Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Half Demon I Am ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

i own no YYH charters but I do own Sara and i still don't no about Cheyenne but probably not.

Chapter 2

It was time for me to so to school. I had to wear a uniform, but I didn't feel comfortable wearing it, so I put on my black baggy pants, a baggy black shirt and I put my hair in pigtails. I went down stairs to get breakfast, but on my way I saw that Yusuke was still asleep. I went to wake him but all he did was mumble stupid girl.
"WHAT!?" I yelled and slapped him.

After I saw what I had done, it was to late. Yusuke had me in a head lock.

"What the heck was that for!?" he yelled at me.

I told him that he called me a stupid girl. Before he could do anything else, there was another knock at the door. He let me go and then answered it. At the door was Keiko, Hiei, Botan, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Yukina. (they all go to the same school)

"Come in," He said then he went upstairs to get dressed.

Then he and I went downstairs and left to go to school. When we got to there, Mr. Takanaka told Kieko to show me around. I found out that Yusuke and Kuwabara were in my classes. But the rest of Yusuke's friends were in different classes. The first class was okay, but everyone keep looking at me and kept asking Yusuke if we were twins. After the hundredth the person asked that question, I yelled at them, "WE'RE NOT TWINS!!!!"

I know I lost my cool, but it got on my last nerves, and yes, I did get into trouble.

At lunch I sat by myself because that Kuwabara guy started to creep me out. While I was by myself, a girl named Cheyenne sat in front of me. We started to talk and became fast friends. (I think.) After 5 minutes, Yusuke came over to the table we were sitting at.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

And guess what his stupid response was...

"Can't I sit by my favorite sister?"

I looked at him, and then he finally told us the truth. He said that he wanted to sit somewhere else because Kieko was going to yell at him for not doing his homework again. The rest of the day was the same.

I hope you liked it................ Please review....................

Okay dokie so far there are no reveiw so if there is no reveiw i won't update if you don't review..... got it no reveiw no more chapters.