Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Meilin ❯ Nightmare ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me...except Meilin.
A/N: News on the pairings:
Inuyasha/Kagura: 2
Inuyasha/OC: 3
Inuyasha/Botan: 1
Inuyasha/Shizuru: 0
Here's the final count on the pairings. Inuyasha will be paired with an original character. Thanks to all those who voted. As for the rest of you...you're lucky I even decided to update or you would have been screwed...jk.
Here's Chapter 18 of "Little Meilin"
Where we last left off:
"And now they believe that I killed someone!" she exclaimed.
I'm going to go there and... Yoko growled.
No+ I cried out.
-How is that going to help me, Yoko?- Kagome asked -That is just going to prove what they are saying is right.-
"And you think that Naraku had something to do with it?" I asked.
She nodded.
"He did the same to Kikyo and Inuyasha, remember?" she explained.
I nodded, and we went inside the castle.
Now on with the story...
iiiiii are thoughts of the person's POV.
uuuuuu is Yoko talking to Kurama and Kagome.
+llllll+ is Kurama talking to Yoko and Kagome.
-aaaaa- is Kagome talking to Yoko and Kurama.
(jfjfjfj) is Hiei talking to Yoko and Kurama.
/lllll/ is change between point of views.

/Kagome's POV/
I followed Shippo and Meilin outside.
I'm so tired.
I yawned and stretched.
"Mama?" Meilin called, "are you sleepy?"
"Yes, little one," I replied, "I'm heading inside to take a nap. Shippo, can you keep an eye on her?"
He nodded. I turned and headed back inside the castle.
I made it back to my room.
As I nodded off, I thought of the events that happened earlier that day.
"Why is Kagome covered in blood?" Inuyasha asked, eyeing Kurama.
Kurama quickly explained the situation.
"What am I to do?" I asked Sesshomaru.
"We'll wait a few days for that village to calm down," he responded, "then we'll take it from there."
I nodded and walked off, lost in my thoughts.
-A dream-
I woke up and looked around. Meilin and Shippo were gone. I looked around at my surroundings.
Something doesn't seem right.
"Meilin?" I called, "Shippo?"
That was when I noticed it...the smell. Smells like...
I ran towards the scent. I looked at Sesshomaru's castle, broken in some places. I found bodies everywhere.
My friends...comrades...NO!
I found Sesshomaru, his body ripped to shreds. Rin was by his side, a gaping hole in her stomach. I turned and saw Inuyasha, along with Shippo, on the ground. Both were dead.
"This...can't be...happening," I denied, tears welling up in my eyes.
I glanced around, trying to catch Meilin's scent. I ran inside the castle. More bodies were everywhere, all of Sesshomaru's servants.
"Meilin?" I cried, my tears threatening to fall.
I entered my room and gasped at what I saw. Meilin was on my bed, her head chopped off. I turned towards her attacker, rage in my eyes.
"It...can't be," I stuttered, coming to a stop.
But it was...who would've thought that my mate, Kurama had something to do with this.
"How dare you!" I cried, my eyes turning red.
"Look who finally decided to show up," he glared at me, rose whip in his hand.
"But...why?" I asked, flexing my claws.
"They were annoying," he said, raising his rose whip to strike me.
"I'll kill you for this!" I growled, attacking him.
Unfortunately he was too fast. He swung his rose whip over and over, cutting me everywhere. I did the only thing that I could do.
I screamed.
/Kurama's POV/
I sat in a chair, in Sesshomaru's study. Both him and Inuyasha, as well as myself and Koga, were planning our strategy against Naraku.
I'm bored Yoko whined.
+This is important Yoko+ I explained.
Well I rather ditch this and spend some time with our kitten Yoko purred.
+Later Yoko+ I promised.
Yoko pouted.
"Sesshomaru," I wondered, "Aren't you Kagome's brother?"
He nodded.
"Then why isn't she a dog demon like you two are?" I asked, pointing at Inuyasha as well.
"For some reason the ritual didn't work on her," Sesshomaru explained, "she is my sister but she did not take on any of our characteristics."
I nodded. It was then that we heard a sound.
"What was that?" Inuyasha asked.
"Sounds like someone is screaming," Koga replied.
We all ran to the source. It was coming from Kagome's room.
I turned the door knob only to find it locked.
"Open it already!" Inuyasha cried. I broke down the door and we all ran in.
Kagome was thrashing about under the blankets. She was screaming in pain.
"She's having a nightmare," Sesshomaru explained.
At this time, everyone was in the room, except for Rin and Meilin. She must've kept her in her room.
"Wake up, Kagome!" I started shaking her awake.
She jolted awake and looked at me. She whimpered and shrank back away from me.
What's wrong with her? Yoko asked.
Inuyasha walked towards her and she started crying. He hugged her.
+I don't know+ I wondered.
"Are her sheets supposed to be red?" Shippo asked.
Someone turned on the lights and her white sheets were red. Koga pulled off the blankets and we all gasped.
+How could we not notice before+ I asked Yoko. He just shook his head in my mind.
Kagome had cuts all over her body.
A/N: There you have it. Another chapter. Please read and review. I plan on introducing Inuyasha's pairing next chapter. I'm taking suggestions for any descriptions of this character. Send them in your reviews. Unitl the next chapter.