Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Rose in the Wind ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One

The school bell rang and everyone was rushing to class. Everyone that is except Kurama, who was already in his seat. The teacher came in shortly after.
"Another day," Kurama said to himself.
"Students quiet down. We have a new student joining us," the teacher said.
The room suddenly got quiet, eyes at the door. The door opened and in walked a girl. She had shoulder length dark brown hair and brown eyes. Men starred at her as she past them.
"Class, this is Rose Hishima. She just transferred here, so make her feel welcome."
"It's nice to meet you," Rose said in a soft voice.

All the men smiled and crowded around her during lunch. And yet, she didn't care. She had one person in her mind.
"Sorry boys, but I need to see someone," she said and walked out of the crowd. Kurama was alone at a table reading.
"Is this seat taken?" asked Rose.
"Huh? Oh no," Kurama said and went back to reading.
"You're Shuuichi right?" she asked.
"Yes," Kurama answered.
"Everyone is telling me that you are the smartest one in the school."
"And I think that's pretty cool."
Kurama looked at Rose and smiled.
"You know, I don't have any friends."
"You know Rose, you have a pretty name."
"Thank you. Shuuichi is cute too."
Kurama blushed.
"Hey, why don't we hang after school?"
"Well... I do have homework. But I guess I can."
"Great, meet me after school by the school statue."
"Great. See you than."
Kurama watched as Rose got up and left. The only girl that Kurama really liked was Maya. But that was a long time ago.

After school, Kurama met Rose by the statue. She had a smile on her face and greeted Kurama openly.
"Hey Shuuichi," she said cheerfully.
"Hi Rose," he said.
"I was thinking. Maybe we can do homework together and then go out."
"That could work."
"We could go to my place."
"Sure. Whatever you want."
"Then my house it is."
The two walked off side by side. When they got to Kurama's, Shiori was sitting in a chair outside.
"You're home," she softly said.
"Yes mother," Kurama said.
"Who's your friend?"
"This is Rose."
"Hello Rose."
"Nice to meet you," Rose said.
"We are going to do homework, okay?" Kurama asked.
"Sure. Have fun."
Kurama smiled at Shiori and led Rose inside the house.
"I saw a garden. Did your mom grow those flowers?" Rose asked as they went to Kurama's room.
"I did," Kurama said, opening his bedroom door.
"Your flowers are beautiful."
"Thank you." Kurama's room was plain looking and neat. Tons of books on shelves. Rose went over to a picture frame that had two people in it.
"Who's this?" she asked, pointing to a boy that was standing next to Kurama.
"My stepbrother, Shuuichi," Kurama said.
"His name is Shuuichi too?"
"Must be hard living in the same house with two people with the same name."
"Yeah, but you get used to it."
The two studied for two hours then went out for a stroll. The wind was blowing gently, which made Rose look more lovely. Kurama couldn't help but stare.
"What's up?" Rose asked.
"N-nothing," Kurama blushed, quickly turning away.
Rose giggled.
"Well, you're blushing."
"I am?"
Kurama walked forward still blushing.
"Don't worry about it."
Rose walked up to Kurama and took his hand.
"Huh?" Kurama looked at Rose with a puzzled look.
"Look Shuuichi, I know who you really are."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I know that you're a demon named Kurama."
Kurama stood there in shock. "H-how do you know?"
"I'm a water maiden. I was seperated from my home when I was little. I was raised by these demons who stole from the weak. I was brought up to do the same. Then they gave a mission. To kill the thief Kurama. That's why I'm here. But I don't want to kill you."
"I see."
"Don't be mad. All I want to do is go back home."
"Don't worry. You can stay with me."
"You sure?"
"Thanks. Kurama."