Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line Is It Anyway? Anime Style!!!!! ❯ Irish Drinking Song ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Whose Line is it anyway or any

of these animes characters. If I did I would be livin it up in L.A.

GL: Welcome back to Whose Line Is It Anyway. Lets just skip the talking and get to the game. Our next game is Irish Drinking Song. I'm just gonna skip the instructions. Now give me an idea of someone you hate to take on a date.

Guy from audience: A fat chick.

GL: I like that one. So you four are gonna do the Fat Chick Irish Drinking Song. Laura Hall, take it away.

**Music Plays**

All: Oh… Hi De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di

Gohan: On my first date…

Jim: We went to the movies,

Yusuke: She ordered three jumbo popcorns…

T.K.: and four extra large cookies.

Gohan: She made me buy all the tickets…

Jim: for her big ol' ass,

Yusuke: She took up half the movie screen,

T.K.: She also passed the gas!

All: Oh Hi De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di

Jim: She kept running my bill high…

Yusuke: She made me go insane,

T.K.: I begged god to kill me now…

Gohan: So he sent a train.

Jim: But the train missed me…

Yusuke: by a few thousand feet,

T.K.: I wished it hit that big ol' bitch…

Gohan: Who was sucking on her feet!

All: Oh Hi De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di

Yusuke: I was writing my last will…

T.K.: and testament,

Gohan: I put in the nearest mailbox…

Jim: but it never got sent.

Yusuke: I started crying nonstop…

T.K.: and wailed and wailed and wailed,

Gohan: I kicked the bitch in her back…

Jim: and boy did she sail!

All: Oh Hi De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di De Di

T.K.: I was so excited…

Gohan: the bitch was finally dead,

Jim: it turns out that god does care…

Yusuke: I yelled cause she was dead!

T.K.: I was so happy…

Gohan: people thought I was crude

Jim: I took all my clothes off…

Yusuke: and ran around in the nude!!!!

All: Oh Hi De Di De Di De Di De DI DE DI DE DIIIIIIIII!!!!!

Audience: *laughing their asses off*

GL: *while laughing* we'll be back with more Whose Line so

stick around to see who the winner is.

GL: 4 chapter is done. Please review * cracks knuckles and pulls out a hockey mask and a chainsaw from out of nowhere* or else. *has an evil look*