Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Source ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 15 Arrival

They (the gang) are walking through the clearing and towards a huge tree. Once they reach the tree, them wind starts to pick up.

“Did you guys feel that?” Yusuke asks looking around carefully.

Hiei draws his katana and also starts to look around carefully.

“Maybe its just the passing wind of Kuwabara’s breath that got you... cuz that energy is...strong...” she finishes off earning her a couple of laughs.

“Hey My breath doesn’t stink ” Kuwabara yels out, but he turns around and breaths into his hand then sniffs it.

“*puts katana away* well, we must be getting closer.” he says continuing towards the tree.

“Where do you think your going?” a voice says from the tree. A girl jumps out of it and lands right in front of Hiei. She was just a little bit taller than Hiei.
Her hair went a little past her shoulders while 2 strands in the front were braided and tied up with thin strings. Her hair, matched the darkness of the sky, which in the Makai was a reddish black, which makes her hair a reddish black. (Sorry if that was confusing)
She was wearing a long black slightly torn cape. The cape was tied clothes so the clothes couldn’t be seen.
Her eyes looked to be a dark grey.

“And who might you be?” Kiori asks stepping forward.

“If you really must know, my name is Catrine. And to make things short, you won’t be able to get into the mansion, if that’s where you’re going.” she says leaning on the tree.

“Why is that?” Kurama asks.

“Well, first of all, you’ll need a key, the doors can’t be knocked down, believe me, I tried. Second of all, if you’re going you have to bring me.”

“Why would we want to bring you? *glare*” Hiei asks.

“Because, I have the key.”

“But if you have the key, why don’t you just go by yourself?” Yusuke asks, becoming a little curious.

“Because, it’s to dangerous to go in alone, even for someone like me.” she says snicking while looking towards the mountains.

“There’s a guard that guards that mansion, I battled him once before, and almost lost my life... that was the first time that ever happened.. But... he seemed to not want to do it, he said he had orders to kill me, but he said he didn’t want to kill me, so I ran off.”

They all look in the direction she was looking at. Yes, there was indeed mountains, but right in front of them was a huge castle like place. It would have been the perfect scary house, if there was a storm going on.

“Wow, that place is huge... I bet they could store tons of chocolate in there *drool*” Kiori says, almost wondering of towards it without the others.

“Onna, *annoyed sigh* don’t wander off, I don’t want to go looking for you.” Hiei says about to kick Kiori in the butt.

“Don’t worry spikes, ^_^ I won’t. *turns to Catrine* now, as the official group leader, I say you can come along.” Kiori says smiling widely.

“HEY SINCE WHEN WHERE YOU GROUP LEADER I’M THE DETECTIVE ” Yusuke yells at her, flailing is arms around.

“Oh, so you’re a detective, as in Spirit Detective?” Catrine asks impressed.

“Yah.” Yusuke asks while trying to stomp on Kiori.


“Give me one good reason why I should help you.” he says.

“I’m YOUR SISTER ” she yells at him.

“Hn.” he says turning back to Catrine.

“I’m Yusuke Urameshie, this is Hiei, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Kiori.”

Yusuke says pointing to everyone.

“Is it ok to ask why you are trying to break into the mansion?” Catrine asks.

“To save a friend.” Yusuke answers simply.

“Oh, so it’s a noble quest, who’s going to be the prince charming? Or is it a guy you’re saving?”

“*her and Yusuke stop fighting* it’s a girl ” she says proudly.

“Well then, I suppose we should hurry.” she says.

They nod, and follow her towards the mansion.


Vera awakes to the sound of someone leaving her room. She sits up, and notices she’s no longer wearing the clothes from earlier. She was wearing a kimono like thing with slits that went up to the middle of her leg. And a belt like thing was tied around her waist. She was now wearing black thick heeled dress boots. Her kimono was white except for the bright red dragon printed on the front right side. She stood and walked over to the mirror in the room.
Her hair was now tied back into a long braid, but they had braided a black ribbon in with it. At the end of the braid, the black string came out with feathers attached to it. She sees something small and rapped in a soft baby blue silk on her dresser.
She picks it up and sits on her bed. She takes off the cloth. It was a sapphire gem with a small claw on it that connected it to a chain.

`wow... I wonder who left this for me... maybe it was Trako... he seems to know something more about me... something I don’t know... maybe this was already mine... ^_^ or maybe it’s a present... my birthday is coming up... I wonder if I ever see the gang again.`

She puts the necklace on. She gets up and walks over to the door and opens it. When she does there was people and demons rushing everywhere. Mukuru was walking down the hall towards her. Then Trako showed up at her side.

“*whispers* quick, get back in the room.” he slightly pushes her back into the room.

`What’s going on?` She puts her ear to the door.

“Mukuru, there are intruders quickly approaching.” Trako says.

“*smirk* stay in her room until I call for you.” she instructs, he obeys, and enters the room. He locks the door and pulls Vera over to the bed.

“Listen, the intruders are the people who are here to save you.”

Vera looks surprised but then jumps up into the air and accidently falls forward onto Trako.

“*gets up* sorry ^_^ I’m just really happy, I pretty much thought they’d never come... I’m mean, gezzz... what took them soooo long...”

Erin smirks,” Erin can be like that, slower than hell.”

“You know Erin?” she asks.

“Yah... *looks down* listen, be careful, I have a feeling Mukuru’s going to use you to her advantage. I think she has a thing for Hiei.” Trako says.

“Hehe... Hiei... hehe... he is cute though... hehe...I bet Hiei doesn’t feel the same...hehe...awww.... I’d love to see the look on her face when she finds out Hiei don’t like her...” she says giggling slightly.

“What makes you think Hiei doesn’t like her, Hiei’s a hard head... only idiots attempt to break into that guys head.” Trako says sitting on the bed.

Then there was a knock on the door, Trako and Vera both get up to get it, when they reach it, Trako opens and and Vera opens the door. One of the servants was standing there.

“Trako, Mukuro wishes for me to bring Lady Vera to her, and for you to stay here. Those were her direct orders.” he, the servant, says.

“*glare* *looks over at Vera* okey, make sure she gets there safely. Those are my direct orders.” Trako says.

“*whispers into Vera’s ear* be careful, Mukuro’s got some nasty tricks.” he warns her.

“*whispers* I hope I don’t die.” she says not really commenting on what he said, but with and expression that she understood.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chatper~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

O YAH I rock... updates may take awhile due to the fact that I finally turned 13 about a month ago and school is out to get me for that thing at the pep rally.


Dragon Charm- WHY THANK YOU!! THAT'S ONE OF MY BEST REVIEWS YET!!! ^___^ i'm happy that I'm updating again... ^_^

silver wolf- 0.0 wow... she must really hate herself to do that...thanks for da' info!

Jet Black- YES!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!! AND HERE'S DA UPDATE!!!! ^_______________^

InTheShadows- ^_^ to tell the truth i'm curiousto... my mind works randomly at times... ^_^ hope ya keep on enjoying!! ^_^