Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ An Old Enemy ❯ Kend's Fortress ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kend's Fortress
“There it is,” Aoi pointed, “the fortress.”
Yusuke nodded, “Good but we should rest here for tonight.”
“I agree,” Aoi said, “I will take the first watch. All of you will need your strength.”
When the detectives at last fell asleep Aoi left them once again. Silently she moved through the forest until she reached the door to the fortress. There, Aoi knocked on the door until it opened. Then she entered and walked through one of the endless halls.
Finally she reached a large chamber where four other demons stood. At the far end was Kend. With purpose Aoi moved in further until she stood in front of the great demon as well.
Kend stood and spoke to them, “Good now that you are finally all here we can begin. My instructions are to make sure that the Spirit Detectives are separated. From there we can easily destroy them one by one.”
“Yes sir,” the demons bowed as they left the chamber.
Aoi returned to the group at dawn. Once they were all awake, she led them straight through the large doors. The others watched as they entered easily. Something was not right here. Soon they came to a large chamber that was filled with doors.
Kuwabara frowned, “So which way do we go?”
“I don't know,” Aoi admitted, “Perhaps we should split up.”
“That would be a bad idea, Aoi,” Hiei snorted.
“Because you are not trying to help us at all,” he smirked, “In fact I think you are helping Kend himself.”
Aoi's face darkened, “How did you find out?”
“That first night that you left I followed you when you thought that I was asleep.”
“That's it,” the barmaid hissed, “you are dead!”
Hiei prepared himself to fight as Aoi launched herself at him. Together they fell into one of the halls and vanished from sight. The others stood there and waited. What had happened? Why had Aoi betrayed them?
“What are we going to do now?” Kuwabara whined, “Hiei's gone, Aoi's betrayed us, and we're lost.”
“Looks like we are going to have to split up after all,” Sasha whispered.
Kurama shook his head, “That is a bad idea. This was a trap from the beginning. If we are going to get out of this alive then we need to stick together. The only choice that we have is which door we should go through.”
Yusuke pointed to the one directly in front of him, “How about that one?”
Kuwabara nodded, “That's the best choice right now. Any arguments?”
Everyone shook their heads as they headed down the hall.
The twins stopped causing their demonic companion to look back at them. They couldn't possibly be tired since they had just woken up not that long ago. And yet there they stood not moving a muscle as they waited. Finally the silver-haired being knelt before them.
“What is it? What do you sense?” she asked.
Hoshi looked at her, “We need to go back.”
“Why do we need to go back?”
“Mommy and daddy need our help,” Bara added.
The demon nodded, “All I'll trust your judgement. However if anything happens I am going to have you out of there before you realize what is going on. Is that clear?”
“Yes ma'am,” they said in unison.
The trio made their way back through the forest. The demon became confused as her small companions led the way. Surely, they couldn't remember the way back, could they? Were they really that strong? Did their parents even realize this strength?
“So here's the end of the tunnel,” Yusuke snorted, “Another great big ugly chamber with a door at the end.”
“Yes, a door that you will never make it to,” Aoi's voice said as she appeared before them, “I would like you to meet my servants of darkness!”
The detectives became surprised as various small demons separated them from each other. How would they get out of this? Would they make it to the door?
Next Time:
Well the detectives can't reach each other and Hiei is nowhere to be found. Aoi has them wrapped around her little finger. Can anyone save them? Find out on We're Here To Save You!
Hey it's Neko! Sorry that I haven't written anything for about a week but I have been busy with my play at school. Now that I've finished it I can begin to write more. Once again I am sorry. Til we meet again! Bye!