Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Flames ❯ With Friendship ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Pardon me, pardon me, pardon me.
So pardon me while I burst into flames.
I've had enough of the world, and it's people's mindless games
So pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame
Pardon me, pardon me. I'll never be the same.
Pardon me, never be the same. Yeah "

"I thought this mission was funny." A familiar voice said behind him.

For once in his life the demon actually hadn't noticed someone come up behind him and because of that he jumped. Spinning around defensively he was ready for whatever was behind him. However he was surprised to see the Reikai Tantei standing there.

"I figured there was a reason that Koenma didn't give me any specific instructions and told me that it wasn't dangerous." Yuusuke said with a grin. "Didn't think I'd be seeing you again, Hiei. I heard you left for the Youkai."

"I did, but it didn't have the answers I was looking for." He replied. "Where's Kurama?"

Yuusuke was a bit surprised at how straight forward the demon was being. It wasn't everyday that Hiei would involve himself in a conversation or even more surprising, ask for help. It was obvious that he wasn't in the mood for small talk though and the Tantei could understand why, it had been almost 2 years since the two legendary demons had seen each other.

"He's at the hospital. He's been there for almost a month now." Yuusuke replied.

The pain in his chest became worse but his heart rate seemed to stop. Why was the Kitsune in the hospital? What could have happened?

Yuusuke saw the flash of fear and confusion at the initial though of his friend being in the hospital, "His mother is dieing. He rarely comes home anymore, none of them do, they stay there with her."

It was a mild relief to here that the Kitsune was okay, but he still felt bad that the mother was ill. Two years, if he'd only waited two years he could have left with the Kitsune and it would have all been to the plan. He looked away from the man in front of him. How could he have been so stupid.

"I've gone over there a few times, I could take you if you would like to go." Yuusuke said sympathetically. "But I doubt they'd let you in looking like that. Come on, let's go to my place and get you cleaned up, okay?"

He nodded, he was to busy being full of self hate to object. So he followed the Tantei and didn't even realize that he'd been striped down and place in a shower till he felt the cool sting on his skin. He thought about it for a moment and figured the water had felt okay to the human but he was a fire demon after all. There was almost no way the water would feel warm to him. Again it was something he was use to though and the water in the Youkai was much colder.

"I'm not sure how well these will fit you, but I've brought a belt for the shorts. It should be enough while we go visit. I've already put your other clothes into the wash." Yuusuke said over the sounds of the water.

Not long after Hiei heard him leave did he get out of the shower. Again, being a fire demon had it's perks. He dried himself, without the aid of a towel, and stared at the two sets of shorts in front of him. The one was silky and he assumed it was what the humans refereed to as boxers. They had no defensive value and in his opinion just made things a bit more restricted so he left them sit and put on the clothes the raven haired tantei left for him.

He found the man sitting in a chair in the living room, he too had changed and combed his hair. He stopped walking toward him when the man looked up.

"Do you have something for this?" He asked simply pointing to his forehead, slightly annoyed.

Yuusuke held in a laugh as he looked at the demon drowning in his clothes. "Yeah, hang on. I'll get one." The laughter was obvious when he spoke.

Hiei rolled his eyes and mumbled something about his death. Still he waited quietly and he heard the man groan as he came back.

"Seriously, I gave you the boxers for a reason." He said throwing the headband toward him. "You were suppose to wear them."

The demon just shock his head and put the headband on. He wasn't going to respond to the man's ridiculous statement. "When do we leave?"

"I figured you'd want something to eat first, you don't look like you've been eating well at all." Yuusuke replied.

"I haven't, can we go now? I'm not hungry." He replied with a tone of annoyance.

Yuusuke sighed but he knew there was only one person who could get the demon to do anything. So he gave a shrug of defeat.

"Alright, mister antsy pants, let's get going." He said casually. "Come on."

Hiei grinned and the two left the apartment and made their way downtown to the hospital. It wouldn't have been so bad but Hiei knew that the humans kept staring as he passed them. He was sure he even heard one of them refer to the Tantei as his father. To bad they didn't know he was at least twice that man's age.

The reached the large white and red building and Hiei's disposition grimed. He was going to stick out wearing such dark clothes. At least the Tantei seemed to have darkened his attire to try and match. Upon entering he couldn't believe how bright it was inside. He was almost tempted to wait outside for the Kitsune. The Tantei however had other ideas as he tugged on the sleeve to get the demon going again.

With a quick nod and wave to the orderlies at the front desk he made his way upstairs to the recovery wing. Sure, she wasn't going to ever fully recover but with each treatment they gave her time to rest. They found the room marked Minamino and Yuusuke pushed the smaller boy through first.

A nurse was checking on her stats and vitals when they came in. She smiled warmly, recognizing Yuusuke.

"Misses Minamino, you have guests." She said softly to the frail woman in the bed.

Hiei's eyes fell upon her and he couldn't believe how warn out and old she looked. No demon would ever have a chance to look so weak. This wasn't the first time he'd ever seen her but this was the first she'd ever seen of him.

"Oh, hello Yuusuke." She said softly, "I was wondering... when you would visit again." Her voice braking every time she took a breath, "Who's your friend?"

Yuusuke looked down to Hiei with a questioning glance. He just shook his head at the Tantei. He probably should have mentioned he'd never meet Kurama's mother.

"Work keeps me kinda busy." He then pushed the demon a bit closer to the woman, "His name is Hiei, he's one of Shuichi's friends too." Yuusuke said with a smile. "How have you been?"

"As well as I can be." She said with an airy laugh, "Shuichi's friend, huh. Never met you. Do you work with him?"

Hiei shook his head, "No... not anymore. I haven't seen him in a while." He said softly.

"That's a shame. He should be here soon though. He comes by everyday after work. Why don't you two have a seat and wait for him?"

Hiei shifted nervously and Yuusuke stuffed him in the chair by her bed. "I can't Mrs. Minamino, I need to get back to work. I was just helping Hiei find Shuichi."

"That's to bad, I'll tell Shuichi you stopped by. Don't be a stranger alright." She said sweetly.

Yuusuke bid her farewell with a light hug and patted Hiei on the shoulder and left. It was then that Hiei knew all attention was on him.

"Those clothes are awfully big on you. You don't look like someone Shuichi use to work with. Well at least not someone from here." She said with a light frown.

Hiei stared at the woman, what had she meant by here? Did Kurama tell her about his origin?