Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Poems From The Soul ❯ Two Buds of a Rose ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kurama (new co-host): Um? Hi? O.O
Lor: Sorry it took me so long to update…. stupid mid-term exams….. ANYWAYS, thank you soooooooooo much for the reviews! *Hands reviewers some pie* ^o^ Everybody loves pie!
Kurama: Mmmmmmmmm! Wild berry! *Turns into Yoko who sneaks them away*
Lor: ^_^ As you can see, I have a new co-host. Fluffy-Chan kept eating all the pies. -.-
Yoko: *Munch! Munch! Munch!* ^o^
Lor: *Twitching* W-where did the pies go!?!?!?!?!
Yoko: -BURP- -o- Dunno.
Lor: *Twitch* THEN WHY IS THERE PIE ALL OVER YOUR FACE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! >o<
Yoko: Ummmm….. Sesshoumaru ate it?
Sesshoumaru: (Randomly appears) Hey!
-After many ouchies…-
Lor: Anyways…. this is my fist Yu Yu Hakusho poem so please enjoy and review at the end! ^o^
Two Buds of a Rose
Long ago I was a fox.
I stole ancient treasures
And picked many locks.
With me, I had a friend.
We were famous… until his end.
After that, the days were long.
I was chased by a pursuer,
Quick and strong.
A blast was fired
With blinding light
By the man after me
To show his might.
I was hit and fell.
It was then end of me…
But I cannot die so easily!
I assumed soul form
To escape to Ningenkai.*
I saw a pregnant onna*
And decided to try.
My soul entered the unborn child
And there I was,
Restless and wild…
I am now fifteen.
My powers are strong.
My rose whip is back,
Deadly and long.
My human self is different from me
Two buds of a rose…
Until I am free.
I no longer thieve, I am resigned.
We now fight for spirit world,
Our powers combined.
Ningenkai = Human World
Onna = Human
Lor: Ok! How didja like it? Please tell me in a review! =P
Kurama: (now conscious) Yay! I was in it! ^o^
Lor: Yup! ;D
Sesshoumaru: What about me?
Lor: You hate when I write about you….. *smiles devilishly* are you JEALOUS Fluffy-Chan? -.^
Sesshoumaru: Hn…. no.
Yoko: (randomly comes up) …………………… my hair is shinier than yours…..
Sesshoumaru: O.O TAKE THAT BACK!
Lor: -.-
Yoko: NEVER! You know its true!
Sesshoumaru: Oh yeah? Well, mine is silkier! >o<
Yoko: In your dreams, mutt! >.<
Lor: ……………………..ummmm ok?
-Both slowly turn to face her-
Both S and Y: Whose hair do YOU think is better, Lor?
Lor: Uh oh! Um……………… the muffin man? …………………………O.O Please review! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
-Lor gets chased by two angry demons-