Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ She Comes in Peace ❯ She Comes in Peace ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

She Comes in Peace

It was getting darker by the minute, but decreasing light only increased the excitement in the city as everyone prepared for a night of horror…and candy. For Kagome Higurashi, it was her first Halloween in three years, as she could never justify to Inuyasha why she wanted to return home for this particular day—and she was going all out, inspired by a picture she'd seen in a newspaper—or rather, tabloid—a couple weeks ago on the subway.

It was a simple costume: a black cloak over black pants and a scarf which she had bound around her breasts like a halter top. Her boots had heels, but only two inches—high enough to set off her assets, but low enough she could run if necessary. If nothing else, traveling in the feudal era had taught her the importance of practical footwear. A small bokken was strapped to her hip. Lesson number two: never go anywhere without some kind of protection; even a pencil could do in a pinch.

To top it all off, she had painstakingly painted on her forehead a third, crimson eye, which her brother had said looked very realistic, and put white streaks through her hair. Looking in the mirror, and the newspaper clip she'd taped to the edge, she nodded in approval. She looked like the sexy female version of that three-eyed alien.

Just in time, too, she thought, sensing the rest of her party approaching the house.

This year, rather than go trick-or-treating with her friends from junior high—her sweet tooth had withered away long ago—she'd opted to hang out with her cousin and his friends and go see a horror movie marathon that was playing at an old theater tonight.

She quickly walked downstairs and opened the door before they even had time to knock. "Hey, Yusuke! Long time, no see!"

But all she got was a look of shock, before he burst out, "Holy shit! It's like a female Hiei!"

At his exclamation, the rest of the group crowded around her, murmuring over her costume, apparently in agreement with Yusuke's assessment.

"Wait—just who is this Hiei?" Was the alien actually real? Or did someone else have the same idea as her?

And that's when he appeared right in front of her. He looked just like the little picture in the tabloid, except less cute and more…hot.

And, decidedly, not an alien. Yusuke had told her that he had a few youkai friends—heck, she knew he had a bit of youkai in him as well—but this was just too big a coincidence. Oh well, when did tabloids ever get anything right. Of course it wasn't an alien, it was a youkai. Alien abductions just don't happen. Youkai abductions do.

This youkai—Hiei—was studying her head to toe, and toe to head, with what she hoped was an approving manner. Finally, he spoke. "The Jagan's color is incorrect."

"Oh really?" she asked, reacting to his playful jab. "Maybe we should spend some time together, so I can…study you?"

That smirk was more than she could have hoped for. "It'll be my treat."