Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Death ❯ Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Neko and his squad rushed back to where they had left Yamakaza in the forest, hidden from sight. He and the squad were forced to leave her behind because of her injuries. Some lowlife had clipped her heart from behind with an energy beam. He knew he didn't have long before she would die he had to get to her before then. Even though she possessed the Moon Cat's Eye, it had the ability to heal the bearer, but this wound it couldn't heal.
He wanted to see her one last time before she would leave him yet again to the after life. They made to the place they had left her and Yamakaza was now paler and was struggling to breathe. Neko kneeled beside her and carefully held her close to his body. He heard her give small grunts as she tried to speak but she had no strength left. He knew she was holding on for him to come back.
He knew it was now or never, he had to tell her, “Yamakaza . . . I love you . . .”
She was able to give a small smile and her eyes filled with her own hidden feeling for him. Suddenly blood began to drip from her lips and down her chin.
“No! Yamakaza!” he cried as he desperately looked at her and then to the others but the others could do nothing to help. He looked back at her, “Please . . . don't go . . .” only to find her eyes empty and her body limp.
He heard Natashi struggle to say the time of death, “Time of . . . death . . . twenty-two . . . hours and . . . thirty minutes . . .”
Two weeks later there was a funeral and everyone there was a Takashi member or a close friend of theirs. Kurama, Hiei, Botan, Kane, Opal, Yukina, Toya, and Neko were the only ones outside the family that were able to attend the funeral. Neko was silent the whole time even though there was a constant flow of tears going down his cheeks. Everyone that was invited to the event save Neko was surprised when one of fire ninjas set the reed woven casket ablaze.
Finally Neko had to leave too depressed to watch the whole burning any further. They never saw again until the day after they buried Yamakaza's ashes. Opal was watching him from her temporary room when she saw him place the Yang on Yamakaza's grave, took out his wakizashi, and suddenly stabbed himself in the stomach. She jumped out her window screaming his name altering most of the clan and their friends. Neko collapsed to his knees as he gasped and forced himself to hold his wakizashi there.
He placed his head on Yamakaza's grave as Opal ran to him and tried to get his wakizashi out of his hands and stomach as she got a whiff of sake on his breath and clothes. No matter how hard she pulled he wouldn't release his death grip of the handle. Blood rapidly pooled under him as his friends ran over and a small smile lazily spread on his lips as he began to feel cold. When Opal was close enough he whispered, “I don't want to be left behind again . . .”
Opal realized why he was doing this, it all clicked, because when Chikako died he wasn't able to follow her but now he could follow Yamakaza.
“Let me follow her . . . I don't want to wait years to see her . . .” he slowly looked at her.
Opal knew that he spoke the truth and who knew how long it would take her to come back to the living. “What about Kichiro?”
“Just go see Genkai in a day . . .” even though he was pale his eyes were bright with emotions, “He also has all of our memories of our pasts . . . thanks to his Jagan . . . he didn't even know we gave them to him.”
To their friends' surprise Opal warily released his hands but not before Botan tried to step in though she was stopped by Toya. Botan looked unsure but the others knew that Neko was better off this way at least then he would be able to pursue Yamakaza without having to worry about the Takashi Family laws.
“Opal . . . hold onto the Yang until you find me again . . .” his voice was now very weak and his eyes were losing their shine.
“I will,” she promised as tears rolled down her cheeks and watched as he finally stopped breathing. The blood seemed to slow but not stop until they took out the wakizashi from his stomach.
Kane watched the whole event from the sky and waited to collect Neko's soul until they left with his body she was no exception of being hurt by seeing her nephew kill himself.
Fifteen years later, Opal and Natashi entered a bar as the song `Into the Night' by Santana began to play. They saw two pre-teens on stage were the main dancers for the song. There was a girl with long emerald green hair dancing and a boy with short blond hair. The boy lead the girl as she swayed while she kept her eyes closed. When the song came to an end the two pre-teens bowed as everyone cheered until a new song began to play. Neither women realized that the two pre-teens left the stage until they stood in front of them.
“Hello, you must be the Spirit Detectives that Koenma sent,” said the boy.
“Yes, I'm Minomino, Natashi,” Natashi told the two pre-teens