Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Follow Fate ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What the Heart Knows
        by Japanese dreamer

Disclaimer: The anime Inuyasha is not my property. This was written purely for fun and no profit was made.
AN: thank you for all the reviews, I'm glad my story is still being read. As to answer a few questions, yes I know Zeus has nothing to do with Japanese culture but this was my first story and I bended everything to what I needed it to be, I didn't do much research… more like none so this was the outcome. I tried to do something unbelievable and original and I got this.
As for Koenma and Kagome being related, they are, but I didn't focus much on this piece of info. Koenma has realized he's her cousin. Yusuke and Kagome aren't really related for she's actually a goddess and her human mother wasn't her real mother.
As for Kagome's power not showing, I totally forgot to explain, basically as miko, she wasn't the strongest for she didn't have years of training to build up her skill to their full potential. When she was turned demon, it gave her a big power boost that was enough to awaken her goddess powers.
Like I said this was my first story so I've probably left out other pieces of information so if you have questions, ask.
Thanks again for the reviews, J.D.
Chapter Ten

Next day....

Kagome once again woke up. She dressed slowly, leisurely. She looked outside to see the bright sun, and closed her eyes at the warmth its rays gave her. She couldn't wait to get outside.

        She didn't want any company at the moment so she crept around the empty halls slowly, listening out for anything that moved. Once she reached the gardens, she took in a big breath. It was such a beautiful day today. Just as the feeling came, it was replaced with a sense of foreboding. Kagome frowned.

        It was then that she looked up to see black clouds moving in at an alarming rate. At the rate they were moving Kagome figured they weren't actually rain clouds. It was then that she felt it, a presence. It was him, after all, who else could make her shiver with the amount of evil she felt draw closer?
        She ran back into house at a fast pace. She knew that he would hide his presence from them. Only she could feel it, for she had his blood flowing in her veins, but she also had the blood of the fourth soul moving in her veins.

        She burst through the dinning room doors where she felt everyone's presence. Everyone looked up to see a panicked look on Kagome's face.

        "Get ready to fight. He's here." Kagome said in a trembling voice.

        "Who?" Sessh asked.

        "Hades." She said quietly.

        Everyone rose from the tables.

        "Shippo, you stay here with Rin and Koenma. I need to know that they are safe." Kagome ordered.

        Shippo nodded, "You can count on me."

        "Go to my room. I've already put a barrier up." She instructed.

        The three scurried off. Koenma reluctantly followed. It was, after all, his castle.

        "Just go Koenma. I don't need to know that my new-found-cousin got hurt."

        Koenma froze. "Excuse me!" But before Koenma could say anything else, Shippo pulled him by the hand to Kagome's room, knowing his mother would explain everything later.

        Kagome mentally thanked Shippo and let out a relieved breath.

        "I hope you guys are ready to face the devil." She said nervously.

        Everyon e just looked at her.

        "How bout I explain later?" Kagome said, hoping they wouldn't ask more questions. It was just like her to let something that important to slip.

        "You better believe we want an explanation, Kagome,” Yusuke said warningly. “There will be no more stalling!”
 &n bsp;      Kagome nodded and let out a relieved breath when they let it go.

        "What is his reason here Kagome?" Sessh asked.

        Kagome did not want to answer that question, but they needed to know. "He wants out of hell and I'm his key."

        Not wanting to say more, she quickly turned around, heading for the doors. "Lets go." She called out.

        Yusuke, then Sesshoumaru, next Kurama, and lastly Hiei, followed the girl outside. It was hard not to notice how tense Kagome looked. Her back was so straight that it seemed as if you hit it, it would snap in two.

        Yusuke gulped. Out of all the things he thought he was going to battle, Hades hadn't crossed his mind. Now here they were walking to fight in a battle with the devil. His life was messed up, it was that plain and simple. He looked at Kagome again. Even if he was scared, he knew he would stay with her no matter what came their way. Though, it didn't help that he felt like he was walking toward his death wish.

        But once outside, all thoughts escaped their minds.

        Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke gaped at the thousand and thousands of youkais there. Kagome looked straight at Hades standing in the middle, taller than any of them. He was exactly the same, nothing had changed. Well maybe that he had gotten more evil, but was that even possible?

        "My, my, my. Look at this interesting group." Hades voice rang out over the field, mocking.

        Kagome was doing everything to hold her self back and not just attack him right there. She knew his battle plan. It was too pester and annoy so you would fight out of anger and rashness. The worst thing was that it looked to be working.

        "Ah... my dear, dear Kagome. It's been so long." Hades sneered.

        "Not long enough it seems." Kagome shot back.

        "Now, I know you have missed me. I've missed you greatly in the realm of hell. You never visit me." Hades said with a devilish smirk.

        "Cut the talk, why are you here?" Kagome snapped.

        "You know why I'm here my sweet, I'm sure your mother does too."

        Kagome's control was slipping visibly.

        "Keep mother out of this, she has nothing to do with it. I'm your opponent so I'd advise you to stay focused on me."

        Hades laughed, "Just like your mother. The same determination. But she was just so gullible. I used her and threw her away. Don't you see Kagome? She is the center of the problem. Ha! Your mother is the cause of your grief with a certain hanyou. Now what was his name? Ahh yes... Inuyasha."

        Kagome' s eyes were turning red. No one, talked about her mother like that, or Inuyasha.

        Calm down my daughter. This is what he wants you to do, to get mad.
Kagome relaxed visibly. It was her mother's voice.

        I miss you mother, Kagome replied
 &nbs p;      I miss you too my little Kagome, her mother answered.

        Hades noticed the calmness of his daughter and narrowed his eyes.
It meant one thing, Midoriko was here. He smiled.

        "Ah... I see your mother has paid us a visit." Hades mocked.
Kagome focused her attention back on the evil figure.

        "She has a message for you...." Kagome said, her words laced with anger.

        "What would that be?" Hades asked mockingly.

        "....th at, you'll never get the jewel." Kagome finished.

        Kagome looked up with a smirk on his face.

        Hades growled with anger.

        "I believe you haven't had the chance to get reacquainted with your friend, Kagome."

        With a wave of his hand a figure clad in a baboon pelt appeared. Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru growled.

        "I increased his power, I do hope you have fun with him, and oh these thousand of demons too. Think of this as a gift from me, father to daughter."

        Disbeli ef filled the air. Sesshoumaru, Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke snapped their heads to look at Kagome.

        Kagome's control slipped. No one mocked her father. Though she had one advantage. Her father hadn't noticed her change with all the planning he had been doing.

        "And I have a gift for you, Father." Kagome said, her voice so cold it could freeze an ocean.

        Kagome willed her concealment spell to break and turned into her real form. Now stood a taller Kagome, the white kimono she was wearing grew with her, Her hair now cascaded down to her ankles, silver and blue streaks through them, a crescent moon with a tear drop in the middle adorned her forehead, and her eyes, now a vibrant blue, she was stunning, like an angel.

        She pulled out her kodachis. Hades smirk faltered before he composed himself. She had the nerve to use his weapon? Before he could comment Kagome cut in.

        "This is for me." Kagome stated.

        The kodachis started to glow blue, Kagome along with them. Her power rose dramatically. The demons around her took steps back.

        "I want to thank you father, for the skills you passed on to me with the kodachis.”

        W ith out another thought she jumped up, floating in the air, she started to chant, in a language as old as the gods, "Kazu no Kira Rose." Her mind wandered to Inuyasha and she mentally thanked him for giving her the idea of the current move.

        Kagome slashed with her two swords, creating an X in the air that descended to the ground at the thousands of demons, killing everything evil in its path. Naraku might of not have been there at all for he died with the rest of the thousands of demons.

        Kagome turned back to Hades.

        "And this is for mother." She whispered.
 & nbsp;      She crossed the swords in front of her, a blue orb forming in the middle of the X. With great force, she pulled her arms back, breaking the X and releasing the blue orb to head straight for Hades.

        Hades was too stunned to move, but not to stunned to feel the pain. The blue orb hit him right where his heart was supposed to be, infusing him with his daughter's pure power. His evil aura started to burn, and he screamed out in pain. His black aura clashed with his daughter's white one.

        He looked up at her.

        "I will be back. You can count on it,” He bit out. With those last words he disappeared

        Kagome descended back to earth. "And i'll be waiting."

        When she reached the ground she was rewarded with the stares of four pairs of eyes.

        She knew they had questions. "Questions later, rest now." With that said, she fainted.

        Kurama caught her and looked down at her face. He just couldn't believe it. How could a being that looked so innocent hold that much power. It's her gift. Kurama heard a voice in his head that he knew wasn't Youko. 'Who are you?' Her mother. When no further comment was made, he focused his attention back on Kagome. But he had to wonder, was it a gift., or was it a curse?

        'You may not need to protected physically, but I know you need to be protected mentally and that, I will help you with. 'Sweet dreams my love.' Kurama didn't know if it was just him, but he swore he thought he saw her smile. He smiled back, they would get through with this and be together. He would find out everything about her and she would him. 'Your ours Kagome, mine's and Youko. Once we've found you, we're not letting go.' Without even thinking about it he transformed into Youko.

        The sun ray's slowly penetrated the dark clouds, it's light once again reaching the earth. The other's stood back and looked at the couple on the floor. All eyes were on the sleeping figure in the foxes arm. After all, she was the center of everything. They just didn't know what exactly everything was.