Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Gangs Of Tokyo ❯ A City Under Fire ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1: A City Under Fire
“Damn those fucking Gundams,” cursed Lieutenant Lau of the Tokyo Police Force as he stood by and watched the Tokyo Fire Department attempt to get the flames of the latest exploded building, courtesy of one of the most notorious gangs in the city, under control. “They are just as bad as the Captors.”
“It's a good thing those two gangs don't have nearly the same numbers as the Yangs,” commented Sergeant Katsura, Lau's second in command. “Then we'd be in real trouble.”
“Ever since the Gundams and Captors declared war on each other, there hasn't been a single place in this city that is safe.”
Tokyo was a lively city during the day, but when the night came around, it changed into one of the most deadly cities in all of Japan. The underworld of Tokyo was run by three main gangs; the Gundams, the Captors, and the Yangs. It had been two months since the fight between the leaders of the Gundams, Milliardo Peacecraft and Mamoru Chiba, and the leaders of the Captors, Touya Kinomoto and Yukito Tsukishiro, had claimed the lives of all involved. The deaths of their leaders had caused violent repercussions between the two gangs, resulting in all out warfare, leaving the city of Tokyo stuck right in the middle. Nobody outside of their own gang knew who the new leaders of each gang were, but it was clear that neither leader had any problems taking extreme measures attempting to destroy their enemies.
“Any word on casualties?” asked Lau to his second in command.
“The paramedics have taken approximately three dozen to the hospital and we've confirmed at least nine deaths, two of whom have been identified as close associates of the Captors. As for the gang members, it looks as if once again, none are present.”
“Dammit,” swore the lieutenant as he slammed his fist on the roof of the squad car he was standing next to. “Is there anyone we can interrogate who might have some information on who these new leaders are?”
“We actually have a solid lead this time,” answered Katsura. “One of those brought to the hospital was Okita Takai.”
“Okita? Well, the most notorious weapons dealer in Japan should definitely have some ties with the two gangs. Perhaps he will be gracious enough to give us information on the new leaders,” said Lau with a smirk. He would finally have his chance to get some information on the two troublesome gangs. “I want a twenty-four hour guard on him.”
“Already done,” answered Katsura. “He's not in any type of life threatening situation, but his injuries will keep him from leaving anytime soon.”
Lieutenant Lau was originally a part of the Hong Kong Police Force before transferring to Tokyo as a specialist on gang warfare. Lau had so much success in dealing with the Yangs that he rose through the ranks of the Tokyo Police Force faster than would be expected. Along with the many accommodations and medals that had been bestowed upon Lau, he had been appointed head of an elite task force dedicated to combating the gang activity in the city. Lau had hand picked Katsura as his second in command, and together the two had put together a team which, until recently, had managed to keep the gang related crimes down to an all time low. Unfortunately, the war between the Gundams and Captors was a very violent, very public war, which Lau and his team were just unable to control.
Unknown to the Police, two blocks down the road sat a young man and girl in a silver Porsche with black tinted windows, watching intently. Dressed in all black and with his slightly rustled brown hair and intense amber eyes, the young man tightened his firm grip on the steering wheel in anger. Without turning to face his companion, he spoke. “Those fucking Gundams are going to pay for this.”
“Don't worry,” said the light brown haired girl sitting in the passenger seat next to him. Like the man, the girl was also dressed in all black, but her sparkling emerald eyes held a look of amusement in them, almost as if she was enjoying the challenge of fighting the rival gang. “The next attack has already been set up. We'll be hitting one of the Gundam's most profitable fronts tomorrow night.”
This time the man did turn to face the girl speaking to him. “You're actually enjoying this aren't you, Sakura?”
Sakura turned to face her new leader and gave him a grin. “I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, Syaoran. I know this is business, and we are getting revenge for the deaths of Naoko, Botan, Yukito, and my brother, but I have to admit, fighting the Gundams is a lot more amusing than killing the Yangs.”
The death of their leader, Touya Kinomoto, and his second in command, Yukito Tsukishiro, was taken very personally by all members of the Captors gang. Although she was Touya's younger sister, Sakura chose not to become the new leader of the Captors. Instead she opted to take the second in command position to allow herself the little bit of extra freedom to try to find the two unknown killers responsible for the murder of her brother, leaving the business aspect of the gang up to the new leader, Syaoran Li. Before becoming the leader, Syaoran was the top agent for warfare against the other gangs of the city. His mastery of various firearms, explosives, and hand weapons, along with his cunning and strategic mind, made Syaoran one of the most deadly members of the gang. Although he was one of the most dangerous members of the Captors, his name was not widely known outside the gang. Sakura was in a similar position. It was the gang's most closely kept secret that Touya even had a younger sister, and if anyone did see her, nobody would ever expect she was the gang's top sharp shooter when it came to pistols. Her bright green eyes, innocent smile, and petite yet beautiful body, gave her a cute and pure looking exterior that caught everyone off guard. However, beneath the innocent façade that Sakura showed to the world, was a ruthless individual who always dealt her enemies their due fate.
“You are one of a kind, Sakura,” said Syaoran with a sigh. Sakura just laughed back at Syaoran as he started the car, and pulled onto the road, doing a quick 180 before speeding down the street, leaving a trail of smoke and the smell of burning rubber behind them.
“Is it done?” asked the leader of the Gundams as three other gang members walked through the door of the mansion the Gundams owned.
“As ordered,” answered a young man with long brown hair braided in a pony tail behind him.
“Unfortunately, Okita managed to survive the blast,” added a slightly shorter, black haired man. “The Police have him.”
“What does he know?” queried a girl with short blue hair who walked up next to the gang's leader as she gently stroked the soft fur of the light gray kitten with a small yellow crescent shaped streak on its forehead that she was holding.
“He knows enough,” said the last of the three guys in charge of taking out the warehouse of the main supplier of weapons to the Captors. “We'll take care of him.”
“Forget Okita,” interrupted the leader.
“But he knows you are the new leader, Heero.”
“The only thing he knows that the Police don't already know is my name,” said Heero. “And unless the Captors and the Police have infinitely better intelligence than I believe, then neither of them have ever heard of me before anyway, so a name won't make any difference. However, I'm sure he also knows the leader of the Captors, and since he does much more business with Li than with us, he might provide the Police with enough intelligence on their operations to at least cause a bit of annoyance to our enemies. You agree Ami?”
“Not completely, Heero,” said Ami Mizuno. “Okita also knows what you look like. If he gives a physical description to the Captors, they might figure out that you are not only the leader, but also the one who killed Kinomoto.”
“Even if they do make the connection, it doesn't matter,” responded Heero. “They were bound to find out one way or another, and Okita may prove to be a more valuable asset alive than dead. The Police already know all three of you, but they can't pin anything on you since they have no evidence, so you are all in the clear. Neither Okita or Lau know Ami, so they will still be in the dark as to who my second in command is. If we are lucky, Okita knows that Li is the new leader of the Captors, and might even know more about the guy than we do. Plus there is a chance Okita even knows who Li's new second in command is. If the Police have enough information on the Captors, they can become a real nuisance to them. Plus, Police intelligence is extraordinarily easy to obtain, so whatever they learn we'll know too.”
“Are you sure that is worth letting the Captors possibly find out exactly who you are?” asked Ami.
“I'm sure,” declared Heero. “Back to business. Trowa, Wu-Fei. We have another mission for you.” Heero looked at Ami and nodded for her to explain the newest mission parameters to the two gang members.
“Based on the latest attacks by the Captors on our operations,” explained Ami. “We have determined that it is likely they will try to hit our cash depository. The Captors have been attacking our more profitable organizations, and the cash depository is definitely in that category. I want you two to take Makoto and Rei with you, and set up a counter-strike. All the money's already been moved, so when they hit the depository, I want you four to take them out.”
“Understood,” answered Trowa Barton. “They won't know what hit them.”
“Make sure you four pay attention to the job, and not spend all your time `distracting' each other,” joked Minako Aino. All the operatives present laughed at the comment, but understood where it came from. Makoto and Trowa, and Wu-Fei and Rei had each been together for a couple of years now, and it was well known that they would often sneak off to spend some `quality' time alone together.
“Alright,” interrupted Heero. “Get to it. Minako, I want you and Duo to go to one of the clubs on the North side of town. Try finding a Captor or two and follow them. See if you can find out who this Li is. Ami and I will be staking out an East side club. Remember, with Quatre and Relena taking care of some business out of country, you will have no back-up if you get into trouble, so everyone watch your backs.”
All the Gundams went to their respective rooms to get what clothing and equipment they needed for their respective missions. They came back down and went to the garage where each group picked a different vehicle. Duo and Minako each took a silver Yamaha street racing motorcycle, and took off down the road, properly dressed for a night of clubbing and possible fighting. Wu-Fei, Trowa, Makoto, and Rei chose a black Cadillac Escalade from the many SUVs in the Gundam's garage and went to do their own mission. Ami and Heero were the last to leave, hopping in a bright red Ferrari. The Ferrari was Heero's personal car, and was customized to drive even better than the top end sports car normally would. Heero hit the gas, and the two leaders of the Gundams gang sped down the driveway, leaving a trail of burning rubber behind them.
“Took you two long enough,” said Meilin Li as Sakura and Syaoran walked through the Captors' house front doors. “Hurry up and get changed so we can go have some fun!” Meilin was obviously very anxious to go party, as she was already very energetic and dressed in a bright red, body hugging, tank top, and tight black pants.
“The deal go down smoothly?” asked Eriol to his commanders.
“It didn't go down at all,” answered Syaoran with a hint of anger in his voice.
“The Gundams hit the building before we even got there,” continued Sakura. “By the time we arrived the Police were already on the scene, so we didn't have a chance to find out if anyone made it out.”
“We can find out everything the Police know easily enough,” commented Eriol. “I'll talk to our contacts inside the department tomorrow morning.”
“Late, tomorrow morning,” said Tomoyo Daidouji in a seductive voice and with a sly smile as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend from behind.
All the members of the gang had a good laugh at Tomoyo's comment, since they all knew that Tomoyo liked to keep her boyfriend to herself for as long as possible each morning. “Don't worry Tomoyo. You can keep Eriol as long as you like tomorrow,” said Li Meilin. “Since Hiei is out of town, I have nothing to do in the morning so I'll take care of finding out what the Police know.”
“Thanks Meilin,” responded Tomoyo. With another devious and seductive grin she added, “And by tomorrow afternoon, Eriol will be very thankful to you as well.” Again everyone laughed, and Eriol turned around to plant a long kiss on Tomoyo's lips to keep her from saying anything else embarrassing.
“Now that that is settled,” continued Meilin once everyone had stopped laughing. “Can we please go? I want to party!”
“Alright, cousin,” answered Syaoran. “Sakura and myself need some time to get ready, so why don't all of you go on ahead and we'll meet you at the club in a little while.”
Everyone agreed to Syaoran's suggestion, and the entire gang, minus Sakura and Syaoran, headed toward the door. “Just make sure you two don't decide to ditch the rest of us,” called out Meilin behind her as she hopped into one of the two black Mercedes' they were taking to the West side club.
About half an hour later, Sakura walked back down the steps connecting the upstairs bedrooms to the downstairs common rooms. She had changed out of the all black outfit she had worn for the blown meeting with Okita, and into a tight white mini-skirt and bright yellow halter top that showed off her perfect midriff. She also wore a pair of knee high white leather boots. Sitting calmly in a chair at the bottom of the steps was Syaoran, who had changed into a dark green shirt, a pair of black pants, and a black leather jacket. “Looking good, Sakura,” said Syaoran with a smile as his second in command and one of his closest friends reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Why thank you,” said Sakura with a laugh as she did a twirl to show off her entire outfit to Syaoran. “You're not looking half bad either.”
Syaoran gave a lopsided grin to Sakura, the same grin that usually seemed to drive all the girls wild. “No guns?” Syaoran asked.
“Not tonight,” answered Sakura. “You always have your guns with you, and it is too hard to conceal them wearing this.”
“Fair enough,” said Syaoran as they both walked toward the back door where Syaoran's Porsche was parked. After getting in and starting the car, Syaoran shot out through the front entrance of the Captor's property and made a sharp left, heading toward the East side of town.
In a fairly short amount of time considering the distance traveled, Syaoran and Sakura arrived out front of one of the most popular nightclubs on the East side of Tokyo. It was one of the clubs the Captors often frequented so the bouncer quickly recognized Syaoran and Sakura and opened the door for them. Neither the bouncer or anyone else that worked at the club knew they were part of the Captors gang, but they carried a certain aura about them that told most people not to mess with them. Once inside the busy nightclub, the two gang leaders took a bit of time to survey the area, looking for the rest of their gang members. After a while, both Syaoran and Sakura came to the conclusion that none of them were there at all. “Where are they?” asked Syaoran rhetorically.
“I don't know,” answered Sakura. “Try giving Eriol a call and find out where they are.”
Syaoran fished his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialed Eriol's number. “Hello?” Syaoran heard on the other side of the line.
“Eriol,” responded Syaoran. “Where are you guys?”
“We're up in the VIP lounge waiting for you two,” answered Eriol. “When are you two going to get here?”
“The VIP lounge?” repeated Syaoran. “This place doesn't have a VIP lounge. It's Ride, the club on the West side, that has the…” Syaoran stopped talking as soon as he figured out what the problem with the situation was. “We're on the East side, at Jungle Rain,” said Syaoran casually.
“What are you two doing there?” said Eriol with surprise. “I thought you knew we were going to Ride tonight.”
“Must have been some kind of miscommunication,” said Syaoran. “You guys just stay there and have a good time. Sakura and I will party here until we feel like leaving. It's too far to meet you guys on the other side of town, so we'll just meet up later tonight back at the house.”
“Alright,” answered Eriol. “We'll catch you later.” Eriol hung up the phone call with his leader and turned to the other six people sitting with him. “Syaoran and Sakura went to Jungle Rain.”
“What?” exclaimed Meilin. “Why would they go and do something stupid like that?”
“It was just a simple miscommunication,” said Eriol calmly. “They are going to stay there, and we'll just meet up with them later tonight back at the house.”
“Well that sucks,” commented Keiko Yukimora.
“It'll be alright,” interrupted Rika Sasaki. “There are still plenty of us and this place is hot, so let's just have a good time.”
“Rika's right,” stated Chiharu Mihara as she stood up and pulled up her boyfriend with her in the process. “Come on Takahashi. Let's go dance.”
“As you wish,” answered Takahashi Yamazaki with a smirk, for which he received a smack on the head. Everyone at the table laughed at the latest of many spectacles of loving bickering between Chiharu and Yamazaki before getting up to follow the couple to the dance floor.
“You're not coming Kurama?” asked Yusuke Urameshi over his shoulder when he noticed the eldest of the group still sitting at the table.
“I'll stay here for a while,” Kurama said as he calmly sipped his drink. “You guys go ahead.”
“Don't worry about him,” commented Meilin to Yusuke. “I'll bet he'll have plenty of female company by the time we return.”
Yusuke had to laugh at Meilin's comment, knowing full well that their were few women who could resist the charm of Kurama. Yusuke had, until not long ago, been just like Kurama. Their methods of picking up girls were very different, but both had always gotten the job done. However, about six months earlier, Yusuke had finally settled down with Keiko, and he had to admit, he'd never been happier. “Although, Kurama,” said Yusuke. “You may want to think about settling down. There is nothing more rewarding than waking up to see the same beautiful face every morning.” As Yusuke said this he smiled to Keiko, who gave her boyfriend a long kiss of appreciation for the loving comments. “And not to mention,” continued Yusuke. “I've never had better sex in my life.”
This time Keiko was not as appreciative of Yusuke's comments and gave him a playful punch to the gut. Keiko was not really angry, because in her opinion Yusuke was right, but still thought the comment was unnecessary. Both Kurama and Meilin laughed heartily at Yusuke's words until Keiko pulled Yusuke to the dance floor to make sure he would shut up, with Meilin trailing along. It wasn't long until the majority of the Captors were all dancing on the floor, and Kurama had his usual assortment of beautiful girls at his table.
On the other side of town, Sakura and Syaoran were calmly sitting at a table sipping at their drinks. Sakura had been on the dance floor a little earlier, but the constant stream of obnoxious and unappealing guys that tried to dance with her had quickly driven her annoyance level to its peak and she left the floor to sit with Syaoran. Syaoran had been occupying the same seat the entire night, but much to his displeasure, not a single one of the girls who had come by to talk to him had sparked even a little of his interest.
It wasn't until Sakura decided to give the dance floor another try, that Syaoran finally decided to get up and stretch his legs. As he was walking around the club, Syaoran kept a careful eye on Sakura on the dance floor, to make sure there wasn't someone that required a beat down for messing with his favorite person in the world. Not that Sakura would really need any help if she got in trouble on the floor, but Syaoran really needed to let off some steam and kicking the crap out of some deserving punk would definitely help his mood. Syaoran was so intent on watching Sakura and almost searching for an excuse to pick a fight, that he stopped paying attention to where he was going. Fortunately for him, most people could tell that he wasn't someone to mess with, and made sure to stay out of his way.
A few feet from where Syaoran was walking, a beautiful girl with short blue hair and killer outfit stood against the railing looking down at the dance floor below. Ami Mizuno was wearing a tight thigh high black skirt and a form fitting light blue top that went over one shoulder and stopped just centimeters above the waist of her skirt. The Gundams' second in command was currently overlooking the lower level of the club, trying to spot any known Captors, as per her mission objective.
The collision between the two gang leaders was simply waiting to happen. Since both Ami and Syaoran had their concentration on the dance floor below, neither saw the other coming. When Syaoran walked right into Ami, it would probably have resulted in a very angry Ami Mizuno sitting on the floor, had it not been for Syaoran's quick actions. The Captor leader quickly wrapped an arm around Ami's waist and pulled her body close to his own, resulting in Ami's keeping her balance, and their two bodies being pressed together with only inches separating their faces when they turned to look at each other.
Normally both teens would have immediately separated themselves from anyone standing in such close proximity, but when their eyes met, their brains just stopped functioning. Ami and Syaoran stayed in this position for only a few moments, but it felt like almost an eternity before their senses returned and they were able to speak. “My apologies,” said Syaoran as he carefully removed his hand and stepped back a slight bit. Even as he was saying it, Syaoran was surprised at his own words. He had never apologized to anyone outside of his gang for any reason, and didn't know why he felt so obligated to say sorry to this stranger.
“Don't worry about it,” answered Ami. “I wasn't paying attention either.” Ami gave Syaoran a smile to emphasize the fact that she held no hard feelings.
“Join me for a drink?” asked Syaoran.
“I'd love to,” said Ami.
“The name is Syaoran.”
“Ami. Nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure's mine,” said Syaoran as he gently guided Ami to the bar and then to a table overlooking the dance floor.
The short scene on the upper level between Syaoran and Ami was not missed by Sakura, who had been watching Syaoran out of the corner of her eye. Sakura could tell Syaoran hadn't been in the best mood, and she wanted to make sure he didn't start any fights in order to blow off some steam. When Sakura had seen the collision between Syaoran and the blue haired girl she didn't know, she had been a little worried that the scene may attract more attention than Sakura wanted Syaoran to have. She knew Syaoran would never harm the girl physically in any way, but he had a tendency to be rude to people he didn't know or like. However, to Sakura's slight surprise, Syaoran looked content being with the beautiful girl and it looked as if they walked off together.
Sakura had her attention so focused on Syaoran for the short period of time, that she stopped paying attention to the dance floor. She was still dancing, more out of reflex than anything else, but because her concentration was elsewhere, it surprised her when a voice spoke from behind her.
“You move pretty good,” heard Sakura, causing her to stop dancing and shoot her head around to find a guy, maybe a year or two older than herself, with a confident grin on his ruggedly handsome face. He was built well, dressed sharp, and had the deepest cobalt blue eyes Sakura had ever seen. He carried himself not with a cocky attitude, but still with an aura of confidence that Sakura liked. “But you know,” continued the guy. “You would be even better with the right partner.”
Sakura returned the confident grin as she responded to the young man's comments. “Think you're up to the challenge?”
The guy answered by taking two steps closer until his body was lightly pressed against Sakura's back, and wrapped his arms around her body until they settled in place on her perfectly toned stomach. “Name's Heero.”
“Sakura. Well, Heero. Show me what you got.”
Almost as if on cue, the current song ended and a new song came blasting through the speakers. Sakura immediately started moving her hips and body, just as she was before, and soon thereafter, Heero joined in. In no time at all, the two found a perfect joint rhythm with their bodies flowing together in unison. Heero allowed his hands to roam across Sakura's flawless body, from her perfect midriff, down to her hips, and up her sides to her silky smooth arms, while Sakura gently ground her back against his body. Occasionally, Sakura would turn around and the two would dance facing one another while she allowed her hands to stroke softly through Heero's hair and around his neck. Luckily for Heero, Sakura's hands didn't wander as far as his lower back, else she would have definitely felt the pair of holstered guns on the back of his belt. The dance between the two was not only rhythmic, but also extremely sensual. All their senses, from touch to smell, were engulfed by one another as the two lost themselves in the moment. There was not a single inch of exposed skin on either individual that wasn't electrified by any contact with the other.
Neither Sakura nor Heero paid any attention to how much time had passed while they were dancing, and for the first time for both of them, the outside world totally disappeared and their surroundings were completely neglected. The feelings of annoyance and boredom both may have felt earlier in the evening were completely gone and forgotten, and the concept of fatigue and the idea of stopping dancing were all but non-existent. They danced for hours, until the club was coming to a close and the floor was slowly emptying. When Heero realized the club was almost empty and the music was dying out, he quickly but smoothly, twirled Sakura around and captured her lips with his own. He didn't ask for permission to make such a move, but it turned out he didn't need to anyway, as Sakura returned the kiss with an ever increasing level of intensity. Being considerably shorter than Heero, Sakura had to tip-toe a bit to kiss him correctly, but she didn't care. Her hands ran over his muscular back and in his hair, and she felt his hand roaming her back and sides and even down to her skirt covered butt, as their tongues mingled and their minds raced from the heated embrace.
To the irritation of both Heero and Sakura, the mood was spoiled when the official announcement that the club was closed came over the speakers. No longer in the heat of the moment, Heero and Sakura separated, and after Sakura gave Heero her phone number, they parted and headed back home to each of their respective gangs.
Heero had been so engrossed in his dance with Sakura, he felt a little bad for completely forgetting about Ami. He also would have normally scolded himself for completely neglecting his mission to find a Captor, but he had been so intrigued by the girl he was dancing with that he just didn't care. With no idea where in the club Ami had disappeared to, Heero walked toward the front door to wait for her to exit. On his way, he spotted Ami standing with a guy near one of the columns inside the building. He was about to walk over toward her when he saw her take a slip of paper, which Heero assumed had her phone number, and sensually slide it in the guy's back pocket, allowing her hand to linger just a bit. She then backed away, and with a wink and a smile, turned around and walked toward the exit, leaving the guy frozen in place and just watching her gorgeous hips sway sexily back and forth.
Syaoran was completely beside himself, watching Ami walk toward the club's exit. The beautiful girl had been teasing him relentlessly throughout the entire night. Whether it was grinding her perfect curves against him on the dance floor or the continuous mind games she played while drinking at the bar, the girl had him totally captivated. And to top it all off, even with all the teasing and the torment, she didn't even let him get away with even a kiss. His hands had roamed almost every inch of her body, minus the personal areas she strategically kept him away from, but her cunning had kept him from ever gaining the upper hand. Even as she walked away it was like torture. Syaoran pulled the slip of paper containing Ami's seven digit phone number from his back pocket and took a long stare at the number he knew he would be calling in no time at all.
After finally regaining his wits, Syaoran exited the club and found Sakura waiting for him, leaning her back against the outside wall. “Took you long enough,” she scolded when Syaoran reached her position. “You must have been the last person to leave the club.”
Syaoran just gave a shrug to the girl, knowing she wasn't really serious about being angry or anything. “I found someone that caught my attention. That's all.”
“You mean the girl you almost floored up on the second level earlier in the night?” asked Sakura with a mischievous grin.
Syaoran raised an eyebrow in slight surprise before speaking. “You saw that?”
Sakura didn't even give a response, only winked and then laughing, walked to the car the valet had brought to the front. Syaoran shook his head and muttered a bit to himself before going to the driver's side of the vehicle.
“So where did you keep yourself all night long?” Syaoran asked once they were on the road and heading home.
Sakura unconsciously touched her finger ever so lightly against her lips, remembering the electric tingling feeling that coursed throughout her body the second Heero had touched his lips to her own. Never before in Sakura's life had a kiss felt so exhilarating to all her senses. She had had plenty of boyfriends in the past, and though she had never let any of them get very far at all with her, none of them were even close to having the effect on her that Heero had with only a single kiss. Just thinking about it brought a slight smile to Sakura's lips, something Syaoran didn't miss as he watched her out of the corner of his eye.
“What are you smiling about?” he questioned.
Sakura's lips curled a bit, and her charming smile turned to a playful smirk. “Oh, nothing,” she said lightheartedly. “Just thinking about how fun tonight was.”
This time, Syaoran fully turned his head to the side, looking straight at Sakura's expression. “What did happen to you tonight?” he asked in complete confusion.
Sakura didn't even bother to answer. She just turned to Syaoran and smiled before closing her eyes and relaxing in the comfortable seat of the expensive sports car. Seeing that Sakura was obviously not planning to answer his question, Syaoran turned his attention back to the road and sped up a bit as he muttered to himself. “Women. Always have to be so complicated.”
“You guys are back late,” commented Minako from her seat on the couch in the Gundam's main living room. She had the television on and was sitting with her pet cat, Artemis, in her lap. “It was a little lonely with nobody else in the house.”
“Where's Duo?” questioned Ami.
“Where do you think?” responded Minako. “He found some girl at the club and they went back to her place. He'll be back in the morning like always.”
“Did you find any Captors?” asked Heero.
Minako shook her head. “No. Not a single Captor was at the club. And no hot guys either.” Minako sighed to herself. “The place was a bust.”
“I'm sorry, Minako,” consoled Ami as she sat down next to her blonde haired friend and let her lean her head on her shoulder. “Why don't you go to sleep, and tomorrow we'll go shopping. That ought to cheer you up a little.”
“You're right,” said Minako with renewed energy. “We'll get some good food, a lot of expensive clothes, and who knows, maybe we'll find some hot guys at the mall.”
“Now that's more like the Minako I know and love so much,” said Ami with a smile before giving her friend a hug. “Now go and get your beauty rest. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.”
“Thanks, Ami,” responded Minako as she headed up the stairs toward her bedroom. “Good night, Heero.”
“Night, Minako,” answered Heero as he watched her walk up the stairs and enter her bedroom. Once Minako was out of sight, Heero turned toward Ami, who was still sitting on the couch. “She's easily pleased.”
“We're not all like her, however,” said Ami seductively as she shifted her position on the couch and winked at Heero.
Heero grinned in response as he walked over to Ami's position. “Don't I know it.”
Ami just grinned back as she wrapped her arms around Heero's neck and pulled Heero into a long and passionate kiss. Most people would probably find it awkward to be presently making out with one person after having just had a great time flirting with another earlier the same night, but Heero and Ami had a very unique relationship. They were about as close as any regular couple, in that they knew each other almost as well as they knew themselves, but they weren't tied down by restrictions. To them, sleeping together was just a part of their relationship. It didn't mean they couldn't go after anyone else, it was just something they did.
Heero trailed kisses from Ami's lips across her cheek and down to her neck, and Ami wrapped her arms tighter around Heero as he gracefully picked her up off the couch, lips never leaving her silky smooth skin. Heero effortlessly carried her up the stairs and into his bedroom, setting her down on the edge of the foot of his bed. Heero stood up and removed his jacket, throwing it on a nearby chair as he took a step back, admiring the beautiful girl in front of him.
Ami leaned back, supporting herself with her arms, and gave Heero a captivating smile as she motioned him over with her finger. Heero needed no more incentive, and walked toward his second in command as she stood up and met him at the edge of the bed. Their lips met once again in another heated kiss, which continued even as Ami put the slightest room between their bodies and started undoing the buttons on Heero's shirt. Once Heero's shirt was unbuttoned, Ami began trailing kisses down his neck to his collar bone, and after pulling the shirt off completely, she kissed down his lean and muscular upper body. Every time Ami and Heero got together, Ami couldn't help but marvel at how physically perfect Heero was. He was tall, but not towering, and his handsome face and chiseled body were usually only found on the Prince Charming of girls' dreams. He had a couple scars, one on his chest and one on his back, but the two imperfections only helped to make him look more rugged and handsome. Even his hair, which Ami had long ago discovered was much softer than one would think, always found a way to fall perfectly around his face, with only one small portion falling across half of one eye, making Heero's gaze all the more sexy and irresistible. As Ami's kisses began to head back upwards again, she allowed her hands to roam across Heero's chest and abs, exploring every inch of his toned muscles.
Meanwhile, Heero had moved his hands smoothly down Ami's sides and grasped the hem of her top, slowly pulling it up and over her head, leaving her in only her skirt and strapless bra. With her hands around Heero's waist, Ami pressed their bodies together, sending electric sensations throughout her nervous system from every place their bare skin came in contact. Taking a single step back, Ami pulled Heero with her as she lowered herself back down onto the bed. Lying on her back with Heero on top of her, supporting himself with his arms, Ami flashed Heero another alluring smile and pulled his head down to meet her in another stimulating kiss.
When Heero finally broke the kiss, he pulled back his head just slightly and looked Ami straight in the eyes with an intense gaze. “I just want you to know that, in my own unique way, I really do love you, Ami Mizuno.”
Ami smiled just a bit and lifted her head to give him a quick peck on the lips and softly stroked his cheek with her hand. “I know, Heero. I love you too.”
This time a warm and sincere smile crossed Heero's lips. It was not his usual confident grin, but a heartfelt emotion he showed only to the eyes of his lover. Heero followed the smile with another kiss on the lips, but this time did not linger for quite as long as before. Instead, he began to trail kisses down Ami's neck, between the cleft of her breasts, and all the way to the silky smooth skin of Ami's perfectly trim midriff. He tickled Ami's navel ever so slightly with his tongue, exciting a small giggle out of the blue haired girl, and then began kissing his way back up her body once more. His fingers danced around on every inch of bare skin until they reached the front clasp of Ami's black lace bra. Ami exhaled as Heero's fingers gently unclasped the strapless support undergarment, freeing her modest sized breasts from their lacy confines. Ami didn't have the largest chest anyone had ever seen, but on her slender and petite body, they looked like perfection.
Despite the fact that he had freed the two mounds that most guys would immediately jump at, Heero was in no rush. He purposely planted light kisses around, but never on, the sensitive areas of Ami's chest, driving her wild with anticipation and excitement. His fingers were constantly soothing and caressing her skin, keeping her senses on edge the entire time. This resulted in Ami letting out an audible gasp when Heero's lips finally did encircle one of Ami's sensitive pink nipples. Neither Heero's lips nor his hands ever stayed in one place for long. He continued the sensual torture, his lips and fingers roaming everywhere from Ami's mouth, down her neck to her collarbone, around her breasts, and across her stomach. Ami was so caught up in the sensations Heero was giving her that she barely even noticed him slowly unzipping her skirt and running it down her legs until it fell to the floor.
Now clad in only her panties, Ami decided to start taking the initiative. Shifting her body weight, Ami managed to roll over both herself and Heero, until he was lying on his back, and she was sitting on top of him. “Like what you see?” Ami asked with another sexy grin, knowing full well that Heero had a great view from his position underneath her.
Heero gave her a mischievous smirk, and instead of responding to Ami's inquiry with words, he answered with actions. His hands started at Ami's upper thighs and gently grazed across her waist and up and around her sides, caressing her back. Then rising to a sitting position, Heero took Ami's nipple back into his mouth as it was at just the perfect height to do so.
Ami moaned in pleasure at Heero's actions, but was resolute to not let him get the upper hand in their foreplay. Softly, yet sternly, Ami pushed Heero back down to the bed. “Tsk, Tsk. Aren't we being a naughty boy.” The playful grin never left Ami's lips, and her stare never broke contact with Heero's cobalt eyes as she reached behind her and carefully undid Heero's belt. Once the belt was out of the way, Ami proceeded to undo the button and zipper of Heero's pants, and then in one swift motion, pulled both Heero's pants and boxers down to his knees, leaving him to kick them the rest of the way off. Ami then slipped off her own panties, leaving them both naked, with Heero lying on his back and Ami sitting on his lower stomach, right near his waist.
Feeling finished with foreplay, and noticing that Heero was definitely ready, Ami got off from on top of Heero, and laid down on her back in the center of the bed as Heero rolled over and positioned himself on top of her. Ami let out a moan of pleasure as Heero slowly entered her, always careful not to do anything to cause the girl any harm. Despite the fact that they had done this numerous times, Ami was still a delicate petite girl, and Heero would never even think of doing anything that would cause her pain.
The two Gundam leaders made love for the next two hours, and since they hadn't gotten back from the club until well after midnight, by the time they were done, it was already almost sunrise. But Heero and Ami didn't care. Absolutely drained of energy and feeling completely comfortable and content, Heero and Ami soon fell asleep together, still naked, with their bodies intertwined in a caring embrace.