Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Many Conflicts ❯ The Missing Shard ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1. "The Missing Shard"

*Where am I? What am I doing?*
Kagome stepped into the lake, she walked till the water reached her waist. The shimmering water glowed around her, *What's happening to me?*
Her nails got longer, and well sharpened. Her long black hair grew to her ankles, her ears pointed. her eyes became more narrow, with blue eyes, and dark blue colored eyelids. One white strip on each cheek tattoed on her face, even her school uniform turned into a beautiful pale pink kimono......

~ Bring! Bring! ~ she shut off the alarm clock, Kagome moaned as she got up lazily out of bed. *What a weird dream...* she brushed her teeth, fixed her hair, had a breakfast bar, and set off to school...
~YAWN~ , Yusuke groggily sat up in bed. *Hmmmm.... it's still early,...Oh what the hell, maybe I should go to school today..* He got up, and grabbed his bag, "Mom! I'm going to school,..."
Yusuke found his mom sitting on the chair, head resting on the table, sleeping, with a beer in her hand. Yusuke sighed, he took the beer from her hand, and covered her with a blanket.
"I'll go walk to school with Keiko and Kuwabara.."
~Bbrr iiinnnnngggg!!!!!~
"Okay class, see you after winter break!" the teacher looked at Kagome purposly notifying her with a glare. She giggled, a bit embarassed, then Hojo came up to her, "Hey Kagome, I was wondering,... if your not busy this weekend...."
"Oh,..I-I'm sorry,... I can't....I,....I,...I have to... uh.... go help my mom look for a jewel she is missing,......she'll explode if she doesn't find it,..."Kagome lied.
"Why don't I help?" Hojo offered
"No! no! no! no need, a small group is more convienent, heh..heh..." she regreted what she was saying Gomen Hojo, but I have to look for the Shikon no tama with Inu Yasha...* she thought of how she wished to say this to him.She rode back home on her bike and told her mom she was going to be gone for the week. Kagome jumped through the well to find Inu Yasha, sitting on a tree waiting for her arrival, "Where the fuck have you been all day?!"
"I have a life I'll have you know!"
"Another argument I see, how usual....." Miroku came to greet Kagome.
"Shut up monk! " Inu Yasha growled.
"Everyday it's a routine, fight, and sit..." Sango sighed shamfuly
They kept arguing, and arguing, until, "SSSSIIIITTTT!!!!! God Inu Yasha! you make me sooo mad!" Kagome crossed her arms and stomped to Kaede's hut.
"That a big sit, look how deep Inu Yasha went....." Miroku told Sango to come and see. Inu Yasha got up "ugh...that bitch.." then he looked at the hentai priest and exterminator.
"What the fuck are you looking at?! stop staring at me!" Inu Yasha jumped out of the new made ditch, and on to a tree.

At the hut....

"Kagome!" Shippou exclaimed happily.
"Hello Shippou, Kaede, and Kirara" Kagome's tone didn't sound too friendly.
"I see ye had another fight with Inu Yasha.." Kaede said calmly sipping her tea.
"That man! or, dog! or, whatever he is! he gets me so steamed! " Kagome complained to Kaede.
Kaede grinned "Maybe ye has a desire for one another..."
"WHAT?!" a yell heard from outside, Inu Yasha rushed in, "What did you say old hag?!"
Shippou covered his mouth trying to hold in a hysterical laugh.
"Inu Yasha has sensitive ears..." Kaede said calmly.
"Cute ones too,.." Kagome giggled
"Stop laughing at my ears!" Inu Yasha hated being picked on.
Kaede chuckled....
"I don't know Urameshi, ya can't get into college if ya don't know how to read..." Kuwabara said. "Shut up! Kuwabara! I can read! ... And I didn't say I wanted to go to college!" Yusuke shouted, Keiko giggled, "Hey, you guys wanna go to Genkai's temple?" she suggested.
"O-KAY !" Kuwabara shouted in excitement, of course, Yukina.... ;)
"Nope, I don't wanna see that old hag..." Yusuke just stood. "Come on Yusuke! " Keiko dragged him.
They were on their way until Yusuke bumped into someone, "Oh! sorry...."
"Apology accepted Yusuke." A voice he reconized very quickly, Yusuke looked up, "Well, well, if it isn't fox boy,... hey Kurama..." Yusuke greeted
"Hello Yusuke, Keiko, Kuwabara..." Kurama said clamly
"Hey man! " Kuwabara said casually, "Hello Kurama, do you want to go to Genkai's temple with us?" Keiko offered.
"Happily..." Kurama accepted
************************************************************** *
There, at Genkai's temple,Yukina greeted them at the front steps, and Kuwabara, always happy to see her.
Then the Trio of Reikai tantei all sensed something dark, "It seems we have a guest.." Kurama said
Yusuke pointed his index finger at a one of the trees in the million, a ki blast blew the tree up. A dark figure jumped out and landed in front of them, "What a warm welcome..." Hiei scoffed in his usual tone.
"Glad you could join..." Yusuke grinned
"Hello Hiei!..." Yukina said politly with a bright smile on her face.
"...............H-Hello,..Yukina............." Hiei resonded hesitantly, "Oh look, we're all here, One big happy family..." Kurama directed to Hiei.
"Yep, One,...big....happy.....family......, they might be closer than you think..." Yusuke teased. Yukina had no idea what they were talking about.
"Don't push it Yusuke..." Hiei growled as black flames of hell emerged from his hand.
"Agressive aren't we......" Kurama replied, Hiei just glared at him.
"Humph, It's cold..." Genkai told them to get inside..
Everyone was walking on the path, as always. Inu Yasha, sitting and napping on the back of Kagome's bike, Shippou, sitting in Kagome's basket. Sango and Miroku followed behind, along with Kirara. For some reason, Inu Yasha got off the bike, "What's the matter Inu Yasha?" Kagome stopped and asked.
"Oh nothing, just wondering how many YEARS it will take to get to the next village! can ya go any slower?!" Inu Yasha was very impatient.
"Stop Whining..." Kagome relaxed.
Inu Yasha just "humphed" and started walking a ahead with his eyes closed. Sango reacted "Inu Yasha! WATCH- ....~thump!~...-out......."
Inu Yasha got up from the floor, and kicked the "thing" on the ground, "What the hell is this!?"
"It looks like,.....uhh........ some sort of .....lizard demon?" Miroku poked at it with his shakujo,
It twitched, "Ah!" Kagome screamed, "It's alive............"
"Of course bitch! no need to point out the obvious! " Inu Yasha picked the demon up by the collar.
"Ah! don't hurt me!" it yelped.
"Who did this to you demon?" Sango demanded.
"Another,...powerful demon...., a-a fire demon,.... he was so fast..,...he use black fire to attack...." The demon whimpered.
"What did he want?" Miroku asked
"The,... Shi...kon......jewel.............." Then the demon fell unconcious
"Wake up bastard! Gimme a break! acting unconcious is the oldest trick in the book!" Inu Yasha screamed as he shook the lizard violently.
"Ah! wah! stop shaking me! I'm awake! I'm awake! stop it!" Inu Yasha dropped the lizard fellow on the ground. "What happened?!" Inu Yasha asked
"Well,.... let's see.........ummmm............" The demon stalled time.
"Don't waste my time! " Inu Yasha took out his Tetsusaiga. "Oh! heheh......I just remembered what happened ! heh, heh..." The demon was scared.
"We're losing patience demon!" Miroku pounded his staff on the floor.
"I have a name! Ninh......anyway... It happened like this.........(Flashback) Naraku silently crept up to Ninh and asked a favor."Ninh, I want you to kill Inu Yasha,.... If you succeed, I will reward you greatly,...... here's a Shikon shard for strength..."
Ninh happily took it and walked towards Inu Yasha. But suddenly a bright light flashed before him, and blinded him for a second. Ninh opened his lids and blinked several times to adjust his eyes, he found a dark man standing before him. "Where the hell am I demon?" he said, Ninh wasn't frightened, he shouldn't be, he was twice this man's size.
"Watch your mouth ya midget! you don't know who your talk'n to!" Ninh shouted at the little man.
"Don't test my temper Youma.....I am Hiei, I want to know where I am..." Hiei asked again.
"You in feudal Japan! bakayarou!" Ninh broke Hiei's last string that triggered his temper, Hiei's hand burned up and socked Ninh in the stomach. Ninh fell on his face, not budging, the Shikon shard that Naraku gave him fell out of his pocket.
"I do not like being insulted....." Hiei picked up the piece of jewel "What's this?........... an enormous amount of ki is surging from it..." Hiei shoved the fragment in his pocket. Ninh heard Hiei mutter to himself, "So this is feudal Japan.....I must of ran too fast and go back through time,...Hn,...I must go back to Ningenkai and ask Genkai what the hell this, "jewel" is..." Hiei was gone in a flash, seconds later, the bright flash appeared again.
"No, ... the....... jewel....." Ninh fainted.... (End of flashback)....and that's how it happened..." Ninh ened,
Everyone looked at him blinking."Wait, he said Ningenkai right?..." Sango said, "Isn't that like,... human world?"
"This, Hiei demon,... he must mean Tokyo..." Kagome thought out loud,
"Tok-a-wha?" Miroku confused since he never heard of Tokyo before.
"We have to go back to my time and look for the jewel!" Kagome exclaimed.
"Well then let's get a move on!" Inu Yasha ran towards Kaede's village.
Everyon e sat still in Genkai's temple."Hn.,.... Genkai, I have something for you.." Hiei threw the shard at Genkai with god-like speed, she caught it. Genkai's eyes widened, "This, this is a sacred jewel of four souls! Hiei where did you get this?!"
"A low class demon....I traveled back in time by accident, running too fast" Hiei replied.
"No wonder,... the Shikon jewel was sealed away in feudal Japan,... but this is only a fragment of it, has it been broken?" Genkai asked herself.
"A fragment? tell me old woman, do you mean that, that single shard, comes from a whole jewel?" Hiei asked astonished
"Yes,.......... don't even think about it Hiei, don't even think about stealing all the shards for yourself,......this is serious............I believe something has gone terribly wrong...... the priestess failed......." Genkai sighedEveryone's ears sharpened when a noise was heard from outside, all of them snuck out to spy at the intruders. It was a girl,.... and, a..a......... dog boy?! they quietly listened to their conversation.
"It's this way, I can sense it, the jewel shard is near..." the girl stated
"Then where th fuck is it?!" The dog boy shouted at the girl on his back.He dropped her, she complained
"Ittai! Hey! what was that for?! my skirt is gonna get dirty!"
"What was that for?! ya wanna know?! I could of done something far more worse than just that! of all the times you threw me to the ground...."
"What? sit?" The dog boy flew to the dirt,
*************************************************************** Yukina covered her mouth watching the scene, "Could one simple word control him?" Yukina whispered.
************************************************************ ***
"Oops...." the girl sounded unshamful of what she had done.
"You did that on purpose!" the dog boy got up.
"No I didn't!"
"Yes you did!"
"No I didn't! "
"Yes you did!"
"Oh yeah?! prove it! would you like me to do it on purpose!?" the girl screamed at the boy.
"No! I prefer you stop stalling! and start looking for the fuck'n jewel!"
Everyone sweatdroped peering behind the bushes, "The Shikon jewel? they must be one of the seekers,....don't harm them,...yet..... we don't know if they're good or bad...." Genkai told them.
"Seems to me they're visious.... they're even worse than me and Yusuke..." Keiko stared sweatdroping again.
***************************************************************< br> The dog boy suddenly stopped arguing and sniffed, his ears twitched, turned towards the spies, "Would you like to hear more of our conversation you stalker!" The dog boy jumped in front of Kurama behind the bushes, the others startled behind him.
"Inu Yasha! leave him alone! he's just a human-" the girl's sentence was cut with Inu Yasha's hand motion.
"No! he has a fox scent on him!" Inu Yasha sniffed more.
"I'm surprised by your accurate nose..." Kurama smiled
"Don't play any games!" Inu Yasha growled, his claws on the hilt of his Tetsusaiga.....