Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Foreign Exchange Torture ❯ Meet the Families ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: We do not own Yu-Yu-Hakosho or any of the characters in our story. Well we do own Nija and Niete because we made them up, but thatâ€!s another story...Without any further ado we give you...Foreign Exchange Torture....
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A punky looking girl stood with a boy of about her age. He had black spiky hair and a bandanna on his forehead. He leaned down and gave the girl a kiss on her spiked, blue hair before boarding the plane.
"Iâ€!ll see you in six months, Nija" he said as he went inside the plane.
Nija watched in tears as she was escorted off of the take-off area. The guards led the average height sixteen year old girl inside the airport. She shook her head in anger as quickly swiped away the tears. She tugged on the pink tips of her hair until they were back in place. Not that they really had a place on top of her head. Nija had an hour to kill till her end of the new foreign exchange program that her boyfriend, Hiei, had taken apart in, arrived.
After the plane had taken off the guards left Nija to return to her post. Now why were the guards with Nija in the first place? Nija was well known in her area for her mischievous, trouble-making ways. She tended to stand out in a crowd and today was no exception because she was wearing a pair of black pants with neon green tiger stripes running up the legs. The pants were extremely baggy and were being held up by a belt. She also wore a clashing red tee shirt with orange sleeves. Not to mention her hair which she had cut short at the age of fourteen and than dyed it blue and later on had pinked the tips. She now had a habit of messily spiking it, too.
Nija paced impatiently back and fourth with her gloved hands shoved in her pant pockets. She was sick of waiting for the foreign exchange student to show up. The only thing that Nija knew about her was that her name was Niete and she was the same age as herself. Nija glanced up at the clock in the terminal and snorted. Still another forty-five minutes.
She looked around and noticed a food court. She walked over and checking to make sure that no one was looking, she grabbed a candy bar and opened it. She calmly strolled away and sat down in a waiting chair. She looked to her left and saw a pile of magazines, but made no move to pick one up. Nija finished her candy bar and leaned back in her chair.
About thirty minutes later Nija woke with a start as she was tapped on her shoulder and someone called her name in a rough voice.
She turned her head and shot a glare at the guard that had tapped her.
"What do you want?" She said to him coolly as she looked behind him. A rather short girl that looked older than her height suggested was standing behind him. Nija shot her a â€who are you?â€! look and turned back to the guard.
The guard side-stepped giving Nija a clear view of the girl. She was a little shorted than five feet from Nijaâ€!s guess and she had shoulder length, straight, brown hair. She was wearing a blue turtleneck with three-quarter length sleeves and a pair of tight fitting jeans. The girl had no jewelry or accessories what-so-ever except for a pair of dorky looking glasses.
The guard watched Nijaâ€!s expressionless face for a while before he told her
"This is Niete" He stumbled a bit over the pronunciation, but managed to more or less get it out.
Nija took a double take over the girl. â€This...This... Dweeb was going to be her foreign exchange student for the next six months? Great.â€! Nija thought as she watched Niete.
Niete made no move to go and say hello or give some kind of greeting towards Nija so Nija stood up from her chair and went around to stand next to the guard and the girl. She reached out her hand and when Niete took it she shook Niete hands.
"Hi," Nija said to her. "Iâ€!m Nija, your foreign exchange partner". She appearance seemed to be the absolute opposite of her manners, but what Niete didnâ€!t know was that her parents were making her be nice to her.
Niete watched Nija with a look of amazement and she quietly mumbled out a "Hi" before pulling her hand back. The guard had by now walked away and Nija picked up one of Nieteâ€!s bags. She grunted as she lifted it off the ground.
"What the hell do you keep in here?" she asked Niete as she began to walk.
Niete had picked up her backpack and a small book before she turned to Nija and responded, "Mostly clothes and stuff, but there are also some books in there."
Nija listened a little annoyed with the response. Not only was this Niete a dweeb, but she was also a bookworm. Two of Nijaâ€!s most hated stereotypes. Nija walked out of the terminal with Niete in tow. When she got outside she spotted her car not too far away. Nija carried Nieteâ€!s suitcase to her car and threw it in the trunk. When Niete had put her stuff in the back Nija closed the trunk door and got in the car. Niete got in the passenger side and as soon as the door was closed Nija pulled out of the airport parking lot.
Hiei looked down from the plane as it circled around the airport as it waited for the okay to land. He scratched his spikes and pushed his bandanna out of his eye before placing his head back to the window and staring out with a blank stare. He was getting sick of being in the plane. Heâ€!d been in it for a several hours and couldnâ€!t wait till he could get off. The plane was now gliding down closer to the ground and he moved back into his seat and secured his seat belt. Hiei stayed absolutely still as the plane touched down. Soon the doors were opened and Hiei being near the front was one of the first to get off the plane. He got out of the plane and walked across the landing ground. The plane terminal smelled disgustingly like plane fuel and exhaust, but he didnâ€!t move faster like many of the people around him were doing. He went into the terminal and looked around. He was supposed to be meeting his new foreign exchange family here, but he had no idea what any of them looked like. He continued to look around. He knew that they knew him and like Nija he stuck out a bit in a crowd. Today he was wearing a black outfit with a black flowing cape around him. He had a sheath at his side, but it was empty of itâ€!s normal sharp sword. He continue to look around shooting a furious glare as someone bumped into him. He never had that problem at home because people knew better than to bump into him and if they did they were kissing the ground to make it up, but because he had been forced to leave his beloved katana at home so it wouldnâ€!t be taken by the guards at his home terminal he didnâ€!t do anything. He looked down at his waist when a boy of about four or five grabbed and started hugging the daylights out of him. He glared at the boy and said to him, "What ARE you doing?".
The boy looked up at Hiei and a huge smile spread across his face. "Youâ€!re Hiei, right?" he said to him. Thatâ€!s when Hiei realized that this must be one of his foreign exchange siblings.
He looked down at the little boy and the glare left his face, but only to be replaced by the expressionless face of his. "Yes I am" he said to the boy. The little boy let go as someone called his name and went over to a group of people standing a distance away. Hiei walked over to them and took a look at his new family. From what he could tell there was a little boy with messy bleach blond hair, an older boy of about ten or eleven standing at about 4â€! 11â€!â€! with long mullet like black hair and a girl about his age. She was about his height and had dirty blond hair and oddly colored green eyes. She shot Hiei a look and he was already able to tell that she did not want him there, which was okay with him because he didnâ€!t want to be there anymore either. He watched as the little boy clung to a woman behind them who must be the groupâ€!s mother. The mother patted the little boyâ€!s head and his older brother playfully rubbed the bleach blond hair until it was sticking up at abnormal angles.
Hiei looked at his new "family" with amazement. This was not what he had been expecting when he came here. He had left his life with Nija and the gang for this group of goodie too shoes.
He watched them all and seeing that none of them were going to introduce themselves first he said, "Iâ€!m Hiei. The foreign exchange student"
He watched the family for a while and finally the little boy turned his head around to face Hiei and he told Hiei quietly, "Iâ€!m Byakko, my brother is Suzaku, and my sister is Keiko" Both siblings shot Byakko a look and he immediately turned and hid his head in his motherâ€!s stomach.
The mother looked at Hiei and he said nothing. Finally she said "Hello, Hiei, Iâ€!m Yukina." She smiled at him and soon turned around and started to walk towards the luggage rack. Hiei took a quick look at the turning bundles of suitcases, backpacks, and whatnot and soon saw his own. He grabbed them off of the turnstile and Suzaku took one from him. He followed his new family out of the airport and followed the family to the car. He threw his things in the trunk and got inside. He got squished in between Byakko and Suzaku. Byakko seemed very willing to talk right up until Suzaku told him "Shut UP, Bo."
"Bo" glared as his older brother and with a grin on his face he said "Why donâ€!t you Suzy?" He laughed and his mother scolded him before pulling out of the parking lot. The family ate lunch together at a restaurant. Hiei received many stares from the people there, but he just ignored them. After dinner the family went back to Hieiâ€!s new house to get Hiei situated in his new home.
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Let us know what you think. We really want reviews to keep this fic going. We have some great ideas for it too, so just let us know. The whole story will take place over 6 months and hopefully we intend to have a chapter represent one week, but this is just the introduction, so it doesnâ€!t really count...