Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Confusing Relations ❯ You’re a Weasly ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:  I don't own YYH, Inuyasha, or Harry Potter! (This gets quite tedious, don't you think?)




You're a Weasly


            Early next morning, Kagome found herself being dragged away from a particularly sweet dream when Kawaii decided to give Kagome a wet tongue bath. "I'm up, I'm up." Kagome moaned through a wide yawn, not even bothering to cover her mouth in the process. After all, who was there to watch her manners this early anyway?  After rubbing the sleep from her tired eyes, Kagome playfully chased her pet out of her room when she noticed the sun hadn't even peaked over the horizon.

            Kagome jumped her pet on the way down from the last few steps of the rickety, old stairs, causing a loud thud to echo throughout the Leaky Cauldron. "Can you keep it down out there?!?" Yusuke's annoyed voice yelled from his room. "Some decent people are actually trying to sleep, you know?" In response to Yusuke's half-asleep outburst, Kagome childishly stuck out her tongue in the direction of his room.

            Kagome quickly curled her tongue back into her mouth when Hermione walked out of her room in a slight daze. "What happened?" Hermione asked, locking her gaze on Kagome's sprawled form. "Did you trip?" Kagome smiled sheepishly and opened her mouth to speak, but before a decent explanation could be given, Kagome was interrupted.

            "VOLDEMORT!" Harry yelled, running out of his room with wand poised for combat. Kagome blinked her blue eyes in utter confusion when the Leaky Cauldron erupted into life in mere seconds. Wizards and witches scrambled from their rooms, some shrieking in terror, while others grabbing for their wands.

            "Where?!?" Ron asked, turning his body in a 360. 

            "Everyone, please calm down!" Hermione's calm voice rang out over the chaotic noises. "It's all a misunderstanding!" Ron immediately relaxed and wrapped an arm around Harry, hoping to give some comfort to his agitated friend. Harry's body shook as big beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks to land in loud splats on the cement floor.

            Kagome took this uneasy silence as her cue to speak up and give an excuse for the incident earlier, "I'm so sorry for the disturbance!" Kagome lifted herself off her pet when he gently nipped at her hand as a reminder that he was still being squashed. "I was seeking revenge on my pet, who had dared to play a trick on me, and in the process of this revenge, caused a loud thud. Harry must have thought that this - Voldemort (shivers shot through everyone's spines at the mention of the name), had arrived."

            Everyone seemed to relax after the explanation, before grumblings about a false alarm spurted forth from everyone's mouth. Kagome noted, with mild amusement, some of the foul language that accompanied the grumblings of the witches and wizards. "Note to self," Kagome mentally murmured, "ask who the heck Voldemort is." Kagome quietly retreated to Yusuke's sleeping quarters with Kawaii at her heels, deeming it time for the lazy bum to meet the sunshine. All the while, Hermione and Ron tried to comfort Harry to the best of their capabilities, repeating over and over again, 'it wasn't Voldemort'.

            "Harry, he isn't here." Hermione whispered, glancing at her best friend worriedly. "It was just Kagome and her pet. You don't feel your scar burning, do you?" Harry shook his head 'no'. "See, there's nothing to worry about." Hermione gently reassured. Ron's facial expression seemed to disagree with Hermione's choice of words, but he wisely kept his mouth tightly shut, afraid to upset Harry any further.

            "Yusuke, wake up." Kagome commanded in a sing-song voice. Yusuke turned over in his bed, curling up into a tight ball. Kagome non-to-gently probed Yusuke's ribs a couple of times with her finger before deciding to pinch his mouth and nose completely shut. Kagome sighed in exasperation when Yusuke stopped breathing altogether. "You didn't even struggle! Yusuke, you're going to die sleeping." Kagome silently reprimanded Yusuke.

            "Mom, I'm drowning." Yusuke wheezed out as soon as Kagome withdrew her hand from his mouth. Kagome stifled a giggle when Yusuke took in a few deep breaths of air before resuming a peaceful, rhythmic snore.  Kagome grinned from ear to ear before motioning for Kawaii to do his 'thing'. Kawaii stopped next to Yusuke's sleeping form, his golden eyes sparkling in delight. "Last warning, Yusuke!" Kagome hollered loudly into Yusuke's eardrums. "Okay, let him have it Kawaii." Kagome informed her pet when Yusuke showed no signs of awakening.

            Everyone's head turned in the direction of Yusuke's room when a loud howl of terrible pain vibrated throughout the Leaky Cauldron. The name 'Voldemort' immediately escaped the lips of many occupants of the Leaky Cauldron, striking fear in every witch and wizard. Wands were quickly drawn as the wizards and witches fearfully scooted over to the door, hoping for a quick escape.

            "YOU STUPID FOX!" rang out from Yusuke's room, causing everyone to snap there head's in the direction of the ear shattering scream. 

            "False alarm," a middle-aged red-head, who had some resemblance to Ron, released a breath he didn't know he had been holding. The man narrowly missed being trampled when a bolt of silver jolted down the stairs. The silver blur was quickly pursued by a murderous-looking teen (Yusuke), whose arm was oozing with fresh blood from his new wound - a flesh-tearing bite from a fox.

            "Don't you dare touch him," Kagome growled, "and it's only one bite. It can't be that bad, right?"

            "Only one bite?" Yusuke asked incredulously, "Then why don't you ask your damn fox to bite you!"

            "Oh, I've been bitten by a fox, all right. It was painful, but wonderful all at once. It's an incredible…" Kagome smiled, causing Yusuke to twitch in anger.

            "You know I wasn't talking about that!" Yusuke growled at the smirking witch.

            "Anyway, look on the bright side, Kawaii has gotten his morning appetizer." Kagome happily informed Yusuke.

            "Damn it, Kagome, I'm not breakfast!" Yusuke yelled angrily.

            "I didn't say you were breakfast. I thought I said appetizer." Kagome promptly corrected, while walking over to Yusuke to push him into an unoccupied chair. "Sit still." Kagome sighed, before taking out her wand. Yusuke looked warily at the odd stick in Kagome's hand before trying to escape the doom that was soon to befall him.

            Kagome murmured a quick incantation and gave a slight flick of her wand before Yusuke could actually escape, but the spell did not hold the effect she was aiming for. Large, green welts bloomed on Yusuke's already injured arm, "Damn you, Kagome! What the hell did you do to me?" Kagome grinned uneasily, before motioning for Hermione to come over.

            "Hey Hermione, maybe you can help Yusuke?" Kagome asked, keeping her finger crossed behind her back.

            "Sure," Hermione replied as she quickly preformed the counter curse and freed Yusuke of his welts before proceeding to stop his bleeding.

            Kagome picked up her pet and tucked him safely in her arms before whispering to Yusuke, "I'll make it up to you." Yusuke grumbled something incoherently. "Plus, I'm sure the wound isn't fatal to you, I've seen you carry wounds one hundred times worse than what you have now." Yusuke nodded his head in agreement, gladly accepting Kagome's ego-inflating words.

            "As easy as pie," Kagome thought to herself, "Yusuke can relate to Inuyasha in more than one way." Kagome irrationally flicked her soft tongue over Kawaii's mouth, cleaning up the remaining blood crusts. Ron, the only one who had noticed the exchange between Kagome and her pet, covered his mouth and turned a sickly green.

            "What's wrong, Ron?" Hermione asked in worried tone. Ron shook his head and told her he was fine, deciding what he had just witnessed seconds ago must have been a trick of the eye.

            "Yes, that's right." Ron assured himself. "Who would lick their pet just to taste blood? Who would want to taste blood?" Ron quickly backed away in fear when Kagome and her pet moved to stand beside him. "P-Please keep your pet away from me." Ron mumbled.

            Hermione just shook her head at Ron's plea, "But really, Kagome, is your pet safe?"

            "Yes, he doesn't bite - unless I ask him too." Kagome replied. "Or when he wants to, but they don't have to know that, right?" Kagome smiled, "I couldn't get Yusuke up; so I tried this method." Ron grimaced, turning another shade of green. "There's not really anything to worry about. I wouldn't have had inflicted any wounds on Yusuke that I knew he couldn't have handled. That wound should heal nicely in another few minutes."  Kagome thought nonchalantly to herself.

            "I don't think I'll ever want you to wake me up." Ron blurted out, causing a smile to spread of Kagome's features. Ron turned around to face his dad when he felt Kagome's gaze linger on someone behind him. "Oh, Kagome, this is my dad." Then Ron proceeded to proudly point out a woman who was tending to a younger girl a little further off. "That my mum and sister, Ginny."

            "Oh, that's nice." Kagome replied, smiling at Ron's family. "But, they look so similar…" Kagome trailed off, looking over each of Ron's family members.

            "When are we leaving for Hogwarts, Mr. Weasly?" Harry asked. Kagome quickly snapped her head up as soon as the word "Weasly" left Harry's lips. No one noticed the slight narrowing of Kagome's eyes, except Kawaii and Yusuke (even though he was a couple of yards away).

            "Soon," Mr. Weasly smiled. Harry nodded his head in acceptance to Mr. Weasly's answer before an uncomfortable pause followed. Mr. Weasly decided to break the awkward silence by striking a casual conversation with Kagome, "I'm happy to meet you; Ron has told me all about you and Yusuke."

            "It has been a pleasure meeting you too, Mr. Weasly." Kagome replied with sugar-coated sweetness. "Weasly, I should have guessed. Then Ron is a Weasly as well - I can't believe it." Kagome thought dispassionately to herself. Kagome was startled from her thoughts when Kawaii plastered a wet kiss to her cheek, hoping to comfort her.  "I'm fine, love." Kagome whispered, snuggling into her pet's fur.

            "Well, since everyone's ready, let's move out." Mr. Weasly suggested. Kagome regarded him with cold eyes before calmly making her way to her room. Before Kagome could holler for Yusuke to help her with the luggage, Yusuke was already walking out of her room with both their possessions.

            "Come on, Slave Driver." Yusuke grumbled, stopping at the door to flash Kagome a grin. "I'm the one that should be sulking. We're going to go study! Though you're probably going to fail." Yusuke snorted, remembering the incident with the welts. Kagome's frown slipped into an amused smile as she playfully punched Yusuke on the arm.

            "Thanks, Yusuke." Kagome gratefully murmured.

            "The luggage is too heavy for a weak girl like you anyway." snorted Yusuke, before disappearing down the stairs.

            "I wasn't talking about the luggage…and I'm not weak." Kagome sighed, "I meant thank you for cheering me up." Kagome shook her head slightly before descending the stairs with Kawaii at her heels.  Kagome soon found herself being stuffed into a vehicle that had been enchanted to accommodate more people than it was made for.

            Yusuke returned to his grumbling self as Kagome occupied her time with brushing out Kawaii's silky, silver fur and chatting with Hermione (she acted as if she didn't hear Ginny every time she tried to start a conversation).  Hermione elbowed Harry slightly and whispered, "Why does it seem like Kagome is avoiding the Weaslys?"

            "Maybe she got up on the wrong side of bed." Harry suggested. "She was nice to Ron yesterday." Hermione nodded her head, accepting the theory. Yusuke jumped when Hermione suddenly took over his personal space and asked what happened to his wound.

            "I know I stopped the bleeding, but where's the scar and blood clot?" Hermione questioned.

            "He asked a friendly witch to help heal his wound." Kagome answered for Yusuke when he lightly nudged Kagome in the thigh. Hermione nodded her head before grabbing a book for some light reading. The rest of the trip was spent in awkward silence with the exception of grumblings from Yusuke (Yusuke also made sarcastic remarks from time to time). "What would I do without you, Yusuke?" Kagome asked herself. "I'd probably be suffering from boredom, since you are the only voice in this silent car."

            Kagome sighed in relief when they finally pulled to a stop before the train station. Everyone piled out of the car and grabbed their luggage (except Kagome, since Yusuke's carrying them). "We have to get to platform 9 ¾, located between platform 9 and 10." Harry explained with a sad half-smile. "Just run right in between the two platforms."

            "No problem." Yusuke smirked, running head on for the enchanted area. Kagome and Kawaii casually stepped into the barrier after Yusuke, who were followed by the rest of the group. As soon as they set foot onto the train, Kagome plastered a sweet smile to her face.

            "Know what to do?" Kagome asked the punk beside her.

            "No problem." Yusuke proudly replied.

            "Don't mess us." Kagome warned, before walking down the opposite direction from Yusuke, looking for an open compartment. Kagome opened a compartment door, revealing one unoccupied seat.

            "Can I sit here?" Kagome asked softly.

            "Of course, my fair lady!" a handsome young teen replied with a charming smile, grasping Kagome's hand and bringing it to his lips in a soft kiss. Kagome gently pulled her hand away from the stranger when Kawaii bristled in contempt. "I'm Miroku Houshi, my beautiful lady." A girl's fist quickly connected with Miroku's skull, knocking the perverted teen unconscious. Kagome grimaced slightly at the loud thud that was created when Miroku's skull crashed head first onto the hard floor.

            "I'm Sango Yume, I'm sure you're going to be better company than Draco Malfoy or this pervert." Sango smiled warmly. Kagome nodded her head in Draco's direction in acknowledgment. "He's just bitter since his father was just recently taken to Azkaban." Sango explained when Malfoy totally ignored Kagome's existence. "Though I can't say it's any improvement from when his father wasn't in Azkaban. His father works for You-Know-Who."

            "I do?" Kagome asked in confusion. "But how can I know who his father works for when I don't even know his father?"

            "No, no! You-Know-Who as in the evil Dark Lord!" Sango hissed.

            "Who's the evil Dark Lord?" Kagome asked, donning a very confused look. Draco snorted as he leveled his gaze on Kagome as if she was a retard. "What am I not getting?" Kagome asked. Sango and Miroku (who just gained consciousness) looked at Kagome in disbelief before speaking all at once to explain who "You-Know-Who" is.





For those of you who read by bio, than you know I was thinking of discontinuing both this and Third Year. However, after a lot of emails…shudder, I have decided to continue this one for meantime - though I'll discontinue it if I need to. (It really depends on my classes and the amount of homework they give). However, for Third Year, it will be on hold. (For how long? Who knows? But it will be continued after I revise First, Second, and what I have of Third Year).