Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Quiz ❯ Chapter 3: Our Third Victim! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Third Victim
Drof: Hiii! Welcome to the third chappie of my latest irritating little spam-fic of pointlessness!
BHS: ¬.¬ Nice.
Karasu: ….For once, I agree with BHS.
BHS: *gasps.* You AGREE with me? *huggles him.* We're making progress!
Karasu: ..Never mind, I don't anymore.
BHS: 8.8
Drof: *sighs.* Disclaimer?
Disclaimer: Drof owns nothing, `cept the OCs, and even then she has no control over them.
Drof: *gasps.* Disclaimer!
Disclaimer: What?!
Drof: You were almost nice to me!!! We are making progress!
Disclaimer: …Hmph.
Drof: ^_^ Anyway….BHS, kindly announce our third victim!
BHS: Okay! Our third victim is, by popular vote—
Karasu: Actually, YOU decided the first three. No one voted,
BHS: Well then, *glares at Karasu* by my decision, the third victim is…….Everyone's favorite Brit, Nikio! Let the evil…begin!!! On a side-note, how many of you actually know who Nikio is? Oh, and by the way….The only real email address *that I know of* that will be used in this chapter is mine, so please don't try to send anything to anyone else mentioned. If I end up accidentally using you email address, you cannot blame me for messages received from freaks you don't know who didn't listen to this warning.
Chapter 3: Our Third Victim
“Y'know what?” BHS said.
“I'm gonna send this to Ryou and make him have Nikio and Bakura take it too,” the girl said. Karasu, in the other room, rolled his eyes. By the way, life had gone back to its normal, cheerful insanity. Karasu was, at the moment, trying to make ramen. Well, he was actually staring in horror at the ramen-monster BHS had created, and wondering if he could fend it off with garlic salt.
“Maybe rosemary will kill it…” he muttered.
“What's that got to do with sending the quiz to Ryou?” BHS questioned.
“I'm not talking to you,” Karasu said. “I'm wondering how to keep this monstrosity you call `food' from killing me.”
“Um, I can't help you there,” the girl claimed nervously. “Anyway, I'll just get on with sending this to Ryou…” BHS grinned as she typed in Ryou's email address. She had suggested it, and he'd agreed that it fit.
To: poorcrazyRyou_san@helpme!.com
From: BHS@witty.com
Subject: Quizzy-thingie!
Hii! Say, Ryou….This is a quiz Phoxy-san sent me. Have Nikio and Bakura take it, `kay? And, on the subject of those two…How ya holdin' up? Have you been driven completely insane yet?
If time is an illusion,
And lunchtime doubly so,
Then is breakfast reality?
BHS read over her message for any mistakes, then attached the quiz and clicked `Send'. She sat back, waiting for a message back. After a few moments, she heard yelling and banging from the kitchen, and the distinctive sound ramen noodles make when they're trying to kill someone.
“Get away from me, you evil creature!” Karasu yelled. BHS sweat-dropped, and ran into the kitchen, grabbing a big stick as she did so. She skidded on the slick tiles as she tried to avoid running into the mass of evil ramen, and just barely managed to stop. She began beating at the thing with the stick, yelling at it to get back.
“Hm…I've got new mail,” Ryou observed. He'd been sitting at his desk, staring blankly at his computer and trying to ignore the fact that Bakura was being murdered by kitchen utensils in the nearby kitchen.
“Ryou,” Bakura yelled, running out of the kitchen, chased by what looked like a flying eggbeater, “your kitchen hates me!!”
“It's your fault,” a calm British voice pointed out. Bakura turned to see a short, blue-haired man sitting on the couch across the room. He seemed rather amused by the whole thing. “You were provoking them.”
“I was not!” Bakura protested hotly. “Whose side are you on, anyway?”
“Hm…If I say yours, I will probably end up annoying Stiivy, and if I say I'm their side then you'll be unhappy, so….I am completely neutral.” The man looked rather please with himself for deciding this.
“C'mon, Nikio,” Bakura said pleadingly. “At least tell them to leave me alone?” The eggbeater thing buzzed by his head. It would have hit him if he hadn't heard the noise and ducked. It hit the wall and fell to the floor, buzzing weakly, like a swatted fly.
“You'd have to ask Stiivy,” Nikio said apologetically. *That's pronounced Stevey.*
“…Fine…” Bakura grumbled. “Where is he?”
“In the living room, talking to the TV,” Nikio told him.
“Hey, Stiivy!” Bakura called.
“Oui?” came the response from the living room. There was a pause, and then a small coffee-machine…erm…walked into the room. It was about a foot high, made of white plastic and shiny chrome, with a small black digital clock set on the base in the front. “What do you want?” It spoke in an irritated voice, and with a distinctly French accent.
“Could you tell Ryou's kitchen appliances to leave me alone?” Bakura implored. He didn't seem to find talking to a coffee-machine the least bit odd.
Ryou, reading the message he'd been sent, looked back at the scene occurring as Bakura begged Stiivy to make the kitchen stopped trying to kill him, and then typed his reply.
“Hey, Nikio,” he said. “Come take this quiz, would you?”
“Er, sure,” Nikio agreed, getting up and walking over to the computer. Ryou got up and allowed him to sit down, and then opened up the quiz for him to take.
“It's dead now,” Karasu said. BHS wasn't listening. She was still beating the ramen-monster with the stick, screaming at it to die. “BHS!” he said more insistently. “BHS!” he yelled. This finally caught her attention.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“You've killed it,” Karasu explained. “And your computer's yelling at you that you've got mail.”
“You've got mail, you stupid bitch!” the computer was yelling. “Come answer it before I delete every file you've got!”
“So it is,” BHS noted in a sarcastic voice. She ran into the bedroom and opened her mail before the computer deleted everything, then sat down. “Hey, Ryou replied. Let's see…”
To: BHS@witty.com
From: poorcrazyRyou_san@helpme!.com
Subject: Re: Quizzy-thingie
Hi…Oh, Nikio says `hi', too….Bakura's being attacked by my kitchen, apparently…He's having Stiivy act as a sort of messenger between him and the appliances…And I've been officially driven completely and utterly insane. HELP ME!!! Sorry…There's and angry eggbeater chewing on my couch…O_O Now THAT'S scary…Anyway, here's Nikio's quiz…I'll have Bakura take it when he's not establishing a truce with the inanimate objects of my house.
“Heh,” BHS grinned. “Poor Ryou. Ah, here's the quiz…” And with that, she began reading.
Name: Nikio
Piercing: My ears
Height: Five feet and half an inch…
Shoe-size: …I have no idea.
Siblings: I had an older brother…
Movie You Watched: Ryou made us watch Pirates of the Caribbean.
Movie You Bought: …..I don't think I've ever bought one…
Song You Listened To: Everybody's Fool, by Evanescence…Ryou has the entire CD on repeat…It's getting rather repetitive…
CD You Bought: I've never bought one…I lived in one for a few hundred years…
Person You've Called: ….That was twenty years ago…
Person That's Called You: A telemarketer trying to sell inflatable sponges…^^0
TV Show You Watched: Whatever was on before Stiivy started talking to the TV….I don't know the name of it….I'm pretty sure he was flirting with it…Now he's yelling at me…^^
You have a crush on someone: Uh-huh! ^^
You wish that you could live somewhere else: No.
You believe in online dating: Hmm…^^No, I don't. Although it would be fun to see what `Kura did if I said `yes'…
Others find you attractive: `Kura does^^, and a lot of other people have told me I am, soo…I'd say yes.
You want more piercing: Not particularly.
You like roller coasters: I've never been on one, so I wouldn't know.
You write in cursive or print: It depends on what I'm writing and which I feel like using.
“I wonder how Bakura feels about being called `Kura' in an email that's being sent to everyone I know,” BHS commented. “I'll have to ask when I send it back to Ryou.”
For or Against
Long-distance relationships: It really depends on the people…I personally don't approve of them…They never seem to work out.
People: I'm pretty sure the only person I know who could be against people is Karasu, and he just likes to make everyone think he's hateful…
Smoking: ^^000
Gay/lesbian relationships: I'd definitely have to say `for'.
“And we all know why that is,” BHS sniggered.
Have You
Ever cried over a boy: Yes…
Ever cried over a girl: Yes…I'm pretty sure…Yes, she was female…So, yeah.
Ever lied to someone: Regrettably, yes.
Ever been in a fistfight: A couple of times…
“Wow,” BHS said. “Nikio in a fistfight? It's hard to imagine…”
“He looks about as strong as a creampuff,” Karasu agreed.
“He is a creampuff,” BHS declared. Karasu looked at her as if she'd just grown another head. Then he realized that, being from the Makai, the sight of people growing extra heads was not unusual to him, and instead looked at her as if she'd just walked into a Makai tavern and announced she was a human. Then he realized that he was giving her a murderous, calculating, and lustful glare, and quickly changed it to a look of sarcastic disdain before she could notice that last emotion.
Shampoo do you use: …Whatever it is Ryou has…I don't exactly pay that much attention to brands…^^0
Shoes do you wear: Usually, none.
Are you scared of: Lemon meringue pies, among other things….They're evil, I tell you! Evil!
Of times I've been in love: I'd say two or three…^^ You should see Bakura's face…
Of times I've had my heart broken: ….More than I can count…
Of hearts I have broken: Well, I know Nathaniel for sure…..I want to apologize….
Of times my name has appeared in the paper: None.
Of things in my past I regret: …Everything from age six to about eight-hundred-seventy-three…
Do you think you are
Pretty: …People always think I'm a woman….Ryou gets confused, and he knows me…
Funny: Sometimes I try to be…
Hott: `Kura says so! ^^
Friendly: Most of the time…
Amusing: When I try to be.
Ugly: No.
Loveable: ^^ I try.
Caring: Yes.
Sweet: ^^ Occasionally.
Freaky: …I don't know…
Four-letter word: Hm….'Kura! ^^ You should see his face…
Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp. ^^ Oops, now `Kura's going to go getting all jealous…^^0
Cartoon: I don't normally watch cartoons…
Anime: Read or Die.
Chewing gum: I don't chew gum…
Colors: Hmm…Blue, white, green, red…I think that's it…
Color of nail-polish: Pale greyish-blue. ^^
Day of the week: Tuesday.
Least favorite day: Sunday.
Flower: Hmm…I'm not sure…
Jelly flavor: …?
Jewelry: I like earrings…^^
Summer/winter: Hm…Winter.
Person who last
Slept in your bed: `Kura! ^^
Saw you cry: `Kura, again…
Made you cry: …..
Yelled at you: `Kura, the last time I called him that in the presence of people…^^0
Sent you an email: I have no email address….
Have you ever
Said `I love you' and meant it: Yes. ^^
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
Cried during a movie: No.
Planned your week based on the TV: There are people who actually do that? O.O
Been backstage: Nope.
Been to New York: No, because I do not believe in New York, and therefore could not be there because it doesn't exist.
Been to California: Yes…
Hawaii: Yes.
China: Yes.
Canada: Yes.
Europe: …I was born in Britain, which is in Europe…
Asia: …I'm in Japan right now…
South America: No.
Africa: Yes.
Japan: I live here.
This or that
Bananas or apples: Apples.
Blue or red: Blue.
Wal-Mart or Target: Both are equally unappealing.
Spring or autumn: Autumn.
Are you gonna do after you finish this: Watch `Kura take it.
Was the last meal you ate: An apple earlier this afternoon that `Kura made me eat…
Are you bored: No. I was before, now I have this to do.
Was the last noise you heard: The toaster trying to attack `Kura.
Was the last smell you sniffed: Burning toast…^^0
Do you believe in love at first sight: Not really. I think you have to know someone to really love them. I do believe in initial attraction, and that often develops into love.
Do you want any children one day and if so, how many: No.
Most important thing in a friendship to you is: Respect and caring.
Other Info
Do you speak any other languages: Spanish, Gaelic, Chinese, Swahili, Nigerian, several other African languages, Russian, German, some Egyptian (enough to know what `Kura's calling the toaster), French, Japanese, and a Makai dialect…I can't remember the name.
Last book you read: Wolves of the Calla, by Stephen King.
Something in your bedroom you like: Well, that depends on whether or not `Kura's there….^^
Nicknames: Nikki ^^0, Nick, Crystal…Don't ask….And a couple others I won't put down, for the sake of BHS's mind and poor `Kura-chan's face…If it gets any redder, it's going to scuttle off…
Initials: …I haven't got a last name, as far as I know…
How old do you look: Seventeen/eighteen.
How old do you act: I'm not sure…older than I look…It really depends on my mood…
Glasses/contacts: No.
Braces: No.
Do you have any pets: Does Stiivy count as a pet? He's a coffee-machine…
You get embarrassed: Never. I'm British.
What upsets you: ….Hm…I'm not sure…
Finish the sentence
I love to…if I said what I want to, I think Bakura's face would scuttle off…^^
I miss…….
I'm annoyed by…nothing, really…
I want to be….that's a hard one…
I would never…hurt someone I care about.
I am tired of…a lot of things…
I will always…love `Kura, for one thing. ^^
“Aw, that's sweet…” BHS said. “I bet Bakura's face is so red right now…I'll send it back now, and get Bakura's quiz…”
Drof: We had more pages here…
BHS: `Cause of the beginning bits….Anyway, now the voting will begin! So far, our only suggestion is: Hiei. So, email me and vote!! Or do it in a review…But you have to review the fic, too!!! Hey, it's an even eleven pages…