Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei versus the Chihuahua's ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Psychicfiredemoness: I take it by someone telling me to add the bakas means that you all want me to put in Claire and Tech?

Tech: Damn straight!

Scorch: Silence human!

Psychic: Both of you shut up! Okay this is day 2, god I feel like I'm in Majora's Mask (don't own) or something.

Scorch: Dawn of the second day! 48 hours remain!

Psychic: If you don't shut the HELL up, you will have both a broken leg AND a concussion!

Scorch: Eep!

Claire: Did she just say eep?

Psychic: No, she said she wants you to dance around like a sheep and jump like an elephant.

Claire: ?.?

Scorch: 1) do sheep dance and 2) elephants can't jump, it's physically impossible.

Psychic: Okay to get you guys to shut up. I own nothing.

Claire, Scorch, and Tech: Hey!


Chapter 6 Day 2

-9:45 am-

Yusuke: [asleep with head on the ground on the couch]

Kuwabara: [asleep on floor and drooling]

Kurama: [sitting on the couch and asleep]

Hiei: [sitting like he sits on windowsills, on the back of the couch]

Girls: [no where to be seen]

Door: [doorbell rings]

All the boys: [jump]

Hiei: [falls off the back of the couch and behind it into a crawl space…thing]

Scorch: [comes into the room] [opens door]O.O[closes door]

Kayori: [comes into room] Who was that?

Scorch: Did you or Sapphire happen to call for MORE `backup'?

Kayori: Hehehe…Why who is it?

Scorch: The pervert and the prep.

Yusuke: [gets up and opens door then closes it really, really fast]

Scorch: Ya see?!

Others: Who was it!?

Hiei: [opens door] O_o; [closes door]

Kuwabara: Who is it!?

Scorch: You really want to know?

Kuwabara: Just tell me!!!

Scorch: To bad.

Kuwabara: [anime falls] Fine I'll see for myself! [opens door]

Tech and Claire: [come in]

Claire: [heart eyes] Kurama-kun! [hugs onto him]

Tech: Yusuke!!! [hugs him around the waist]

Yusuke: Get her off!!!

Sapphire: [filming it]

Scorch: Black mail?

Sapphire: Yep, wait until Keiko sees it.

Tech: Oh show her show her show her!!!!!

Yusuke: NOOO!!!!! Keiko will think there's something between us!!!

Scorch: Why do you think she said to show her? A few laughs? Oh, and why did you let them in!? [points at the idiot]

Kuwabara: How was I supposed to know it was them?!

Scorch: Hm, what about the oh-so-subtle clues?

Claire: You sound like you don't like us. [now hugging to Hiei even though she's as tall as Yusuke]

Scorch: [shrugs and leaves to the kitchen]

-1 minute later-

Dogs: [run in and attack the new comers and Yusuke]

Hiei: I thought you said your dogs didn't attack your friends?

Scorch: No, I said that they don't attack THOSE 2 because they are over here a lot. They have never been- HOW THE HELL DID YOU TWO FIND OUT WHERE I LIVE!?!?!!!

Sapphire: Maybe they followed Kuwabara's snoring? [filming the 3 being mauled by the Chihuahua's, still!]

Claire: [hovering out of dogs reach (she's a wind demoness)] Actually, we used a nifty little gadget Tech made. [pulls out the receiving end of a tracker]

Scorch: Pardon my asking, but who's being tracked?

Claire: Hehehe…

Tech: It's on Yusuke. [digs in his hair and pulls out a small blinking tracker]

Dogs: [on the couch by Kurama] (Ahh! Now they like fox boy isn't that cute? Sarcasm intended, offense to Kurama not intended)

Yusuke: You freaking stalker!!!!!

Tech: But I love you!!! [hugs him more] (questions about the scary-ness read Animefangirl1's `The randomness of insane Fan people', I think that's the title[sighs], Tech is known as Kenobi in it and has a thing for Yusuke, no offense to her cause she's a good friend… that's a pervert. Sapphire: Continue with story! Psychic: Fine!)

Scorch: WHY ARE YOU TWO HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire: Our dear friend Kayori! What happened to your leg?

Scorch: I crashed and burned on my quad in Glamis and had to be flown to the nearest hospital because of all the blood loss and the all the torn muscles when I landed on a rock.

Tech: That sucks.

Claire: Yeah.

Scorch: I was being sarcastic damnit!

Tech: Yeah we know, we just wanted to piss you off.

Claire: I didn't know! [stops hovering]

Scorch: [coughs] obvious [coughs] Oh and are you two; like so many before you, staying the night?

Claire: Yay sleepover!

Tech: Wait! Yusuke's been staying here, and you DIDN'T tell me!?

Scorch: Yes, I believe he'd rather keep the `dignity' he has.

Yusuke: HEY!!!

Scorch: What!?

Yusuke: [glares]

Scorch: [sicks dogs on him]

Yusuke: [on the back of the couch]

Scorch: [calls dogs off]

Claire: Can I sign your cast?

Scorch: Huh? [wasn't paying attention]

Claire: Can I sign your cast?


Psychic: I can't think of anything so deal with it!

Sapphire: Update!

Psychic: [shakes her friend] I've had writers block since I wrote the damn Jurassic Park/Yu Yu Hakusho cross over stupid!!! So stop telling me to update!!!

Scorch: [tazers Psychic]

Psychic: What the hell did I do!?

Scorch: You were making an ass of yourself?

Psychic: [glares] Okay well hope you like this chapter and if anyone wants to `sign' the cast, tell me what you want on it. (this is mainly directed towards Sapphire and Kayori, but what ever) For example. [grabs Scorch's broken leg]

Scorch: [falls backwards off of the crutches] What the hell! ? That hurt damnit!

Psychic: [writing] I'm done. [drops Scorch's foot]

Scorch: That hurt! [back on crutches. And reads the message] Get-a-job. Hey! I have a job! [hits Psychic with crutch]

Psychic: That hurt! Oh and because I'm having trouble making chapters, I'm renaming the other ones so the week is shorter and such, so if you were expecting a long fic, sorry. I NEED SUGGESTIONS!!!!! (other then torture Hiei and bash Kuwabara, sorry) Oh and. [kicks Scorch's crutch away]

Scorch: [wobbles and then falls] Hey!!!

Psychic: Later everyone.