Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Who ❯ What Is This Author Plotting? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Whose Who
Chapter 1:
What In The World Is The Author Plotting?!
Bob: So what is Lacy writing now?
Bill: Don't know, but I think that she's gone crazy figuring out the characters.
Lacy: OMG I can't figure out if I should put my self in or not! >-<
Bob: NO! If you put yourself in then it will become crazy!
Bill: Yeah remember what happened last time?
Lacy: O.K. I get the point. I wouldn't put myself in. I'll just let the characters do their thing.
Bob: So what Anime shows are these characters from?
Lacy: Well, of course I will have Yu Yu Hakusho and One Piece. But just to mix things up I will throw in Yu-Gi-Oh. And I don't own any of these shows.
Bill: Why would you want to?
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“ On the last piece of One Piece,” said the narrator from One Piece, “ Luffy, Zolo and Nami barely managed to escape from Arlong Park. Unfortunately, the blonde chef and the pointy nose guy were killed in battle. Oh what the heck, they weren't pulling their weight and they got cut. Besides no one liked them. Good Riddance! Ok like I was saying only Luffy, Zolo and Nami are alive and still in search for One Piece”
“Hey Nami, how long `til we reach this Tokyo place that you keep telling us about?” inquired Zolo.
“Not much longer Zolo, maybe another day or two” Nami replied.
“Nami, why are we going there anyway” questioned Luffy.
<Duh we are going because this crazy author is making us. And for the shopping.> “We are going because that's where Two Piece is.” replied Nami
“What's Two Piece?” asked Luffy.
“Ummmm… Two Piece is the second best treasure ever, it belongs to Silver Richie. If you get it then you become prince of the pirates.” Answered Nami.
“But I want to be KING of the pirates.” whined Luffy.
“Well, you have to work your way up, right Nami?”
“Uh, yeah you have to work your way up.” Nami said. <I can't believe that they fell for that story, man, they are saps. Why did I team up with them anyway, oh yeah, we were supposed to get stinking rich instead of doing all these stupid trips. Man I hate this author!>
“What is it now Kuwabara?” asked Yusuke
What's the answer to number six?”
“Don't know.”
“How about number seven?”
“What does that mean?”
“Yeah, I know number ten.”
“Then what are you writing?”
“I'm writing a letter.”
`To who.”
“Is she your girl friend?”
“NO, She' the author of this frickin story!”
“Why are you writing to the author?
“To tell her not to do any funny stuff”
“Like what she did to me in the other story!?”
“Exactly. Here read it, tell me what you think.”
“Umm okay.” Kuwabara takes the piece of paper from Yusuke and reads it to himself…

Bill: Hey Lacy, what funny stuff are you planning anyway
Lacy: O you'll see (grins evilly)
Bob: Lacy could you stop doing that?
Lacy: Touchy Touchy
Bob: I'm not touchy, it's just that you weren't supposed to be evil.
Lacy: Well to bad. I am the one who's writing the story and you are just he people in my head that I talk to at the beginnings and ends of chapters.
Bill: She's right you know
Lacy: Of course, I am right I'm the author. And right now I am the author who wants to end this chapter, so please review. JA NE!
Author's note: People, I had this story/chapter thingy up for a while now and 21 visits and no reviews. Well, I won't update until people tell me what they think so I can make my story better. Basically that means until I get a few reviews, I AM NOT UPDATING. Have a nice day, JA NE! : p