Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Demon Diary ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: AAHHH!!! I must be NUTS, writing another story!!!!! Oh well…this will be a short one. 2 chappies…this is a Yu Yu Hakusho fic, mostly about Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara. Enjoy!!

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing as usual…<sighs> I'm not gonna do this the whole story so get this through you mind!!!! :p


Kurama was heading home after a long day and even longer mission. With a sigh of relief, he reached his home and pulled the door open, to see Kuwabara ogling over his baby pictures. "Whatever." He muttered as he made for the stairs, what the other was doing not fully sinking in until he was in his room. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he yelled as he ran back the stairs, a small fringe of pink on his cheeks. "Kuwabara? What are you doing here?" he asked calmly as he went over to his friend who was still laughing.

"Huh?" was Kuwabara's reply as he looked up to find his slightly disheveled friend. At a look from Kurama, he quickly explained. "I came by, to see if you were back, and your mom let me in, saying you would be back soon." He explained as he went back to looking at pictures. "She said, that she went out to go shopping, and gave me this to entertain myself with until you got back." He said with a chuckle as he turned yet another page of the photo album.

"What are you here for?" Kurama asked, already tired as this just made his head spin. He looked longingly at the stairs where he knew his bed was.

"Oh yeah!" Kuwabara put the book down, and on his lap was a math book. "I need help with math!" he said with a grin. In reality, Yusuke had said that he would give him fifty bucks if he `borrowed' Kurama's diary, if he had one, and gave it to him.

With a sigh of resignation, he said, "Fine. Go on upstairs. I'll be up in about five minuets." He muttered as he made his way to the kitchen; unaware of the smirk Kuwabara was giving him.

`YES!!' he mentally cheered as he hurried upstairs and started searching for the book that he had to find. Finally, after he heard the first step creak as his friend made his way up the stairs, he found a small black book slid under the mattress. `Who knew a demon would keep a diary?' he wondered as he looked at it just to make sure, then stuffing it in his bag. He was sitting on the bed when Kurama came in and sat down at the desk.

"What page?" Kurama asked tiredly. He watched as Kuwabara opened his book and pointed at four word problems. "Joy." Kurama muttered as he started to explain them.


One hour later found Kurama asleep at the desk, and Kuwabara leaving. With a grin at his triumph, he ran home to read the diary before he gave it to Yusuke. When he got home, he ran in the door and up to his room and flopped on the bed and pulled the book out to read it.


One hour later had Kuwabara starring at the book in shock at what he had read. It seemed, that his friend and the vertically challenged fire demon, were both gay and were lovers. `Oh my God.' He thought with shock. What shocked him more, was the fact that Hiei had almost raped Kurama.

*diary page*

I was just returning from another mission, when Hiei appeared by my side. With a look in his direction, I shrugged and continued walking. I reached the woods that I used as a short cut and started into them.

When we had reached the deepest part of them, Hiei stopped me. Looking at him in surprise, I opened started to ask him something when he pulled me to the ground and was on top of me faster than I had ever seen him move. With him sitting on me, he looked at me and leaned down and kissed me. I was stunned, then Youko's voice in my mind snapped me out of it, and I started to struggle. When Hiei felt me starting to struggle, he used the fact that I was in a human body to his full advantage and managed to hold me still while he reached into his outer coat-like shirt and pulled out a rope. With a glint in his eyes, he quickly tied me to a tree so that I could do nothing.

He then walked off into the woods, leaving me there as I still tried to escape. He later came back, and told me he had called my mother and said that we were all staying at Yusuke's. I worried as he sits on my lap and starts to move his hands down my body. I saw that he wanted me, and for the first time, I could say I was truly frightened. Pleading with him to stop only seemed to arouse him and so, I sat there and just blocked it all out. Thinking he was going to rape me was not a pleasant thing to think about.

So naturally, I was confused when he stopped and told me to open my eyes and look at him. When I did, I found something in his eyes I never thought he would show. Love. I don't know what happened, but he untied me and just as he was about to leave, I came to him and kissed him. We spent the night in the woods together and when we woke, it was deemed best to not speak of it with the others. We have been lovers ever since. He really isn't as cold as he comes off.

*end diary page*

"Oh God, Yusuke. I have GOT to show you this!!!!!" Kuwabara yelled as he remembered the fifty dollars promised to him. (A/N: gee, with friends like him and Yusuke, who needs enemies?)