Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Simple Gift ❯ Claimed To Be A Goddess ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Neko: Ok this is my first fanfic so no flames! I'm very sensitive...
Hiei: You shouldn't lie to the readers like that Neko.
Me: Shut up! Don't make me take away your katana for another week!
Hiei: Meep!
Me: That's what I thought! Now do the disclaimer.
Hiei: Why me? I'm sure Kurama would be more then willing-
Me: I didn't ask Kurama, I asked you! Hiei don't make me force you to do it.
Hiei: Hn. Like you could...
Me: -Holds sweet snow in my hand- What's this? The last box of sweet snow? Now what should I do with this?
Hiei: NO! But I don't want to do the disclaimer! -Gives a puppy dog face-
Me: Aw! Just take the damn sweet snow.... Your lucky you're so damn sexy or that wouldn't work!
Hiei: Hn.
Me: Yu Yu Hakusho and the characters don't belong to me. Its not mine, It's yours! Go ahead! Take it! I only own Neko, Jencine and the other characters I added to this fic.
Seven years. Seven years was the first and last time I saw him. I guess he's still a stranger so why is he constantly in my mind? Who would of thought such a simple act of kindness would keep someone in my head for so many years! Who would of thought that a locket would keep this boy stuck in my thoughts for so long...
A short girl steps out the shadows. She has beautiful bronze skin, which was very uncommon in the region she was in, making her very unique. Her black hair is swept in a long braid with a gold hoop at the end. Her short claws on her small hands and small pointy ears, and if you looked at her back, you could see a long skinny black tail, made her look demonic.
But she wasn't. She didn't know what she was...
But the most interesting thing about her is her eyes. She has a very interesting shade of green eyes that would remind a person of wild life, but what made her eyes unique were the tiny gold speckles in her eyes. She's wearing a black chest armor with a fire symbol on the center with long white sleeve shirt is behind the armor and baggy black pants with black slip on shoes.
“Neko! Where in the seven hells are you? When I find you, I'm gonna kick your short little a- Hey Neko! I was just looking for you!” A girl with short black hair and neon purple streaks said sweat dropping. At the top of her head are black fox ears with silver tips with a matching tail on the back of her. (Gee. If I didn't know any better, I would think I was advertising clothes! ^_^;) She had creamy colored completion and friendly ruby red eyes. She wore a red tank top and black capres with dull black combat boots.
“What is it Jencine? You interrupted my nap...” Neko lied. She just didn't want her to know that she was thinking about the boy again...
“I'm stupid, but I'm not that stupid. You where thinking about him again weren't you?” Jencine asked in a board tone. “Man your obsessed....”
“First of all, I am not obsessed! I made a promise to thank that boy, and thank him I shall! And second of all, I told you I was tacking a nap. I sleep when I'm tired, as does the rest of the world, I just get tired more often then most people do!” Snapped Neko. “Anyway, what did you want? I don't think you came her just to bug me.” Neko said calmly.
“Oh yeah! The villagers said to come back to the village by sundown. They're having a good bye ceremony for you.” Jencine said as she watched Neko shift uncomfortably. “What's the matter kitty?”
“Nothing... it's just... I wished they wouldn't hold a ceremony for me just because of what they think I am...” said Neko shyly.
“Oh come on, it isn't that bad! I mean look! People are always giving you stuff... clothes... jewels... pudding.... I meant food... I don't see how someone can be so pure when they have all this stuff sitting in front of them for the taking” said Jencine greedily.
“But, I don't care about that stuff! I all I want is to find-” Neko stopped herself before she finished her sentence.
“Told you you're obsessed...” Jencine said while Neko glared daggers at her kitsune friend. “Okay, I have a question for you. Well let's just say we do find this boy some miracle. What will you do then? What will you say? I think it would be odd if you ran up to a guy who probably doesn't even remember you and say, `Hey I remember you from my childhood! You where the nice boy who was injured and almost died but I saved you! You didn't have anything to give me and you didn't want to feel like you owed me anything, so you spent the money you had left to get me a present. No one ever gave me a present before so you're the one who helped open my heart to people. Well I just wanted to say thanks for the pretty locket. Bye.' See? That would be odd.” Said a twitching Jencine. “Do you even remember what he looks like?
“Not really. All I really remember was his eyes. The where red like yours but more of a blood red then a ruby red. But... when I saw his eyes he looked sad and alone... maybe a little frightened... and I never really thought about that. Hm. What will I say if I meet him?” Neko asked herself. “Oh well, I will worry about that later. Come on the villagers are waiting. We have to go to sleep early because we are leaving at exactly 7:00 a.m. on the dot.” Said Neko.
"Remind me why we have to leave again?” Asked Jencine as they walked back to the village.
“Because I can't stay in one place to long. If I did those villagers lives may be in danger... and besides! The more we move around, the less chance we have to see Koenma and get scolded! .... Annoying little bugger....” Said Neko.
“All right, but tonight, we feast! I want pudding! Make sure we take lots of pudding with us or I will go crazy... I love me some pudding!” Jencine said in a mocking country accent.
“Fox. I don't even want to remember how I ended up meeting you.” Said Neko jokingly.
“Heh. You know you love me!” Jencine said while Neko snorted.
“You keep telling yourself that fox. You keep telling yourself that.” Neko said entering the village for a feast; not knowing what dangers lay ahead of them in the future.
Neko: So what do you do you think? Review! ^_____^
Hiei: Or else.