Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Demon of Makai ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wow, it's past one in the morning, but I'm still updating. Turns out that I have an extra day before I leave, so if I'm given the proper incentive, I might put up another chapter tomorrow.
Serena SilverMoon: Kurama knew she was there because of his ears, not his nose. She got scared/excited while listening to them talk, and her shortened breathing was loud enough for him to pick up on. If it had been his nose, that would have caused too many complications, so the wind just happened to be carrying her scent away from him.
Kagome wiped her forehead. “I am SO glad that this is over with,” she said to Robin, who was putting the last of the chairs away. “It's been a little too eventful for me. Did you know that Michael's sisters wandered into us earlier today?”
“Really?” Robin said. She looked at Kagome expectantly.
“Yeah, apparently they're twins. They don't look the same, though.”
“You know that twins aren't necessarily identical,” Robin informed her, laughter evident in her voice.
“Oh, really?”
“You didn't know that?”
“No. I've never seen twins aside from Sango's, but one's a boy and the other's a girl, so they wouldn't look the same.”
“Who are they? Michael's sisters, I mean.”
“Their names are Jordan and Crystal. You might've seen Crystal around; Jordan wasn't feeling too well, and had to come in.”
Robin looked concerned. “Is she okay?”
“I think so. They're from Momiji's Orphanage, so I'm going to assume that she's just in shock.”
“`Momiji's Orphanage'?” Robins questioned.
“Haven't you heard of that place?” Robin shook her head. “Supposedly, Momiji, the owner of the place, works the orphans there and feeds them poorly. You haven't heard any rumors about that place?” Another head shake. “It's supposed to be pretty bad there.”
“How did they get out?”
Kagome shrugged. “Who knows. You can ask them later if you want. It might be a touchy subject, so tread carefully.”
They walked into the house and took off their shoes. “I'm going to go check on Kirara,” Kagome said, heading up the stairs.
“I'll go with you,” offered Robin. The two sophomores entered Sango's room and looked for where the kaneko could be. A soft mew was heard from the other side of the bed. They walked over and stopped when Kirara came into their line of sight. She looked tired, but immensely proud of herself. Surrounding her were five little kittens.
“Did Sango know about this?” asked Robin.
“I don't think so,” whispered Kagome. “This is why she was acting so strangely. She had kittens.” They knelt beside the konekos. “They're so cute.”
Kirara purred, her kittens adding their own voices to it. “They're adorable, Kirara,” said Robin. “I'll go tell Sango.”
“Wait for me,” called Kagome, following her to the door. Once on the stairs, they smelled food being cooked. They looked at each other. “Uh-oh.” Racing down the stairs, they all fervently hoped that it wasn't Serena cooking. She was sweet and all, but the poor girl just couldn't cook. To their relief, Cye was the one at the stove. Hearing their entrance, he looked over his shoulder and waved.
“Since Robin cooked last night, I figured that I could do it this time,” he explained to their inquiring glances.
“Thank goodness it was you cooking and not Serena,” they said at the same time. “She's as nice as they come, but she just can't cook,” Kagome informed him. “Sorry if we startled you.”
He smiled slightly and turned his attention back to the stove. “It should be ready soon.”
“Thanks again,” they called as the exited the kitchen to tell the rest of the household it was time to eat, and try to find Sango to herald the good news.
They found her talking with Mia. “Dinner's ready,” Robin called to them. As they passed, they pulled Sango over and quickly told her the news.
“She has kittens?” she exclaimed in disbelief.
“Yeah. I think that's why she seemed so sick; she was expecting kittens,” Kagome said.
“I have to see her,” she said, hurrying away from them.
“Don't forget to eat,” Kagome called after her. Looking at Robin, she said, “We'd better not be late for dinner either. Let's go.”
Not another boring meeting, Hiei moaned internally. When does it all end? Once again, Koenma had called them for another boring assignment. By now the other members of the Reikai Tantei knew of his other “assignment”, but it didn't mean he could just skip all the other assignments. That was truly unfortunate in Hiei's opinion. Seriously, how was he supposed to keep an eye on Tanner and the Higurashi Shrine if he was always being called away to do some other menial and degrading mission?
“Well, Hiei?” asked Koenma.
“What?” he asked irritably; he hated being pulled out of his complaining except when it was time to leave.
Koenma sighed. “Haven't you been paying ANY attention?”
Hiei just smirked; Koenma HATED when he did that.
“You're hopeless.” The toddler-sized ruler of the spirit realm threw his hands in the air. “We were discussing how to close a portal that opened between the Demon and Human Worlds. I think that if you close it on the Demon side, then it'll close for good.”
“And how do you suggest that we get back?” he snapped at the short(er) person.
“I'd give you this.” He held up a small device that had fit in the palm of his hand. “It creates a portal of its own and, once used, disappears. And it only works once, so it would have to be used once you're sure that the other one is closed. I don't have another one, so this is your only chance. What do you boys say? Will you go?”
“Do we have a choice?” asked Yusuke in a sarcastic voice.
“Well, you do, but I think you'll go.”
“Okay, fine, we'll do it. Where is it?”
“It's in a park. There are a lot of trees around, and it's in a clearing.”
“I think I know where it is, then,” stated Kurama.
Koenma looked relieved. “Good. Kurama can lead all you over there.”
“As you wish.”
He needs to get out more. “If that's all, then I'll get back to the shrine,” Hiei called over his shoulder, already bounding out the door with the speed only another speed demon could match. He could hear Koenma yelling at him, but he didn't care. He just had to get out of there.
Arriving back home, he could sense that something had happened. It was a good thing, as there was no sense of fear of sadness, but what could've happened in such a short time? Just as he landed on the ground, Serena came out to him. This girl has a sixth sense on when someone's coming.
“What happened?” he asked without the usual coldness he gets when he was with the rest of the world.
“Kirara's just had five kittens,” she informed him.
He stared at her. “This is the reason everyone's happy?” he asked incredulously.
“Well, whenever there's been a birth, there's rejoicing.”
“Not when I was born,” he muttered.
“What was that? I didn't quite catch that,” she said, a twinkle in her eye.
“Nothing,” he said quickly, not wanting to spread the news around.
“Okay,” she said slowly. “Everyone else has already eaten, so but I saved some for you.”
“Thank you,” he said, following her into the house. He took his food outside so he could see the sky. She's nice. She goes out of her way to make sure that everyone else is all right.
He disposed of his paper dishes and plastic utensils and hopped onto the roof. If anyone had been watching, they would've thought they were going mad. After all, a tall person couldn't have jumped onto the roof, and here this five-foot person did it with perfect ease. Facing the stars, he wondered how long this new mission of Koenma's would take. This didn't last very long. Then, unintentionally, his thought turned to Serena. She's too nice to everyone. Why? Being nice caused her friends to throw her out. They didn't appreciate her like I do.
That last thought stopped him cold. Like WE do, he corrected himself. She may not cook well at all, but she helps around the place. Maybe she could help me keep an eye on Tanner. She's sharp, and since she's clumsy, she can make herself noticeable and keep his attention on her and where she'll mess up next. Then he won't be looking for the source of the power surges.
His next thoughts were of the two new additions to the family, Michael's sisters. Isn't it just a bit of coincidence that they happened to come here of all places, where Michael was? Then again, isn't it coincidence that those `special' witches, as Robin calls them, show up here? It's like this place calls to them. Kagome was already here, but Robin came, then Serena. This place is like a light that attracts insects, only the called ones are witches. Maybe Michael's sisters are witches; at least one of them is. How else could they have come here? Maybe they just worked for a different section of the STN and didn't tell Michael. Maybe they work for the Tokyo government. Maybe I'm just jumping at shadows. Maybe I'm talking to myself. Stop that, myself. Okay. Not again. Okay. STOP! OKAY! AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!