Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Lost and Found ❯ Three Years Later ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kin Kohana: Lost and Found
Chapter 4
3 years later
Kurama sat in his room it was exceptionally quiet and boy was he happy. He had a mid-term coming up and he needed this time to study. Kin Kohana sat playing with Kurama's plants manipulating them making sad cries. Kurama stared at her. The kit's ears were flat and she still didn't look good. “ Kurama?” Kin Kohana called. “ Yes sweetie.” He said to her putting down his rose pen and giving her his full attention. It was something he had to do since she had adapted upon picking up a few of Hiei's characteristic's. “ Why hasn't Hiei come back? He'd say he'd be back 4 months ago and he's not back.” She said hurt.
Kurama was quite concerned that the kit was worried about Hiei. Though the kit was 3 in humans years. She was very bright and smart. She hadn't ate and if it weren't for the sleep milkpods he gave her she wouldn't have slept. “ He'll be back. He promised and Hiei never breaks a promise.” Kurama said to the kit confidentially. “ You said that yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. He still isn't here.” She said. Kurama was about to speak when from the window sill. He heard a “ Hn. I'll never break a promise.” “ HIEI!!” Kin Kohana screamed and ran over to him. Hiei lifted the little fox into his arms. Kurama shook his head. “Those two back together. Chaos.” He thought. “ How's my two favorite fox's.” He said. “ We're fine. We were just talking about you.” Kurama said staring at him arms folded across his chest.
Hiei looked at Kurama. “ Kin Kohana could you leave Kurama and I alone for a few moments.” He asked. The kit nodded and jumped out of Hiei's arm. She went to the plants she was working with and put them back where they go. She turned to Hiei and Kurama. “ I'll be outside practicing.” She said. They nodded at her and watch the little girl skip away. When they knew it was safe. Hiei gave Kurama a kiss. Kurama kissed him back then he stopped him. “ Explain to me why you haven't been here for 4 month's.” He said. “ Mukuro.” He said. Kurama sighed. He knew it was her. He could understand why Hiei was gone but Kin Kohana couldn't understand it. “ You know Kin Kohana has been sick lately.” Kurama told him going back over to his books.
“ Oh.” Hiei said and followed him over to his desk and sat on his desk. “ What was wrong?” He asked with concern in his voice. “ She wouldn't eat. She wouldn't sleep. I had to give her sleep milkpods for her to go to sleep.” He said. Hiei looked at him. “ We missed you Hiei. I know you have to do those errands for Mukuro but ...” He was saying. “ She doesn't know.” Hiei finished. “ Right.” He said. He grabbed his lover's hand. “ I missed you too. Both of you.” He said to him and titled his head up to met Kurama emerald green eyes. He smiled at him.
“ Which is why I gave up being Mukuro's heir.” He said to him. Kurama's face went shock. “ You gave it up...but.. but why?” He asked. “ Because I love you fox.” He said to him and kissed him. This time Kurama kissed him back with lots of passion. Hiei picked him up. “ Hiei I have to study.” He said. “ I know just think of this as a study break.” He said and laid him on the bed. They were on the bed making out. Then Kurama stopped him. Hiei looked at him. “ Something's wrong with Kin Kohana.” He said. Hiei suddenly alarmed got off of Kurama. They went downstairs and outside to find Yusuke hanging upside down from the tree tangled in some vines. They looked at him.
“ Hey Guys. Just thought I would hang around.” He said. “ Where's Kin Kohana?” Kurama asked him. “UP HERE!” She called. “ Kin Kohana get down here this instinct and apologize to Yusuke.” Kurama said. She sighed and jumped down. “ Sorry Yusuke. You kinda snuck up on me.” She said to him undoing her vine trap. He hit the ground with a thud. He got up rubbing his head. Then he bent down and ruffled her hair. “ Clever little fox.” He said. “ What brings you here Yusuke?” Kurama asked him. “ I came to actually dropped off something to eat for you and the kit and luckily there's enough for Hiei as I didn't eat his portion.” Yusuke said handing Kurama the food. “ Oh thank you Yusuke.” He said and handed the bag to Hiei. “ Your welcome.” He said. “ Come on Kin Kohana.” Hiei called her and they went into the house.
“ So Hiei's back I see.” Yusuke said to him. “ Yeah. He gave up being Mukuro's heir.” He said to him. “ Really?” He asked in astonishment. “ I know that's what I said.” He said. “ Why? How's Kin Kohana taking Hiei coming back?” Yusuke asked. “ He loves us and She isn't sick anymore.” He said. “ That's good I've never seen anyone worry over Hiei like that but you and Yukina.” He said. “ Yes I know she continuously amazes me every time.” He said. “ Well I better get going before Keiko kills me.” He said. “ All right and Thanks again Yusuke.” He said as Yusuke left. He went into the house.
“ Come on Kurama the food is getting cold.” Kin Kohana said. “ Don't worry I'll warm it back up.” Hiei said. “ Oh here we go.” Kurama thought. Hiei did warm the food and the place it was sitting. After Kurama put out the small fire. They sat and begin eating dinner. “ Ahh Noodles. My favorite.” Kin Kohana said. Kurama smiled at her. Hiei gave her a smirk.“ So Kin Kohana what have you been doing?” Hiei asked eating some of his noodles. “ I've been training.” She answered back. “ Indeed she has and very hard.” Kurama added of course smiling. “ How bout after dinner we train together?” Hiei asked her. “ That sounds great Hiei.” She said. Kurama smiled at them both. They finished their dinner. Hiei got up. “ May I be excuse Kurama?” Kin Kohana asked him. “ Yes you are excused.” He said as she got up and followed Hiei outside. Kurama went to the window and saw Hiei talking with the fox. He couldn't do nothing but smile.