Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Long Lost Brothers ❯ We Meet Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't Inuyasha or yu yu hakusho

AN: please excuse my way of writing. It may have errors; in fact I'm positive that there are errors so please bear with it.

Help from Long Lost Brother Chapter One: We Meet Again

Sesshoumaru was in his office deciding upon when he should patrol his lands.

"Should it be this week or the next," he thought. Suddenly his head jerked in an upward motion and growled, "A powerful fox demon is in my castle territory. His aura is impressive though it seems familiar." He then chided himself for thinking too highly of his enemy. "The fox demon will not over power this Sesshoumaru."

After he ended his train of thoughts for his so called fox enemy, Jaken knocked hastily on the office door.

"Sesshoumaru- sama, Sesshoumaru-sama there is a lowly demon who wishes to see you. I cannot see his face since he covered it up with his cloak and he's dressed in black from head to toe," croaked the annoying retainer.

Sesshoumaru rose from his seat and walked to the shoji door to open it. He walked past his servant without a second glance and made way to the front castle.

"The demon Jaken reported is the same as the demon I sensed. Also, his aura seems very familiar. Could it be him? No, it can't be, he's been gone for hundreds of years he wouldn't just show up like this," mused Sesshoumaru.

When he approached the castle gates, he made sure his emotionless mask is on.

"You've finally come," stated the mysterious demon.

"Who are you and why are you here?" asked Sesshoumaru coldly.

"You've changed; I remember you were a happy little child, always so cheerful and loving to your older step brother. What happened to you these past few hundred years?"

Sesshoumaru was stunned as he heard the stranger's words. His mind started to work at a rare one hundred mile per hour. "It can't be. You can't be back. Youko, you can't be back. You went away, but it is nice for you to come back. I have missed your fierce protection of me," thought Sesshoumaru rapidly, but his reassurance did not work. Images of Youko practicing his plant magic haunted his mind. The way the plants snapped and roared made a scarce intimidation on him, yet images of his step brother protecting him from demons flooded his mind too. Even though his powers may be no match against Youko's, Sesshoumaru knows that his step brother would never harm him.

"Are you still afraid of my powers, little brother? If you do, you have no reason to. You know I will not hurt you. Remember that I have loved you and protected you when we were younger and I will still love and protect you even now. Even if we are not true siblings" stated the fox youkai as he lifted his cloak to reveal fox ears that adorned his long flowing silver hair, golden eyes, a long fluffy fox tail, and his white toga attire. "I don't remember ever hurting you unless it is my powers that you fear."

Sesshoumaru gave his step brother a rare soft smile before he said anything. "So, you've returned after all those years. I will not deny that I do fear your powers, still, but I do have powers of my own now. I also know you will not hurt me because I feel that you still treat me as a real brother. So why have you returned and what for? I may be little when you left, but I do remember what you said before you departed," said Sesshoumaru in a softer, lighter tone.

"I came to seek your help in finding a rare artifact called the Shikon jewel because even with the power I have, many demons, strong or weak, are after it and I want help," said Youko.

"I will help you," answered Sesshoumaru instinctively from his lingered brotherly love for Youko, "but first I must explain some things on that topic. Come, we will discuss this in my office……Aniki," directed the western lord as he mused over the way Aniki was said. It felt weird to him to say it again after so many years have past.

Youko smiled at the word Aniki, which brought him warm feelings and memories, and followed his little brother, who is now the Western Demon Lord after his step father, into the ever so familiar manor.

They walked down the elegant hallway and turned a left before they reached Sesshoumaru's office. The two entered and sat down on a cushioned seat.

"The Shikon Jewel you seek is now Shikon shards, as you would know already. It has the power to grant any wish, and it must be purified before using or mishap will happen," explained Sesshoumaru.

"All of this I already know, what is your point?" asked Youko.

"My point is my half-brother, Inuyasha, is now collecting the shards and he has a miko with him," said Sesshoumaru, "A beautiful miko at that," he thought, but instantly squashed the thought, "In addition, he is not the only one collecting the shards, Naraku, a powerful yet, cowardly hanyou is also collecting them, and he has the majority of them."

"How interesting, I have heard of Inuyasha's name, but never connected him to you. So now I have two step brothers, eh? I am assuming you do not like your half- brother much since he's half human. You have never liked human much."

"Do not go off subject, I do not hate him, in fact I treated him as you did to me. He has just mistaken me for killing father when I was just there when he died under Ryukotssuei's claws. Therefore, he despises me at this moment. Also, what will you do when the jewel is complete? Inuyasha will want it for his own in order to turn full demon."

"Heh, no matter, I will figure that out when the jewel is complete. We will join his team and help find the shards and in beating Naraku, and help mend your relationship with him. I would like to see how my younger step brother is, anyway. Now, that business is over, I would like to know how you have been and what happened during the time period when I was gone," asked Youko getting back on topic.

The day rest of the day went by quickly with the two step brothers catching up on lost time.


AN: I know Youko Kurama and Sesshoumaru are both a little OOC in this chapter, but remember they are long lost brothers [though not by blood, but by heart] and their attitude will change when they see their brother who they have not seen for hundreds of years. I promise I will try to keep their character later on.