Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Insanity ❯ Nowhere To Hide ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kuroi: O! This is going to be good! Ra was shining on my brain today!
Yoko: Ra? What are you talking about?
Bakura: What does Ra have to do with this?
Kuroi: Kura-chan! *glomps Bakura* Yeah! My two favorite thieves in the same spot! Thank you Ra!
Yoko: *notices Hiei in the distance* Salvation! *disappears*

A standard disclaimer will suffice.


Yuusuke lead Koenma down the second hallway that led to the main room.
"It's actually group time right now, so they'll be a bit calmer." Yuusuke paused. "Cause there together."
"Oh, well that should be good." Koenma said quietly.
"Kuwabara, Yukina, Shiori, and Shizuru are in there already. We're all basically volunteers around here."
Koenma nodded. He was getting very nervous at this point. He stopped a foot from the door.
"Koenma?" Yuusuke questioned in concern.
"I.. I can't do it." Koenma
"Don't you dare. They're expecting you." Yuusuke growled. "You are -not- backing out of this."
"Hiei! Stop!" A voice shouted. "Shuiichi put it down!"
"Stay away! He's not here! Yuusuke said he would be here!" He yelled.
"We're not leavening till he shows!" Yoko's cold voice could be heard.
"Your causing a riot. You'd better show." Yuusuke said as he took off through the door to the chaos.
"Calm down! Hiei, Ku... Shuiichi! He'll show." Yuusuke's voice was heard through the door.
There was a pause. Koenma inched forward. He -had- to do this.
"Give them a little longer. Please." Yuusuke pleaded.
Koenma took a deep breath and pushed the door open.


"YOU!" Hiei roared as he charged Koenma as he came through the door.
Koenma stared in shock as Hiei tackled him to the ground. He got one punch into his jaw before Yuusuke was able to react and pull the deranged demon off.
Koenma held his jaw as he sat up. He could feel Yoko's cold stare.
"You did this too him! You did this to us! You bastard!" Hiei screamed as he struggled to break Yuusuke's grip.
"I... Hiei, Kurama... I'm sorry." He said quietly.
"Your damn right you are!" Yoko growled.
Kurama was to close for Koenma's comfort. Luckily Kuwabara interfered. Reaching down he helped the god-in-training to his feet.
"Come on you two." The assistance said calmly.
Kurama let them place him back in his jacket, Hiei was another story. He was still trying to go after Koenma. Eventually, with enough help, Hiei was restrained.
"I'll kill you! You can't escape me! For Kurama! I'll kill you!" Hiei yelled as they took him back to his room.
Koenma sighed. If his theory was right, it was mission related, then yes, he was to blame.
"I'm sorry about my brother." Yukina said quietly as she placed a hand on Koenma's cheek.
Koenma felt the warmth of her healing ability.
"No, he was right. It probably is my fault." Koenma whispered.
Yuusuke walked back into the room.
"He was right to hit you." He said, a grin on his face.
The grin made everyone in the room feel uncomfortable.
"Urameshi, stop it." Kuwabara walked over to him.
"Back off, Kuwabara." Yuusuke's gaze never left Koenma.
"Yuusuke, stop it. Please." Yukina said, placing a hand over one of his fists.
Both let out a gasp. Everyone in the room froze. Yukina quickly pulled back. Yuusuke's hands grasped his head as he screamed.
"We have to restrain him..." Yukina mumbled as she stumbled back.
Koenma caught Yukina and Kuwabara went for the extra jackets kept around for emergencies.
"I... I can't stop it!" Yuusuke shouted. "You've gotta stop me!"
He suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, much like the other two had. Yukina and Shiori turned away and buried there faces in whoever was closest. Shizuru took hold of Shiori and Koenma already had Yukina.
Kuwabara quickly, and almost expertly, had Yuusuke in the jacket and had hit the panic button to alert security.


Fear was thick in the group. Everyone was afraid of who would fall to the silent insanity sweeping them all. Koenma had become all but certain that it was something from the Makai from their last mission together.
"Kuwabara, you must tell me everything from your last mission!" Koenma pressed as soon as they were out of earshot of Shiori, whom they had taken home.
"Why?" Kuwabara asked, unsure what difference it would make.
"I'm almost sure this insanity has something to do with it!""I can help. I... saw... something." Yukina said quietly, pausing for a moment she finished, "When I touched Yuusuke's hand."

Kuroi: Ok, so this one ended up a little short. But it's building for the next chapter.
Hiei: *blinks* I got to hit Koenma?
Kuroi: Yep! *grins*
Hiei: *smiles*
Bakura: When can I leave?
Kuroi: Never! *Smiles and glomps him again*
Yoko: See what I deal with.
Bakura: Well now I have to.