Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Dance, Dance, Dance & Forget ❯ Ideas and Persuasions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey Hey!! Hope you enjoyed my fascinating warning! *sweatdrop* Anyways, I hope you guys will like my fic and don't forget to review! Allrighty then! Oh yeah, would you mind, somebody, to tell me how to make italics appear? Oh and, I don't know if I'm spelling Yusuke's name right or not so… forgive me if I'm not.



They needed a solution. Kurama was acting depressed and was always sulking around. Someone had mistaken him for a girl. …………again. Go Figure. Anyways, being the wonderful friends they are, the Rekei-Tentei gang was well….. thoroughly ticked off and on the verge of blasting him into tiny, itsy-bitsy bits.

"Mindless fools," Hiei obligingly comforted (A/N: don't you just love sarcasm?), "consider Kurama's pride. He's just been called a female, what else would you do in his place?"

"If I have been in his place," replied a hot-headed Yusuke, "I wouldn't act like a stupid baby and whine all the time."

"Yes, you would." Hiei said simply. "You can't break a habit THAT easily."

"Would not!"

"Would too."

"Would. Not!!!"

"You're not worth the time."

"I am tooooooooooo." Yusuke howled.


"You are NOT ignoring me~!"



"Calm down, punk. If you scream yourself to death, I won't be able to beat your sorry ass."

"Kuwabara, even in my cold, rotting, dead body, I'd STILL be able to smack you around the world TWICE!"


Everybody sighed except for Hiei, who tended not to show his emotions.

"Maybe if we do something, you know, NORMAL. Something everyone does and doesn't involve cutting demons into french fries," suggested Kuwabara after a contemplating silence.

"Hn. Like what?" grunted Hiei.

Yusuke wanted to bug the little youkai a bit more.

"Why? Can't you guess, shorty?"

"And how would I know what pathetic ningens as yourselves do to waste valuable time?"

Yusuke's plan had officially backfired.

The delinquent gave up and said, "I don't know, we mostly just hang out, smoke and frighten little kids." And he smiled as he recalled some obviously amusing memories.

Kuwabara sniffed. That's what BULLIES do, you half-witted asparagus!"

"Puh-leaze, Kuwabara. Asparagus? What? Run out of insults from your brain? Tch. That didn't take too long, just as I thought," Yusuke countered. "And besides, did you forget? You're a "BULLY" too."

"I am not………..I" the carrot-top started, "Oh yeah."

"Stupid, short-term memory loss suffering ningens."

"Shut up, shrimp." Kuwabara and Yusuke chorused.

"Hn. Perhaps you've both forgotten why I'm associating with you two idiots in the first place?"

"Fine." Yusuke agreed reluctantly.

"So," the leader started, "we were saying how we should go do something `normal'"……..

"Hmmmm." All three of them resumed thinking.

During all of this time, Kurama had been lying in his bed being moody. He suddenly walked in on the trio and scared them all out of their skins.

"GEEZ LOUISE, KURAMA!" yelled the unprepared Yusuke.

"Let's go dancing." Kurama suggested abrubtly, ignoring the juvenile.

"That's fine but………" Kuwabara said slowly, "but does anyone here KNOW how to dance. CAN anyone here dance?" He added that last sentence while glancing at the black form that was Hiei and snickering.

All he received was a glare.

Used to this, the Might Kazuma ignored it purposely, knowing it worked up Hiei even more.

Satisfied, Kuwabara interrupted the uncomfortable silence he hadn't noticed.


Kurama answered very very very very very (A/N: And I must stress "very" again) modestly and thoughtfully.

"Pleeeease, please, please, please PLEASE?????" The fox looked up at the shorter demon and pleaded silently with his eyes.

"Come on, people! How hard could it be?" exclaimed the always, over-confident Yusuke.

"Sure, why not? I have absolutely NO PROBLEMO showing this twerp the talent of the Mightiness That Is Me!!" said the even-more-over-confident-than-Yusuke Kazuma. (And as you can imagine that is pretty difficult to top.)

So after that comment, everybody turned to look inquiringly at Hiei.

"Hn. What? EVERYBODY doesn't have to go. How many imbeciles do you need around you, fox?"

"Come on, Hiei. It'll be good for you to get out more." Kurama begged.

As the fox and fire-demon argued, Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at one another and smirked. They knew exactly what to do to make that stubborn youkai come…………….

"Well," Yusuke interrupted. "if you don't want to come, shorty, that's TOTALLY understandable."

Hiei and Kurama narrowed their eyes and asked suspiciously, "It is?"

"Sure," Kuwabara mocked in a confident tone. "EVERYONE knows you're afraid of all of the HUMANS there……… and the loud music……and of course, no one REALLY knows if you can DANCE~~~" Kuwabara ignored the savage growling.

Yusuke HAD to add on. `This is WAY too much fun.' He thought.

"Yeah, dancing can be HARD…….. After all, EVERY, PATHETIC NINGEN in the WORLD can DANCE. You can see how it is very, very, very TOUGH."

They all smirked, knowing they had Hiei, right when the demon suddenly punched the annoying juvenile in the face.

Yusuke couldn't feel the pain…………….. a lot. Besides, there was the fact that his plan had worked to pay attention to……………




This is the longest I've ever written in one chapter! Mwahahahaha Mwahahahahaha he. he. This is like, soooooo much fun!! Hope you guys, like, enjoyed yourselves, like, very much!!! Oh, and like, don't forget to like, review, review and like, review!!!!!

## slaps herself for being so perky ##

## recovers and glances around to see if anyone saw that ## *^_^*;;