Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Special Valentine ❯ A Special Valentine ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi, This story plot belongs to me.
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I looked at the computer screen with a worried expression. Valentines Day was in less than a week! Yet here I was, with no idea what to do on that most special of special days. Not that Valentines Day was particularly important to me, not once in the past had I ever gotten or given out a V-Day gift. But this year it was very different. I needed to come up with something good; I had a spiky headed demon to impress!

I clicked the search engine, and typed in the words "Valentines Day ideas". If I couldn't come up with one on my own, I would just have to go on a hunt to find an idea! When in doubt, Google!

My eyes skimmed the results quickly, having no patience to actually read in depth about the class room ideas and the writing prompts that were in the descriptions below the links. Then something caught my eye. "Valentine ideas for your special someone..." Yeah, that sounded good. A bit mushy but good.

I clicked the link, cursing my laptop as I waited for the page to load. Didn't it know that I had a time limit? My "special someone..." could show up at any random moment, and I wouldn't even know about it until it was too late. He has a thing for bad timing and I know he enjoys causing me to have near death experiences when ever he can.

I read the title of the web address, "theholidayzone.com", it said. I took a glance at the list provided on the page, stopping to think about some of the suggestions.

1. Draw a picture of yourself and a friend or family member enjoying a special moment where you felt or expressed love. Write one or two sentences telling about it.

No, I am not good enough at drawing to do that! I can just imagine it now...

I smiled big as I held up the crinkled sheet of paper that depicted a little heart, with my name written on across its front in bad hand writing at best. A chibi Hiei cuddling the heart. "'Hiei, look waht I made you!" He jumped down from the tree he was sitting in, and glanced at the little paper. "Hn, what is this, onna?" "It is your Valentines Day gift Hiei!" I said excitedly. He looked at the paper with distaste and then grunted, turning his head to the side. " I have no need for your human holidays. I don't want that trash either." He crossed his arms and turned to walk away, leaving me alone with the sad little drawing...

I snapped back to reality, suddenly remembering that I was on a time limit. But just the same, that is how it would go if I did the first suggestion. I stuck my tongue out at the idea and read the next one, hoping it was better than the first.

2. Make a list of people who love you and give at least one reason why you know they love you.

I thought about that idea hard...

I sat at my desk with a crisp white sheet of paper, and a red pen. I chewed on the end cap for a moment before I began to scratch the thing against the paper, leaving a red line in my wake. "Why, and how do I know that Hiei loves me?" I pondered this for a moment and concluded that it was because he hadn't killed me yet. Thats how I know. Because he willingly puts up with me and my "human non-since," as he likes to put it. I began to doodle on the side of my list as Hiei suddenly appeared in my room. This was not unusual so I continued my thoughts. However, after a moment of deliberating, I decided that making a list and letting him know that I thought he loved me just because he hadn't killed me yet was not a good gift to give him. It may end up changing his mind, best not to bring it up. Ya know, just in case. I quickly smashed the half used paper into a ball and tossed it behind me, making an annoyed sound.


I froze at noise, realizing that the ball of paper hadn't hit my wall as I had intended. With a big grin (trying to hide my fearful look), I slowly turned to see the angry little fire demon giving me a look that could freeze time...

I shook my head again, angry that I had let myself get side tracked for a second time. This just will not do! I looked at the third choice.

3. Describe a time when you felt especially loved.

Oh yes, that would work out great! I could just see it now, "Hey Hiei, do you remember that time you didn't kill me, but called me a stupid woman. Yea, I just wanted to let you know that I felt really loved in that moment, so you should do it more often." Yeah, that would go over wonderfully. Note the sarcasm.

4. Write an erotic poem using the word "Friend".

I felt my face heat up at the thought. Now THAT just was not a good idea. I doubt if Hiei would even understand what the poem was meant to be let alone how awkward it would make me feel. Then he would most likely go and repeat the thing to Kurama, and question what my problem was. Then Kurama would tell him to the best of his ability, and... lets just say the look I pictured on his face was not one of joy or agreement.

That was just out of the question.

5. Write an extended definition of love.

An extended definition of love? That could end up just as bad as the "Erotic Friend" poem! As if he would understand what I was saying to him anyway, he is far too thick headed to be taken down to a human level by understand a humans feelings of love. "Geeze!" I slammed my laptop shut with a frustrated growl. Stupid Google, what use was that damn thing if it couldn't even offer a good idea? I guess im on my own.

"What is wrong with you, Onna?" I snapped my head to him, my eyes wide, wondering how much he had seen. I looked at him for a moment, trying to judge just how long he had been there. Deciding that it didn't really matter, because I was out of ideas anyway. I hung my head with a defeated sigh. "Well, there is a special day coming up, Hiei. I have never been much of one to take this special day seriously in the past, but now I have a reason to get excited about it. I just can't figure out what to do on this day." I admitted it to him. I didn't know what to do.

He gently lowered himself to my bed next to me, sitting so that his back was against the headrest. I knew he was looking at me. He had crossed his arms and grunted. Thats normally what he does when he is looking at me, and debating with himself over what to do with my human-ness. "Are you really that upset over this day of yours?" He questioned me. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. "Yeah. Well, I just wanted to do something special. Thats all." I tried to give a smile but I knew it came off weak. He closed his eyes for a moment, seeming not to care for my problem. I let my head lower again, and I chewed on my lip, silently going through my head looking for a new idea.

I didn't have many ideas to begin with. Getting him some chocolate just wasn't a great idea, he didn't like many sweets, and I knew not to even bother expecting anything from hi- "Don't worry about this day of yours, Onna." His voice made me jump lightly, not expecting him to interrupt my thoughts.

I looked at him with a question plastered on my face. What did he mean?

He rolled his eyes, looking away from me and sighed as if it were obvious, the white cloth around his four head glowing lightly. "I am with you mostly every day. I don't need anything special from you. You give me your time." He was blunt and his words were somewhat harsh as he spoke them, but I still couldn't help the grin that was forming from ear to ear on my face because of his poor attempt to be sweet to me.

"What ever you say, Hiei." I said, letting myself lean on his shoulder and sighing in contentment. He tensed lightly from the contact but relaxed again soon after and didn't make any attempt to move away. I guess he had been standing in front of me the whole time.

Perhaps I will never get to take part in Valentines Day. But who needs just one day for a valentine, when I can have my valentine everyday?

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A/N: Awwww! Aint that sweet????? <3 Happy Early Valentines Day all!
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