Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ An Old Friend and New Obligations ❯ Chapter 10 (last one!) ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ithilelda: Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait but I was struck by that horrible curse that plagues all writers…writer's block. This chapter is definitely gonna be the last…for this fic anyway. I will be writing an epilogue fic to this called Fate can be Cruel. And now for the show…let the fic begin

Old Friends and New Obligations

Chapter 10

"Heh, how the mighty have fallen Naraku, I thought you said you were gonna destroy us." Inu Yasha said, laughing at the now beaten and battered hanyou," To think you went to such trouble just to get revenge on me for winning Kikyo's heart. You're pathetic."

"I must say that I agree with the dog…you are a sad excuse for a demon." Hiei mocked. Naraku spat the blood in his mouth onto the floor and stood up with difficulty. He had already lost Kanna and Kagura. His only defense was the boy, Kohaku, and his sister, the demon exterminator, was dealing with him. He loosed whatever remaining Youkai he could to keep the two demons busy while he recovered.

He hated to admit it but they were stronger than he was. If he did not do something quickly they would destroy him. He searched his mind but no plan of escape came to him. Frantic, he searched the room. Nothing…then his eyes lighted on the young miko. That blasted reincarnation of Kikyo's had caused him nothing but trouble. She was too strong for her own good. Had that clay bitch not died again to give Inu Yasha a chance to beat him he might have won. (a/n: Me no likey Kikyo so me kill her!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!)

Maybe he could use that girl, that Kagome, to his advantage. If he could only…yes that would be perfect. He would need to time things just right but with luck he would come out of this battle even stronger than before. The time was ripe. The two fools had just finished with the last of his demons.

"Fools. Come and try to destroy me if you dare." Naraku bellowed. A few moments passed.

"That's pretty tough talk coming from a dead man!" Inu Yasha shouted back.

"They've taken the bait." Naraku thought," Good."

Hiei and Inu Yasha ran forward, each with his own attack readied. Naraku braced himself, if he could just survive this attack things would be perfect. Naraku found himself thrown into the wall by another of Inu Yasha's wind scar attacks while Hiei had warmed up a volley of fire blasts for him. Naraku drug himself up and prepared for his greatest plan yet.

"Move!!" shouted Kagome," This bastard's gonna die once and for all!"

Kagome had her arrow nocked and charged with energy. Naraku smirked at the young miko as she stood there with her bow and arrow, ready to blast him into oblivion.

"DIE!!!" Kagome found herself shouting as she released the arrow that would seal Naraku's fate. It hit and Naraku disappeared in a puff of miasma. It lingered in the air for a moment and then hit Kagome full force. As she blacked out she remembered hearing her friends call for her and seeing Hiei above her as her vision faded.

Kurama and the rest of the battle worn group came into the hall to see Inu Yasha and Hiei bent over the limp form of Kagome. Inu Yasha was calling desperately for her and Hiei was actually crying. Kurama rushed over and quickly checked her pulse. The room went silent as each member of the group prayed silently that the girl that they had all come to love and respect was not dead. Kurama turned around, visibly relieved.

"She's alive," he said," Her pulse is low but it is there. She will recover. She simply needs rest."

They all sighed their relief as Hiei picked her up and they walked out of the now deserted and battle torn mansion. It shimmered out of existence as they left leaving no trace of the evil that had inhabited it.


Hiei and Inu Yasha sat silently in Kagome's room waiting for her to wake up. It had been three days since the battle and everyone was getting worried. Fortunately, at that particular moment Kagome stirred. Her eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings. Inu Yasha and Hiei lit up with joy and rushed to her side in time to hear her first words.

"Perfect. It worked. I am unstoppable now. To think that my body could hold such power is…amazing." she said in a low voice," Naraku is dead. Let the reign of Kagome, dark miko begin!"


Ithilelda: MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! If you want to know what happens to our heroes now that Kagome is evil you will have to wait for the debut of Fate can be Cruel to find out.