Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's School Troubles ❯ Lunch ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Thanks to for reviews!

Chapter 8

Hiei walked slowly down the halls to the cafeteria, he stretched his arms, he had just awoken from his dream in detention and was still half asleep. He growled to himself as he opened the doors to the cafeteria. He silently used his jagan under his bandana to find Kurama. He walked up to the kitsune, cutting in the lunch line. Hiei glared at Kurama and Kurama sighed,
“How did it go?” He asked, picking up a lunch tray and handing another one to Hiei.
“Hn, what do you think?” Hiei growled, taking the large platter and examining it.
“Why are you in the back of the line? You got out twenty minutes ago, you should have gotten your food by now.” Hiei muttered.
“Yes,” Kurama replied in a quiet town, “I went to check up on the principal.” He held his tray out to the lunch lady who dropped some ‘food’ onto his tray. Hiei glared at the woman as she let his food slide with a ‘splat’. He grimaced,
“Is this supposed to be food?” He growled, poking the meat with his fork.
The woman gave him a sneer, “Watch it little boy!”
Hiei narrowed his eyes and was prepared to stab her with his fork but Kurama quickly pulled him away.
“So, what were you able to learn fox?” Hiei muttered, ignoring his lunch as was Kurama.
“He is indeed an imposter,” Kurama muttered, “and there is something else strange about him.”
Hiei looked up with interest,
“What is that?” The fire demon asked, careful no one else could hear them.
“Students who go into his office come out shrouded in a strange aura and act as though they have been brainwashed.” The kitsune replied, his eyes darting about for any suspicious behavior.
Hiei smirked, “Perhaps this won’t be so boring after all.”
Kurama sighed, “Still, as long as the other teachers believe him to be the principal we can do nothing. We have to get him alone.”
Kurama noticed how sleepy Hiei looked,
“Hiei, you didn’t use your Dragon of the Darkness Flame on anyone did you?” He asked.
Hiei snorted, “No, I fell asleep in detention.”
Kurama’s eyes narrowed, “You fell asleep? That is not normal, especially for one such as yourself.”
Hiei growled, “Are you inferring that I allowed the enemy to make me sleep?”
Kurama looked at him, “You must admit, it is unusual.”
“It was boring that’s why I fell asleep!” Hiei yelled. Kurama sighed,
“Did you notice anything unusual about the classroom or maybe the teacher?”
“The teacher hardly moved when he was at his desk, like his was a statue.” Hiei growled.
“Or a puppet.” Kurama added. Hiei folded his arms over his chest.
“You might be right, but still, all we know is that the demon can manipulate people.”
Kurama nodded, “But still the question remains; why did he choose Meiou school instead of Sarayashiki Jr. High, where Yusuke and Kuwabara attend school?”
Hiei shrugged, “I don’t know, there must be a reason unless the demon is just stupid.”
Kurama shook his head slightly, “I doubt that, he seems to have a plan already in action. But what?”
Hiei growled, “We are no further ahead then when we started really.”
Kurama sighed as the bell rang for the next period.
“We will have to keep our eyes open Hiei, with only a few periods left the demon is sure to make his move.”
Hiei nodded as the walked off to their next period, art.

Hope it was okay, sorry about not updating on mm.org for like a month.Converting /tmp/phpa8vw9h to /dev/stdout