of Ra are you doing hiding behind the couch?

Bakura: I got the Millennium Eye! ^_^

Ryou: Bakura, why don't you return the Millennium Eye to Mr. Pegasus?

Bakura: *childishly* okay! ^_^ *hands M. Eye to Pegasus*

Pegasus: Yay! Thank you, Bakura! Now I can watch Season 3 of Funny Bunny!! ^_^

All but Pegasus: -_-

*A sudden wail pierces the air, and everyone runs into the kitchen, the source of the scream*

Yugi: *gasps* Oh, my Ra! Is he. . .dead?

*Everyone stares at the floor in horror, watching as blood pools around the motionless body*


Destiny: ATTENTION, READERS! To promote constructive criticism, I'd like everyone, even anonymous reviewers, to leave your questions, comments, and suggestions concerning my story. Also, I'd like you to vote on which person you would like to see as the first victim!


Or. . .


If there is a tie by the time I start the next chappie, I will decide at random who will be the first victim of this story. . . .MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Thankies for reading!