Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Light ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers Note: I Do Not Own YuYuHakusho.

Blue Light

Chapter Two

Keiko stood over the sink washing her hands and humming to herself. She couldn't stop thinking about her love…


Keiko sighed with her eyes glittering.

Not that Yusuke would admit it now but one day, Keiko thought, he will. Keiko had known Yusuke for almost all her life as well as his. They both had been together for so long that Keiko knew Yusuke like the back of her own hand!

And she loved him…

Oh! She loved him so much with all her heart. That hardheaded, temperamental boy…

Keiko sighed, if only she could tell him. But she knew it wasn't time for him or for her. They were in a time where he didn't need anymore pressure. He had enough from his teammates, enemies, and his own teacher, Genkai.

Keiko sighed again, "He'll tell me."

"Who'll tell you what?"

Keiko turned around, her face the color of a red rose.

Her color, however, automatically returned back to normal when she came face to face with Botan and Kiyoshi.

"Oh my…"

Keiko glanced at the phoenix with her bottom jaw dropped.

"A phoenix…"

Botan grinned, "At least Yusuke's other half seems to have the brains that he seemed to have lost or may have never had before."

Keiko blinked and then blushed at her recollection of the earlier event.

"Oh Botan," Keiko walked by Botan and sat down on the one-sitter couch. "I'm scared for Yusuke. I don't want him to get hurt."

"He won't, Keiko."

Keiko smiled at Botan, "Thanks Botan." She then turned her attention to the bird, "Is it yours?"

Botan blinked but then remembered, "Oh no, its Yusuke's."


Botan then explained about the egg and how it was Yusuke's 'inner-self.'

"I thought you said it was supposed to be a powerful animal." Keiko said.

"Oh, but it is!" Botan exclaimed, "A phoenix were once mythical creatures that ruled the lands of the now demon filled lands they are now."

"So they're myths?" Keiko asked.

"No one knows really. Once in a while, one will pop up, like this one."

"Didn't you say you used to have one when you were younger?"

Botan looked down to her lap, "Yes. Once a long, long time ago…"

Keiko could hear the sad tone in Botan's voice so she stopped her questions.

Botan's mind raced back, back to a past she hadn't thought of for the longest time.

Kurama had also taken shelter in the hotel from the hazing storm gathering so quickly. He didn't like the look of the storm. The clouds were blacker than a usual storm cloud, and the lightning streaking across the blackened sky with rage.

Redhead could feel the power- the anger of the storm, actually.

Kurama sat on the sofa of his companions and his room. He just stared out of the window, watching the clouds racing athwart in the sky. Kurama felt a strong power emanating from behind the door and sprung up from his seat. He ran to the door and opened it to look into the sky-blue eyes of a blue phoenix.

Kurama blinked in surprise.

"Hi Kurama!" Botan's head popped from behind the bird that flew in-between them.

"Botan? What are you doing with that phoenix?"

"Oh," Botan grinned and stroked the phoenix's coat of shiny feather. "This is Yusuke's inner demon. Kurama, Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi," Botan pointed to Kurama, "this is Kurama. A friend of Yusuke's and mine."

Kiyoshi cawed then flew, and stood on Botan's shoulder.

"What power it has…" Kurama said, gazing at phoenix. He could feel the phoenix hiding it's power, which was, surprising to Kurama. Phoenix's were usually known to be very proud and loved to show off.

This one happened to be very shy. While other phoenix's happened to be independent, this one was rather attached to Botan.

Botan then smiled again, "I need to be going. I have many things to do, and not much time to do them." She then gave a little wave to Kurama who nodded in response.

Just as Botan rounded the corner, Hiei popped up out of nowhere due to his amazing speed.

"Did you feel that?" Hiei asked.

Kurama nodded, and explained to Hiei about the phoenix.

"Amazing." Hiei shook his head; "I've never felt so much power so close and so potential."

Kurama just nodded, silence for thought overtaking.

Genkai shook her head, a growl wanting to escape from her lips but she choked it back. She had to do this, or she'd never live with herself.

Genkai saw the girl, Keiko, round the corner and quickly regained composure.

"Keiko." Genkai said.

Keiko blinked at the old woman.

Genkai sighed and then spoke.

Yusuke sat inside the lobby of the hotel, looking out through the windows. Rain had started to pour, however, it wasn't regular rain.

It was purple water.

"What the hell is wrong with this place?" Yusuke griped.

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Island Sweetheart