Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Drunken Demons ❯ Drunken Demon ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Just for your information. I got the idea for this story when I was talking to one of my friends online, and he was drunk. So this is what popped into my head. You cannot report me because I did not copy the chat and post it here, I just wrote a story from the idea of what happened. Thank you for reading this little note. PS- I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho! Oh, and if you do not like Original Characters, DO NOT READ THIS STORY! There are 2 of my own Characters in this fic.
Two people were sitting on the sidewalk, outside of a house in which a fire demon lived. One had red hair, and the other had dirty blond. Inside the house, the black haired fire demon, Hiei, was wondering around, probably bored.
“I'm telling you, he's drunk. Don't go in and talk to him.” Kurama said, glancing at the house every once and a while. The blond, Jibbitessa, wasn't listening though.
“Why would he be drunk? I thought he was normal. I'm going to say hi.” And with that she got up and walked over to the door. Kurama sighed.
“Fine then, I hope he screws you.” He mumbled under his breath, but Jibbitessa heard him and stuck out her tongue. She knocked on the door, and Hiei answered it.
“Uhh, hello Hiei.” She said. He looked drunk, as his hair was more untidy than usual, and his eyes were sort of blood shot.
Hiei grinned as she walked in slowly. He closed the door behind her and walked up to her. “Hey babe.” He said, as she walked a little farther away.
“Hi… Umm, are you alright, Hiei? You look a little sick. Why don't you sit down and I'll… err… fix you something to eat.” She said, backing away as he walked closer. Hiei merely smirked.
“I'm not sick… But I have to go get some cheese to eat.” He said, and with that he walked out to the kitchen. Jibbitessa sighed, and sat down on the couch. She looked around. Two lamps were broken, and there were empty bottles of Mikes Hard Lemonade scattered throughout the room. Hiei walked back in with another bottle of the stuff.
“This is good. You want some?” He asked, his words slurred slightly. Jibbitessa quickly shook her head, as Hiei just drank some of it. She glared at him and he moved over closer and sat next to her. His breath was putrid, and smelled of alcohol.
He leaned over closer and hugged her, and she backed away, hiding behind the arm of the couch. He smirked and moved over next to her and kissed her. She screamed, and backed away into the wall.
“What happened to Atari, your koi?!” She asked. He didn't pay much attention. All he did was look up and ask who she was. Jibbitessa's eyes widened.
“You… You forgot who Atari is?!” She asked, and Hiei thought for a second, then shook his head.
“No, I remember now.” He said and Jibbitessa sighed. She mentally contacted her friend, Atari.
“~Atari? You there? Answer me! ~” She thought and her friend voice sounded in her head.
“-What is it, JB? What is so important that you wake me up to hear it?-“ She asked, obviously angry. Jibbitessa sighed and looked over at Hiei, sending Atari a mental image of him. Atari gasped over the link, and then glared mentally at Jibbitessa.
“-And why, may I ask, is he like that?-“ She asked, as Jibbitessa glared at Hiei, who was stumbling around the room.
“~He, well, he… Umm… He got drunk, of course. I didn't want to say anything, but… He... ~” Jibbitessa sent Atari a mental image of what had happened since she had gotten into his house. Atari cursed a bit, and then regained her composure.
“-Well, I guess nothing can be done at this moment.-“And with that, she disconnected the link and went back to sleep.
Jibbitessa sighed and walked over to Hiei. She pulled the bottle out of his hand and threw it out of a window… Which was 20 floors up. She had run to the top of the building. Hiei gasped and jumped out of the window after it. Jibbitessa looked out of the window, down at a falling Hiei.
“That's gonna leave a mark.” She said, and then walked around the room, picking up all the full or partially full bottle she could find, smashing them and throwing them out of windows. Hiei stumbled back in and Jibbitessa smirked slightly.
She picked up the last of the full bottles and walked over to Hiei. “Here, have this.” She said, and smashed the bottle over his head. Hiei glared at her, and then walked over to his fridge. He glared at the fridge when he saw that it was empty. Jibbitessa laughed and then walked over to the door. She opened it and heard Kurama yelling at her.
“Why're you yelling at me? What'd I do?” She asked as Kurama yelled even more.
“You told Atari what was happening. You know he'd drunk!” He yelled, and Jibbitessa took a step back. She had never seen him this mad. She turned back to Hiei, who had heard what Kurama had said.
“You- you told Atari-koi?” He stuttered, obviously surprised. Jibbitessa nodded slowly and he began yelling at her too. She backed up and knocked into a floor lamp, breaking it. She stumbled out of the door, and out into the street, where she fell and hit her head. Hiei strolled out after her and began hitting her, leaving large bruises and cuts. Soon, though, a car began rolling down the street. It picked up speed, as the 2 fighting people were at the bottom of a hill. Hiei looked up just as the car hit them both.
Hiei woke with a start and looked around the room. “Just a bad dream.” He said wearily, and fell back to sleep.