Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Random randomness ❯ the appearance of the authoress and important news at the bottom ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/n thanks for the nice reviews onward to chapter 3

Introducing the authoress and the vanishing ramen

Genki: I dare you not to call anyone a name the rest of the game

Yusuke: darn grandma got me

Me: you have angered the all mighty authoress you shall now pay the consequences

Yusuke: *dances the chicken singing I am sexy*

Me: damn he was supposed to sing the barney song I'm still trying to get the hang of these powers

Kagome: What was that?

Inuyasha: no clue

Me: I am the almighty authoress *appears * but you can call me Kasia or kas whichever you perfer

Ooooo fluffy *jumps to pet his tail *

Fluffy: *growls *

me: *pays no attention and continues to pet his tail *

Inuyasha: what do you mean authoress?

me: I'll *pet * show *pet * you *ramen appears *

Inuyasha: I like this author person *makes a grab for ramen *

me: it's authorESS and just as I can make good things happen I can make ban things happen too * ramen dissappears* so DON'T get me mad

Inuyasha: * cries over lost ramen* What a waste of perfectly good ramen

A/n: hope you like this chapter please R+R= happy author

oh just so everyone knows i am having a special halloween chap next and i am bringing in new people and new bishis but after that one we are returning to our regularly scheduled ficcy thank you and have a nice day *smiles like a person at micky D's*