Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ For the last time we are NOT girls ❯ it begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I hate you sleazy lawyers for making me say these painful words no I don't own yuyu hakushow or any other characters in this story fine crush my dreams why don't you

A/n: I wrote this when I was half asleep so if it sucks I'll write the next one when I'm all the way awake

For the last time we are NOT girls!!

Chapter 1





Shishiwakamaru (I hope I spelled that right)




A/n there shall be more

Kurama had invited a couple of people to his house

Fluffy: what is this all about?

Kurama: I have decided I've had enough of people thinking I'm a girl so I have organized the W.A.N.G.C. (we are not girls club) even young people are mistaken for girls take Shippo for example

Shippo: I told you I wear this bow because I lost a bet with Inuyasha!

Fluffy: For once I agree with you I'm tired of people thinking I'm a girl we have to take a stand for all guys called girls I'm going to call my lawyers

Shippo: I'll go home and make posters with the new crayons Kagome gave me

Miroku: I have no idea why I'm mistaken for a girl *confused *

All guys: * rolls eyes* It may have something to do with the fact that you wear a dress

Kurama: okay next meeting is tomorrow

ps: if you would like to be an agent/lawyer please give me the following and just so ya know i am only taking 3:

name: we need that obviously

race: miko, demon, human, ect




othier: anything you want to put here

thanks ttfn &ttyl

-kasia matsubishi