Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Meilin ❯ Saying bye to Hojo ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything ok…never have, never will. Are you happy now? starts to sob It's not fair!
Where we last left off:
"Momma!" I heard. Meilin ran to me. "Why are you yelling?" she asked.
I picked her up. "No reason, sweetie," I replied, "just telling your daddy what a fool he is. Let us go now. Maybe you can see him soon." I jumped down the well. Not caring about the tears that were streaming down my face.
On to the next chapter!

"Momma," Meilin said when I jumped out of the well, "why are you crying? Is something wrong? Did daddy do something to hurt you? I'm gonna beat him up if he did..."
I smiled at my little girl, who was glaring at the well. "Just like her father," I thought. "Nothing's wrong, sweetie," I sighed as I put her down, "go and tell your grandma that we're back. She probably has all her ramen and cookies done."
"Oh, boy!" she cried as she ran out of the well house, "ramen!"
Of course my little girl had to have a love for ramen just like her father. It pains me everyday to see her act just like the man who broke my heart. I followed her to the house.
"Mom!" I called, "I'm here now." Just then, a red blur ran by.
"Give me back my cookies, Meilin!" Soutacried as he ran after her. All you could hear was giggling and the sound of footsteps running up the stairs.
"Kagome," my mom said, "how are you feeling?" I told her what happened while I helped her with dinner.
"Inuyasha didn't know, he said," I explained, "all he could keep on saying was 'I'm sorry.' It was like he couldn't even tell that I was pregnant, and he didn't bother to come and see if I was ok after he pushed me down the well."
I stabbed a piece of chicken with a knife. "I hate him, mom!" I growled, "for what he did to me. And for not even coming to see me or Meilin."
"You can't say that, Kagome," she responded, "you can't blame him for that. Maybe he was told to send you back or maybe someone made him."
"You mean like he was under someone's control?" I asked. She didn't answer. She left me to my own thoughts.
"Who would make him do that?" I wondered. Thirty minutes passed. I still hadn't thought of an answer.
"Who could do that?" I thought, "Naraku...maybe. Kikyo...she does want her soul back...I don't know!"
The phone started ringing..."Kagome!"my mom called, "it's Hojo!"
I groaned..."Why didn't you tell him I was not here?"I growled at her. She handed me the phone.
Hojo...someone I would love to forget...He was an annoying little pest...still is. My friends always tried to pair me up with him. I tried to go out with him but always ran back to Inuyasha. Even after the incident, I tried to go out with Hojo. He's just too annoying, and I couldn't stop thinking about Inuyasha. Meilin hates the boy. She growls at him all the time.
"Hello?" I answered. "Make him go away," I thought.
"Hi, Kagome!" Hojo replied in a cheery voice, "how are you?"
"Fine," I said quickly, "what do you want?" I was getting irritated quickly.
"Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow?" he asked, "it seems that you're feeling better."
"Why doesn't he get the hint?" I growled.
"What was that, Kagome?" he asked.
"No, Hojo...Not now, not tomorrow, not next week, not ever! Why don't you LISTEN for once in your pathetic life?" I shouted, "leave me alone, Hojo! I don't like you that way. I will never go out with you! I have a daughter who requires my attention, and she doesn't even like you. I like someone else. Got that? Ok, good. Now leave me alone."
"But...K-Kagome," he stuttered.
"Goodbye, Hojo!" I said as I slammed the phone down. I ran upstairs to my room.
"Hi, mommy!" Meilin was jumping on the bed. I picked her up and placed her on the floor.
"Who was on the phone?" she asked. "Hojo," I answered, "and I yelled at him."
"Yea!" she cried, "I never like that "Hobo" guy anyway." She ran off to find Souta.
"Just like her father," I whispered as tears streamed down my face.
"Why does everything go wrong?" I thought.

A/N: I'm getting there, people...don't start throwing things yet. I still need votes on whether to pair her up with Inuyasha or with someone else. Please R/R...