Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Just A Spectator ❯ Just A Spectator ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]
{[Patches is dead and now passes her time watching the people on Earth. One day,
she sees Yuske and decides to go in for a closer look.]}

:-:||-:: Just A Spectator :-:||:-:

I whisper to myself, as I floated high above the clouds up in heaven. I zoomed over to
where Botan was sitting on her oar.
"Botan! Can I go in closer?"
"Whatever for?"
She asked, with her usual cheery tone.
"I saw Yuske, I just want to see what he's been up to."
She looked down in the direction he was in and got an uneasy expression on her face.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Botan! Can I go or what?"
She hesitated before nodding a yes. I then quickly disappeared beneath the clouds.

"Hello young man, what can I do for you today?"
The man behind the counter asked. Thousands of rings and other jewelry sat behind
the glass cases.
"I'm here to pick up."
"Ah yes, and what's the name?"
"It's under 'Urameshi'."
The man walked to the back room and shortly came back with a plastic lavender bag.
"Here you are, sir. Have you already paid?"
"Alright then, have a nice day!"
The man waved goodbye as Yuske left the store. I followed him back to his house; it
was sunset and it was becoming darker. He changed then got into bed, the plastic bag
on his dresser.

"When he went to sleep, I sat on his bed and watched him. Since my death
four years ago, he sure hadn't changed much.
"I wonder what he's dreaming."

The next day, I followed him to Kuwabara's house.
"So Urameshi, you're finally going to do it!"
"Yep, I'm going to ask her today."
I felt so completely in the dark to what they meant.
"I'm meeting her in the park after I leave here."
"Well then get going! She won't wait any more."
Kuwabara said, jokingly. Yuske then said his goodbyes and left. I followed him
towards the park. I then got down right behind him and put my hand on the back of
his head. Botan taught me how to do this; it allowed you to read the thoughts of the
living. Everything was ok, until I came upon one thought in particular. I slowly
pulled my hand away and hung back, watching Yuske walk further.
"It- it just can't- no…"
I muttered to myself. I glided quickly up to him and tried to grab onto him, but my
hands went right through him.
I begged. He just kept walking. I could see the park in the distance. I slipped in front
of him and put a hand through his chest, right where his heart was.
"YUSKE! Please… don't do this to me!"
He stopped and looked straight ahead, not blinking.
He shook his head and shoved his hands in his jean pockets, then continued walking.
I screamed after him. He was already walking up the park walkway, under iron black
gate. I saw him walk up to a figure under a tree. I knew it was Keiko. I flew faster and
stood in between them, looking up at Yuske then back to Keiko.
"What did you want to tell me, Yuske?"
He smiled and he started to reach for something in his jacket pocket. I felt tears
slowly began to slide down my cheeks. The sky became cloudier and thunder started
to rumble softly. I leaned far forward and started to fall. Yuske pulled out a small
black velvet box and got down on one knee in front of Keiko.
"Keiko Yukimura… will you marry me?"
He opened the box to reveal a beautiful gold diamond ring. I before I hit the ground, I
started to float back into the air… up towards heaven.
"Oh, Yuske… I will!"
Keiko began to shed tears of happiness and held out her hand, then Yuske slipped the
ring on her finger. She then threw her arms around his neck and they kissed lovingly.
Then… rain began to fall, hard. I sat up on a cloud watching them running to seek
shelter from the rain. I felt Botan come up behind me and put her hand gently on my
"I'm sorry, Patches… but that's how it has to be."
I heard her glide away, and I still stared down… watching them.
"That's the way it has to be… her… and not me…"
I cried harder, putting my face in my hands and sobbing uncontrollably.
"… I'm just a spectator…"