Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Soul ❯ The Search ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Author*: I don't really have much to say but..uh….whatever.. Just enjoy this 2nd chapter…M'kay.

(^-^) ….oh and by the way……..please pleaseee review people…I'm getting the fact that you guys don't like my fic *starts to sob* it's only my first time to write a fic here *sniffles* and you all hate meeee Wahhh!!!!..........please review im just that desperate... (~_~)

~*~Lost Soul~*~


Dark_ Huntress

The Search

~~~~~~~Koenma's Office~~~~~~~

"Let them come in, Botan." Koenma said to his helper.

"Yes, sir." Botan replied.

"Okay what's the deal dragging us here in anyways..Lemme'guess..we have to do one of your stupid missions right?" Yusuke said in a bored tone.

"Actually, yes." Koenma said.

"What's seems to be the problem, Koenma?" Kurama asked.

"Well, we've been having a problem lately….there seems to be someone creating a portal between the human world and the demon world..." The prince of the spirit world said.

"Hn.What seems to be the problem with that?" Hiei said knowing that he doesn't care about the filthy, useless humans and their world.

"The problem is that more and more demons are running amuck in the mortal world!! And if this keeps up their next target could be the Spirit World!!" Koenma exclamated.

"What!! That's impossible!"Kuwabara said in a shocked expression.

"So, what do we have to do?" Yusuke ask.

"He seems to be gathering shard…a jewel shard to be exact called the Shikon No Tama or The Jewel of Four Souls…and use its power…."

`Shikon No Tama…..I thought that disappeared years ago…..'Kurama thought.

"….to make him stronger and to create his portal..."Koenma continued.

"But I thought that disappeared years ago?" Kurama ask.

"It did, but somehow it has been summoned in the human world."Koenma replied.

"Who do you think possesses it?" Hiei ask.

"It seem to be a girl…but she's no ordinary girl…she's not even a human nor a demon." Koenma said.

"What is she then?" Kuwabara ask curiously.

"We don't really know but we do know that she's a miko and lives in a shrine. So I want you to find her and bring her to me…she could be a really powerful ally and we could learn more about this sacred jewel." Koenma last said.

"Got it." Yusuke said.

"Oh…and uh..by the way Kurama and Hiei be cautious and don't underestimate her…she could purify demons so don't get so close when you approach her." Koenma noted the two demons.

"Thank you for the tips, Koenma." said Kurama as Hiei just scoffed at him.


~~~~~~~~Kagome's room~~~~~~~~

`It's been three weeks since that incident happened…though…I still cannot forget that dreadful memory……The pain still hurts as if time cannot erase that bad nightmare…so I tried… to seal the pain and all of my emotions inside my heart……though my heart is numb from the pain….but I have to be strong ….strong for my self….and the troubles I have to face..'

"But now I have to complete the rest of the jewel by myself and protect it from the demons who want it…." Kagome said as she looked at the half of the sacred jewel in the palm of her hands as she sat on her bed.

"You've been part of me since I was born….but that doesn't mean…I'm still Kikyo's reincarnation... right?" She stared at it in a moment as the jewel began to float in her hand revealing a light that started to surround her entire room taking her to another place….it looked so peaceful and beautiful…kind of like a paradise.

`No….you are not....' a soft feminine voice said out from nowhere…

"Wh-Who's there," she said nervously.

`Do not be scared little one….I don't mean no harm…' the voice said coming from her back. As she started to turned around she was shocked at knowing the person behind her.

"M-Midoriko…" she whispered softly.

`Yes.. Kagome it is me….I wanted you to come here to talk to you…' Midoriko said softly.

"About what?"

`About what will become of you…'

"I don't understand…What ar-"

`Listen little one....' Midoriko went closer to her and touched her shoulder as she look up into her.`you are a very special girl…..but time reveal your true self…..and many dangers may come your way…..but in the end you must fight and fulfill your destiny....many lives are in your hands now...be careful... my dear Angel of Death..' Midoriko last said. Suddenly her visions became blurry and her body began to fall..

...my dear Angel of Death...

..... Angel of Death..... Those words...she was speechless when she said that to her....

*Author:* Soooooo.... Whatcha think?...I know some of you may know the Angel-of -Death-thing but I couldn't think of another creature name so.. uh...I took one out of the `Boogie pop Phantom' anime...only the name o.k.... please don't kill me I'm begging you!!